"Sir Liao, what are you doing for me?" Lian Haolong slowly came to Liao Zhizhong.

"Nothing, I just want to see what you are up to." Liao Zhizhong smiled, "With so many gangsters here, it seems that I have to find Ah Xing and dispatch the Flying Tigers."

"There's no need for such a big battle, right? I'm just setting out the full-moon wine for my son." Lian Haolong said with a smile.

Although he and Liao Zhizhong only knew each other for a few days, they had already passed many tricks overtly and covertly.

Although he hated Liao Zhizhong in his heart, Lian Haolong still had a calm smile on his face.

However, Liao Zhizhong did not wait to speak.

"Who believes you? Take your son out!" The young policeman next to him shouted angrily.

When Lian Haolong heard this, his eyes darkened and he looked deeply at the young policeman.

Just one look frightened the little policeman into silence.

Having been in a high position all year round, Lian Haolong already has the aura of a superior person.

It's easy to suppress a small police officer.

Liao Zhizhong also looked back at the young police officer.

This kid is too stupid.

Who doesn't know that Lian Haolong is very fond of this old man. It's not the end of the battle yet, so pushing Lian Haolong into a hurry will do no good to anyone.

The little policeman seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and immediately did not dare to say anything.

Liao Zhizhong looked back at Lian Haolong,

"Okay! Since you and Lian Haolong are serving full-moon wine today, I'll give you face."

"But if there are any festive holidays in the future, it's best to call the police first to save everyone trouble."

"Close the team!"


Liao Zhizhong left directly with several police officers behind him.

Dao Zaihong's eyes were cold, staring at the backs of Liao Zhizhong and others.

Finally, he set his sights on the young police officer who made the rude remarks.

"Brother, do you want to kill that person?" Dao Zaihong blew a strand of blue hair on his forehead and asked leisurely.

"Forget it, now is the critical moment, don't conflict with these notes."

Lian Haolong watched Liao Zhizhong and others get into the police car, and then looked away, "Okay, the trouble is solved, everyone has a good time."

Everyone returned to their seats one after another.

"I'm sorry for making everyone laugh. This guy has been staring at me recently, like a mad dog."

Lian Haodong returned to the main seat, picked up the wine and drank it all in one gulp.

However, at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng suddenly smiled slightly, "The annoying guy has left, let's continue talking about serious things... Regarding the Lu Yu Tea House, if Brother Yu has any ideas, you can tell Ah Feng directly."

When Chu Feng heard this, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

What happened to this guy Jiang Tiansheng?

It's obvious that the matter has been revealed, but you still bring it up again?

In order to suppress himself, did he really give away the foundation that Uncle Xing had worked so hard for?

Without waiting for Tang Liyu and Lian Haolong to speak.

"Sorry, Brother Long, Uncle Yu."

Chu Feng's voice was a little cold, "I have said before that Lu Yu Tea House is Uncle Xing's brainchild. I am only in charge of Yuen Long's territory. I cannot make the decision."

Chu Feng blocked the words directly.

After hearing this, Lian Haolong and Tang Liyu glanced at each other, with intriguing smiles on their faces.

Paused for a moment.

Lian Haolong rolled his eyes and said, "In my opinion, Ah Feng, you can make the decision. After all, the whole of Hongxing belongs to Jiang Sheng. Now that Jiang Sheng has handed over the decision-making power to you, why are you still thinking so much?"

Tang Liyu also continued, ".'Feng, just do it if you have any conditions. We can discuss the price."

The two sang together and directly praised Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng took a sip of the foreign wine in his glass and said, "Uncle Xing has withdrawn. Even if you are just a trustee, you still have the final say over Yuen Long's territory. You can make the full decision."

After hearing this, Chu Feng felt even more disgusted with Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng clearly wanted to resolve his own crisis, and then pushed Chu Feng into the fire pit.

So what if he, the leader, agrees?

In the end, it was Chu Feng who ceded the territory.

The key is that this Lu Yu Tea House is still based on Uncle Xing.

Once Chu Feng replaces or sells Lu Yu Tea House.

That was tantamount to directly selling the hard work that Uncle Xing left for him to others.

Disloyal and unjust.

As long as someone makes a little effort, Chu Feng's reputation in Hong Kong Island will be extremely bad.

However, what really made Chu Feng angry.

Jiang Tiansheng, in order to suppress himself, really didn't even want Hong Xing's face?

 (Li Li's) Uncle Xing has dedicated his life to the club for so many years and finally left something behind, but in Jiang Tiansheng's eyes, it is worthless?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng flatly refused.

"No, this is Lu Yu Teahouse. Uncle Yu, if you really have an idea, go talk to Uncle Xing."

"It's useless to talk to me, and of course...it's even more useless to talk to Jiang Tiansheng."

"Now Yuen Long District is still under my care. Without Uncle Xing's consent, I can't buy it even if Jiang Tiansheng nods."

This time, Chu Feng refused unceremoniously and did not give Jiang Tiansheng face at all.

Jiang Tiansheng regarded the hard work of his brothers below as a plaything, and even sold his territory in order to suppress Chu Feng.

Chu Feng naturally had nothing to worry about and just said it to death.

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone present had a flash of light in their eyes.

A little brother actually dared to talk to the leader like this.

There is a lot of information here! .

179 Laojianghu!Every step is calculated clearly!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little delicate.

Lian Haolong and Tang Liyu looked at each other.

He quickly said with a smile, "Forget it, let's talk about this later. Today is a big day for my family. We won't go home until we get drunk."

"Yes, today is Aaron's full moon. Let's talk about the business later!" Tang Liyu also pretended to be conciliatory.

Lu Yu Teahouse is secondary. What Lian Haolong wants to see is the escalation of the conflict between Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng.


They wanted to expose it, but some people were unwilling to expose it.

"A Feng, what do you mean?" Jiang Tiansheng asked with a gloomy face and narrowed his eyes.

The idea in his mind was naturally to suppress Chu Feng and prove his status as the leader in front of these bosses.

But he never expected that Chu Feng would fall out as soon as he said so.

If he doesn't even fart as a leader at this time, then he really won't be able to gain a foothold in Hong Kong Island in the future.

"What do I mean?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"You still have the nerve to ask me what I mean?"

"Although Uncle Xing is from Hongxing, Lu Yu Teahouse is a legacy passed down from his ancestors."

"Who do you think you are? Here you are pointing fingers at things passed down from our ancestors."

"Don't think that because you are the leader, you can talk nonsense. I won't listen to anyone's words, and I won't give you face!"

Chu Feng sneered unceremoniously.

"You..." When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he immediately started clapping the case.

However, 520, at this time.

"Sheng Jiang, forget it."

"How can an elder have the nerve to put down his dignity and argue with a junior?"

Lian Haolong stepped forward and held Jiang Tiansheng down to persuade him.

His goal has been achieved. Today is his son's full moon, so he doesn't want to make things worse.

at the same time.

Several other big brother-level figures also tried to dissuade him.

But even though he was persuading, his words sounded a bit strange.

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng's inner anger had been completely aroused.

But with everyone's persuasion, although the anger became more and more intense, it just couldn't break out.

"Forget it, I, Jiang Tiansheng, am not that stingy." Jiang Tiansheng finally returned to his seat.

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