Tang Liyu glanced around, "Along!"

Lian Haolong came to Tang Liyu's side.

"You, me, my uncle, Jiang Sheng, Luo Tuo, Deng Bo, Beard Yong, Four-Eyed Dragon, there are already eight of us here."

"Whose is the last position?"

Tang Liyu spoke and looked at the empty Tianjiu.

The people sitting at this table are either big benefactors or the leaders of one of the top clubs in Hong Kong.

Now that all the people who should be there have arrived, Tang Liyu couldn't help but feel a little curious about the empty Tianjiu.

"You'll find out later, Brother Yu." Lian Haolong smiled mysteriously.

When Tang Liyu saw this, he didn't ask any more questions.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng and others also chatted happily.

Although what they are doing is out to get something out of the way, which is more or less contradictory, today everyone only talks about Fengyue and does not mention a word about the unpleasantness in the past.


While everyone was chatting.

Outside the restaurant, there was a roar of a motor.

Jiang Tiansheng and others subconsciously looked towards the door and saw several off-road vehicles parked outside.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw this scene, his expression suddenly darkened.

Although I don’t know who is coming.

But there is only one car in Hong Kong.

Chu Feng’s car!

Unexpectedly, Lian Haolong even invited Chu Feng today?

Not for a while.

Under Jiang Tiansheng's unkind gaze, the door was pushed open.

Chu Feng walked in accompanied by Ashiu and others.

Not only Jiang Tiansheng, but also several other big guys also noticed Chu Feng at this time.

"Isn't this the handsome young man who has been in the limelight recently?"

"Looks like he's only in his early 20s."

"You are so young and promising..."

"Jiang Sheng, did you ask him to come?"

Several big men in the world couldn't help but look at Jiang Tiansheng as they spoke to each other.

Liang Zaifeng and Jiang Tiantian are not getting along, and this has become a bad news in the world of Hong Kong.

Even those bad guys know it, let alone these faucets.

They have naturally paid attention to Chu Feng, and these comments are all from the bottom of their hearts.

The camel's eyes rolled when he saw this.

"Hey... such a good talent, it's a pity that he doesn't belong to our Eastern Star."

"If our Eastern Star can have such a new star in the world, then I, an old man like me, can retire."

while talking.

Luotuo looked at Jiang Tiansheng with squinted eyes, his eyes were somewhat intriguing.

Several other big guys also focused their attention on Jiang Tiansheng.

Uncle Deng also said with a smile.

"Ale, you should learn more from Handsome Feng later on."

"Yes, Uncle Deng." Lin Huaile, standing behind Uncle Deng, said with a smile.

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Lian Haolong with a gloomy look, "Along, what's going on?"

Lian Haodong suddenly smiled when he heard Jiang Tiansheng's unkind tone.

"Sheng Jiang, that's it."

"The most important thing we come out to fish for is loyalty."

"Brother Yu is interested in the Lu Yu Tea House in Yuen Long. You happen to be here today, so I called Chu Feng over to discuss the matter of the Lu Yu Tea House."

"How much money is needed? I won't be short of Lian Haolong, or I can just exchange it for the land. Let's discuss it."

After saying this, the smile on Lian Haolong's face became even bigger, "Jiang Sheng, don't you blame me for taking the initiative to hire your horse?"

Hear this.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled slightly, but his smile was a little gloomy.

"how come?"

"Everyone comes out to fish for money. Since you, Aaron, have your own plans, I won't ask any questions."

Jiang Tiansheng picked up the red wine glass on the table and looked away.

Although he said that, no one could guess what Jiang Tiansheng was thinking.


Soon, Jiang Tiansheng noticed something was wrong, and his brows furrowed closer and closer.

I saw the door.

Lian Haodong and Chu Feng were walking towards him.

Jiang Tiansheng looked around, looking at the empty [Tianjiu] seat opposite, and felt a faint foreboding in his heart.

Under Jiang Tiansheng's gaze.

Lian Haodong brought Chu Feng to the opposite side of Jiang Tiansheng's position.

"Mr. Lin, this is your seat." Lian Haodong smiled at Chu Feng.

This position is naturally [Tianjiu].

At the same table with Lian Haolong, Jiang Tiansheng, Beard Yong, Deng Bo, Siyanlong, Di Shu, Tang Liyu and Luotuo.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng's expression suddenly became ugly.

What is the most important thing for those who are mixed up?

Seniors and juniors!

As the leader of Hongxing, Chu Feng actually sat at the same table as him, the leader?

How can this be true? .

175 Jiang Tiansheng, be generous!

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng was not angry at all.

This guy Lian Haolong is obviously causing trouble!

He just asked Chu Feng to come, but now he actually asked Chu Feng to sit at the same table with him?

At this table, all the leaders of Hong Kong's first-class societies were either financial backers like Tang Liyu and his uncle.

What does Chu Feng mean by sitting here?

What would you think if it was spread to outsiders?

Jiang Tiansheng no longer has the final say in Hongxing. Is Chu Feng's status equal to his?

Chu Feng is now just a talker among three court officials.

What qualifications do you have to sit here?

In Jiang Tiansheng's heart, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

at the same time.

Chu Feng also saw Jiang Tiansheng with a gloomy expression, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"Uncle Deng, long time no see!" Chu Feng ignored Jiang Tiansheng and turned around to say hello to Uncle Deng politely.

Uncle Deng smiled with his big belly and nodded.

"Ah Feng, long time no see. Recently I heard that you took over Wang Bao's territory and are still making big moves in Wan Chai. You are really young and promising."

"Among the younger generation of all the clubs in Hong Kong, you have the best reputation."

"You must do it well and don't let Mr. Jiang down."

Dumbledore said with a smile.

Although these words sound very ordinary, who among the four-eyed dragon, camel and others is not a human spirit?

After hearing what Jiang Tiansheng said, they all immediately agreed.

"Ah Feng's current reputation in Hong Kong Island is almost eclipsing that of us old men."

"Human, you can't accept old age. It's a good thing for the society that young people are capable, and the big brother above can sit with peace of mind."

"But being too capable is not a good thing..."

"Hey - you can't say that. Which club in Hong Kong wouldn't want a talent like Feng? If I have such talent, I can wake up from my dreams with a smile!"

Under Deng Bo's initiative, several other big guys also began to set the pace secretly.

Every word they say.

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