Half an hour later.

Li Shan came excitedly.

"Brother Feng, what should we do next?"

Chu Feng thought for a while,

"In this case, you first take Asiu and the others to the Dongwan Village resettlement area to have a look."

"Maybe we can ask some questions from the villagers."

Chu Feng decided to let Li Shan inquire about the news first.

Although the simplest and most effective way at present is to obtain Chen Nanlu's account books, Henglong Group has numerous security guards. If the operation fails, it will be easy to alert the snake.

By that time, it will be very difficult to steal the ledger again.

"No problem, Brother Feng, I'll go right away."

Li Shan nodded, and then left with Asiu.

After the two left.

Chu Feng also lay on the chair and started thinking.

Chen Nanlu's incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call for Chu Feng.

Hang Lung Group is not the only real estate company on Hong Kong Island.

Similarly, Chen Nanlu is not the only rich person.

The renovation progress in Wan Chai must be improved as soon as possible. As long as Chu Feng can open the business first, others will not be able to catch up even if they have ideas.

537 With the money from Chen Nanlu, it is undoubtedly a timely help for the current situation.


It's afternoon.

Li Shan and Asiu came back to report the situation somewhat dejectedly.

"Brother Feng, we went to inquire."

"But the villagers, as if they were afraid of something, were all tight-lipped."

"We were too embarrassed to ask openly. Every time we made insinuations, the villagers who had been chatting with each other just ignored him and found an excuse to leave."

Li Shan sighed and said.

"It's okay, as expected." Chu Feng patted Li Shan on the shoulder to express comfort.

"Brother Feng, what should we do now?" Li Shan asked reluctantly.

"Now...the only idea is to keep a ledger."

Chu Feng frowned and said slowly, "If you want to steal the ledger, you only have one chance. Henglong Group has too many security guards. We must not send too many people to steal the ledger, otherwise we will be easily discovered."

at this time.

"Brother Feng, let me go." Lan Yanke, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly paused the pathfinding staff in his hand and said.

When Chu Feng heard this, he glanced at Lanyan Ke and felt a little hesitant.

Although no one can match Lan Yanke's ability to identify locations by listening to sounds (babh), but this time he stole things in an unfamiliar place, and Lan Yanke's blindness will be infinitely magnified.

Chu Feng now still has the fragments of the template of Jian Wen Se Domineering in his hand.

If Lan Yanke can combine the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, then everything will be easy to say.

But now, Chu Feng does not have template adhesive, and the template fragments cannot be fused, making it difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

at this time.

Ashiu also stood up.

"Brother Feng, why don't I go with you?"

"Although my Qinggong is not as good as Lan Yanke's, no one else except me can keep up with Lan Yanke's speed."

"With his ability to identify locations by listening to sounds, and my eyes, there should be no problem in getting the account book."

As soon as Ash finished speaking.

Agger is also eager to try, "I can create some chaos and distract the security personnel."

Seeing the three of them volunteering, Chu Feng thought about it and finally agreed to their request.

These three of his subordinates have all integrated the template, and their strength is definitely top-notch in Hong Kong Island.

It should be fine if the three of them take action.

"Remember, stealing the ledger is a trivial matter."

"But before tomorrow, no one will find that the account book is missing."

"After you steal it, come back and report it immediately."


early morning.

Henglong Group Headquarters.

Henglong Group is one of the top five real estate companies in Hong Kong, so it goes without saying much about its security system.

There are five security teams out of a hundred people.

Moreover, these security guards are specially registered and can legally hold guns.

It's just different from a dwarf mule.

What these security guards only have are riot shotguns.

Although it is not fatal at long range, the killing area is very scary. There is basically no need to aim, and it will be a lead ball when it is hit in the same direction.


We also invited the highest-level security consultants from Swiss to privately customize a super security system for Henglong Group.

Although this security system will be somewhat outdated in later generations.

But in today's Hong Kong Island, it is definitely a top-notch existence.

outside the courtyard wall,

After a pair of security patrols, three figures took advantage of the darkness and quietly sneaked into the corner and crouched against the wall.

"Age, let's spread out here."

"I've seen the map. Not far to your left is the storage area for decoration materials."

"Stay around there, and if we are fine, don't act rashly."

"If we are exposed, you can make some noise to distract their attention."

Ash pointed to the storage warehouse on the left under the moonlight.

"no problem!"

Age heard this and left quickly.

He is of short stature, so even if he doesn't walk hunched over, it would be difficult to spot him.

After Agger leaves.

Ashiu and Lan Yanke also sneaked in.

"On the left, five steps, camera."

"On the right, fifteen steps, second camera."

Ah Xiu gave a hint to Rotten Eye Ke.

Every time Ah Xiu prompted, Lan Yanke would take out a magnet from his bag and throw it at the camera accurately.

The anti-interference effect of current cameras is very poor.

Basically, if there is magnetic interference, the camera picture will freeze.

The two of them walked all the way to the Henglong Group Building.

With Lan Yanke's ability to identify locations by listening to sounds, the two of them bypassed all the patrols.

After reaching the corner,

Ashi took two steps and climbed directly onto the wall. After a few ups and downs, he reached the third floor.

As for Lan Yanke, he just jumped on the spot and went up to the second floor. He put his feet on the window sill and jumped up again.

In just a moment, he surpassed Asiu.

"Slow down! Don't step on the wrong foot and fall to your death!"

Ash shouted quickly when he saw this.

Although I have to admit in my heart that in terms of Qinggong, hidden weapons, and position identification by listening to sounds, I am not as good as Lan Yan Ke.

But when he saw Lan Yanke walking around like a bat, Ash was still worried about it.

The two used the gaps in the wall and the window sill to quickly climb up the wall of the building.

"It's already the [-]th floor, almost there!"

Ashiu clasped his hands on the window sill and said to Lan Yanke.

This level is already the highest point of Henglong Dasha. If you look down, you can see the patrol team coming and going below.


A crisp sound came.

Ah Xiu directly pried open the window door, and novel 809'?;17.!',8;;;761"?:中:"Turn;.''Jun!",'Yang and Lan Yanke touched in together.

The whole room was dark.

It was early in the morning, and there was no one else in the building except the patrolling security guards.

The two of them left the room and quickly walked through the corridor. After finding Chen Nanlu's office, they went directly in.

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