When Lian Haolong saw Lisa arriving, a smile appeared on his face and he came to Lisa's side.

"Don't stand here, sit down."

Lian Haolong asked Lisa to sit down.

At the same time, Susu lifted Lisa's hair and looked at Lisa's snow-white neck, pretending to be surprised.

"Ouch! How can this be done?"

"Maria, bring me my bag."

The Filipino maid behind her handed over Susu's bag.

Susu took the bag and took out a string of exquisite necklaces.

"You are the protagonist today." Susu smiled and brought it to Lisa herself.

"Thank you, Sister Su." Lisa said with some fear.

at this time.

Outside the door, a piercing siren sounded.

A horseman hurried to Lian Haodong's side, "Brother Dong, those bastards Liao Zhizhong are making trouble outside."

His voice is not low.

Even Haolong heard it and was about to get up.

Lian Haodong stood up first, "Brother, today is a good day for you, let me go."

After speaking, take people away.

At the same time, Su Su also came to Lian Haolong's side, "What is Liao Zhizhong doing outside?"

Lian Haolong shrugged and said he didn't know.


Lian Haolong glanced at Susu, "Are you so generous today?"

"How can I be so generous?" Su Su had a gentle smile on her face and gently put her hands around Lian Haolong's neck. "You have to return that 300 million chain to me."

Lian Haolong chuckled and shook his head.

When Chu Feng saw this scene, he withdrew his gaze.

I have to say that Susu, this woman, is very scary, both in terms of city and scheming.

In her heart, she clearly hated that child and Lisa.

In front of Lian Haolong, she still has to behave so generously and appropriately, no matter what she says or does, she is worthy of the title of the first lady of loyalty and righteousness.

But it’s calculated based on time.

Now Susu should have started discussing with Luo Dingfa and preparing to make big moves.

Let’s talk about Lian Haodong.

At this time, Lian Haodong was taking Ah Fa and others out.

However, we just arrived at the door.

A middle-aged man came to the door with several police station staff.

This middle-aged man is naturally the newly arrived senior inspector, Liao Zhizhong.

Since Chen Guozhong's death, Liao Zhizhong parachuted in from elsewhere and took over Chen Guozhong's position.

After Liao Zhizhong became a senior inspector, his eyes were directly aimed at Zhong Xinyi.

How much credit does it take to defeat those second- and third-rate societies?

In Liao Zhizhong’s view, if you want to fight, fight the first-tier societies.

However, big gangs such as Hongxing, Dongxing, Number Gang, Heliansheng and Xinji have deep foundations and are very difficult to crack.

Only loyalty is relatively easy.


It's only a few days.

Liao Zhizhong and Zhong Xinyi completely came to blows, and the two sides were almost on the verge of incompatibility.

at this time,

Liao Zhizhong was rushing inside with his men.

"What are you doing? This is a private club, is there a warrant?" Afa stepped forward to stop him.

"What about private clubs?" A young police officer next to Liao Zhizhong said coldly, "There are so many clubs here, how about recruiting people?"

"What club? What kind of recruitment?" Ah Zou said angrily.

"What's your attitude when talking to the police?" The young police officer pointed at Ah Zou's nose and cursed.

Dao Zaihong took a step forward, "When will it be your turn to speak!"

When the two sides were arguing.

"Officer Liao, what's going on?" Lian Haodong stepped forward with a cigarette between his fingers and a smile on his face.

When Liao Zhizhong saw the second in command of Zhongxinyi coming, he said with a smile, "Originally, we came here to eat. Seeing so many big brothers here, let's see what you are doing."

"The baby is one month old, everyone is happy." Lian Haodong took a puff of cigarette.

"So that's it, can we go in and have a look?" Liao Zhizhong said.

"No." Lian Haodong refused directly.

Don't wait for Liao Zhizhong to speak.

The young police officer next to me yelled, "Who told you to smoke?"

Lian Haodong moved his hands.

Immediately, 520 chuckled and extinguished the cigarette while it was still on the ground.

After a moment, he lit another one, took a deep breath, and sprayed the smoke on the young police officer's face.

The young police officer's expression changed and he rushed towards Lian Haodong.

Others also stepped forward, all pushing together.

"Aaron, if you don't take care of it, the situation will get out of control." Deng Bo looked at Lian Haolong with a smile.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Lian Haolong immediately got up and came to the door.


In an instant, everyone who had been pushing and shoving fell silent.

"Hey - Brother Long, you are here too!"

Liao Zhizhong looked at Lian Haolong, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at the seat where Lian Haolong stood up before.

"Deng Wei, Four-Eyed Dragon, Bearded Yong, Luo Tuo, Jiang Tiansheng, and...Chu Feng?"

"There are so many big brothers in the world. If I can catch all of you tonight, the security of Hong Kong Island will at least be improved by half."

Liao Zhizhong said with a smile.

However, while speaking, Liao Zhizhong glanced at Chu Feng intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

As a new senior inspector, he has been checking the information of Hong Kong's giants for almost several days.

He naturally has a certain understanding of Chu Feng.

But when he saw that Chu Feng could sit at the same table as those older generation martial arts brothers, he was inevitably a little surprised.

178 It’s useless to talk to me, and it’s even more useless to talk to Jiang Tiansheng!

When Liao Zhizhong came to O Ji, the person responsible for connecting with him was Niu Xiong.

And Liao Zhizhong also got a lot of news about Chu Feng from Niu Xiong.

Although the battle in Wan Chai was huge.

But Liao Zhizhong was still surprised when he heard that Chu Feng did not harm ordinary Hong Kong Island citizens when he raided Wan Chai.

He works as a senior inspector elsewhere and has dealt with many associations.

It is common to show off one's horse and criticize friends among societies.

Because sometimes the scene is too chaotic, it will inevitably hurt some innocent people.

Because of this.

Every time a social group tries to cheat on its friends, the police station receives many complaints from Hong Kong residents.

But that time Chu Feng.

The complaint rate is actually 0.

This incident caused quite a stir even in the police force.

Today's Hong Kong Island is still under the control of John Bull, and there is no zero tolerance for associations.

It doesn't matter how many people die when those dwarf mules cheat on their friends. Many police officers even wish that all those dwarf mules would die.

What they really care about is the security of Hong Kong Island and the safety of life and property of ordinary Hong Kong Island citizens.

Literally, zero complaints.

Only in this way can the performance of public security be improved and climb to a higher position.

After a while.

Liao Zhizhong withdrew his gaze and shifted his gaze to Lian Haolong.

Although Chu Feng is a popular figure in the Hong Kong community.

But now, for Liao Zhizhong, the most important thing is to keep an eye on Lian Haolong.

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