"You are the first, and I hope you are the last."

"Next time if someone is talking about building a second Wan Chai, it won't be as simple as 3000 million."

Chu Feng spoke bluntly.

"There is no 3000 million, you can find someone else!"

beep beep-

Before Chu Feng could speak, he heard a blind tone, and Chen Nanlu hung up the phone directly.


This 3000 million is much more important to Chen Nanlu than a mistress.

Chu Feng put the phone on the table.

"Brother Feng, this guy is too disrespectful!"

"How about I take a few brothers and kidnap him back?"

Ashiu said to Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng heard this, he considered it for a moment and shook his head in rejection.

For Chu Feng, tying up Chen Nanlu was naturally a trivial matter.

But what about after being tied up?

If Chen Nanlu doesn't give it at that time, will he let it go or will he vote against it?

No matter what he does, it will not be good for Chu Feng.

And the most important thing is that once this extreme method is used, Chu Feng will be unanimously targeted by those wealthy families who want to make money in the future.

"Don't use such extreme measures unless you have to."

"Chen Nanlu is a Bai Daoist. It would be best to use Bai Dao methods to solve the problem. If that doesn't work, let's talk about it later."

said here.

Chu Feng's eyes stayed on Chen Nanlu's mistress.

"Chen Nanlu has been the managing director of Henglong Real Estate for so many years. He must have done some shady things, right?"

"Now that he has given up on you, if you want to survive, think about it."

"Remember, this is your last chance."

Chu Feng said to the woman.

That woman was already frightened out of her wits, how could she dare to play any tricks?

Coupled with Chen Nanlu's attitude just now, she had already felt hatred in her heart.

After hearing what Chu Feng said.

She quickly frowned and thought hard.


As time passed by, the look on her face became more and more urgent.

She is just Chen Nanlu's mistress, and she is one of more than a dozen mistresses. She is not usually very favored.

In addition, Chen Nanlu usually just goes to her place to spend the night every one or two weeks. He just throws down the money and leaves after one night, and there will never be any entanglement.

How could she know anything important?

"Hurry up, I don't have so much time to waste."

Chu Feng's voice sounded, and the woman's heart trembled.

In order to leave this ghost place, she racked her brains and tried hard to recall what happened when she was with Chen Nanlu.

Another full minute passed.


The woman's eyes lit up as she seemed to have thought of something.

"I figured it out!"

The woman clapped her hands and was about to speak.

However, after a moment of pause, he said timidly, "After what I said, can you really let me go?"

"Don't worry, those who don't follow the rules are gangsters. When have you ever seen a short mule stop talking?" Chu Feng glanced at the woman.

After hearing Chu Feng's assurance, the woman no longer had any worries.

"I remember two months ago, when he came to see me, he took a phone call in the middle of the night."

"Then he seemed to be in a hurry, put on his clothes and left in a hurry."

"When I was closing the door, I vaguely heard his voice talking on the phone, and he seemed to mention words like Dongwan Village and account books."

The woman said as she recalled.

"Then what?" Chu Feng asked.

"No more." The woman shook her head.

"No more?" Chu Feng frowned.

"I really don't know anything else!" The woman immediately panicked when she saw this. "He usually comes to see me once a week or two, and every time he comes in the middle of the night and leaves early in the morning. He never talks about business matters."

When Chu Feng heard this, he stared directly into the woman's eyes.


Apart from panic and fear, nothing could be seen.

It seems that she really doesn't know about other things.

Chu Feng thought for a moment.

"I will arrange for someone to send you to Kowloon."

"If your news is really helpful by then, I will send someone to send you away."

Chu Feng said to the woman.

When the woman heard this, her hanging heart fell to the ground, and she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Although I have to leave Hong Kong Island.

But now, does she have any choice?

Even if Chu Feng lets her go, Chen Nanlu will not let her go.

Although Chen Nanlu is just a white businessman, it is still very easy to make her disappear.

Leaving Hong Kong Island is undoubtedly the best choice.

After following Chen Nanlu for so long, she also saved a lot of money, enough to settle down in a strange place.

But she still felt a little uneasy.

Will Chu Feng really let her go?Or take her to Kowloon and silence her?

Naturally, Chu Feng didn't know about her inner drama and didn't bother to guess.

Two yellow scarf warriors took away Chen Nanlu's mistress.

"Brother Feng, what should we do next?" Li Shan asked.

"Do you know where this Dongwan Village is?" Chu Feng asked.

"Of course I know." Li Shan said without thinking, "There is a place called Tung Wan Village east of the Kowloon Pier, but there may be other Tung Wan Villages on Hong Kong Island."

Hong Kong Island is a coastal area with countless bays and bays.

A village with a name like Wan can easily pull out a bunch of them.

"This Dongwan Village should be related to Henglong Real Estate."

"Either Henglong Real Estate is doing projects in the village, or it is village resettlement housing or the like (Li Haozhao)."

"Let the brothers in charge of intelligence in Kowloon investigate."

"I want to know the results before noon tomorrow."

After saying that, Chu Feng stood up and left directly.

Li Shan hurriedly called and prepared to arrange fortune for the brothers in Kowloon.


Silent all night.

the next morning.

Chu Feng returned to Kowloon and was awakened by a phone call.

"Brother Feng, we found it!" Li Shan's voice came from the phone. "Brothers have already checked. There are five places called Tung Wan Village on Hong Kong Island. Only one is related to Henglong Group, which is Kowloon. East Bay Village over here.”

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately became energetic and sat up from the bed, "Is there any other news?"

"Yes, Brother Feng, this Dongwan Village was demolished two months ago, and the resettlement housing was built by Henglong Group."

"It's just that those resettlement houses seemed to have major quality problems. The villagers had a quarrel for a few days at that time, but it subsided soon. It was obvious that Chen Nanlu used some means."

184 Night attack, Henglong ledger!

"Dongwan Village resettlement housing? It's most likely Chen Nanlu's fault..."

"Li Shan, come here!"

After saying that, Chu Feng hung up the phone.

at the same time.

Chu Feng also called Asiu and others into the room.

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