185 3000 million, I will not pursue it!Dadong is visiting!

There was a rustling sound in the office.

"did you find it?"

"No, there is too much information here."

"Hurry up, the security patrolling outside is coming!"


The two of them rummaged around the office.

Lan Yanke came to the door and listened to what was going on outside.

The footsteps of security guards were heard, and they had obviously patrolled this floor.

Through inquiring, they ~ already know.

Every time these security guards patrol, they will open and check room by room.

"It looks like we can only knock them unconscious." Lan Yanke thought to himself as he listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer.

However, at this time.

"found it!"

A look of joy appeared on Ash's face.

Then, hiding the light of the flashlight on his hand, he checked the contents.

"That's right, this quarter's ledger records the project in Dongwan Village."

Ash quickly closed the book.

at the same time.

Outside the door, footsteps were approaching.


Ah Xiu said to Lan Yanke and jumped out of the window.

Lanyanke also followed closely behind.

Although he couldn't see anything, when he came, he had already memorized every foothold and it was very smooth.

Just when the two left.

The door was also pushed open.

Two security guards with flashlights took a look at the situation in the room.

"Strange, Mr. Chen even forgot to close the window today...",

A security guard muttered, about to go up and close the window.

Another security guard quickly stopped him, "Forget it, what if Chen always wants to open the window for ventilation? If you close it for him, aren't you causing trouble for yourself?"

"That's right..." The security guard nodded in realization.

while they were talking.

Ashiu and Lan Yanke had already jumped down from the building, found Age and left quickly in the direction of Kowloon City.


After half an hour.

"Brother Feng, it's done!"

"There is indeed something wrong with this account."

Ah Xiu came to Chu Feng holding the ledger and placed it on the table.

Chu Feng opened it and took a look.

"There is indeed a problem."

"So much money was spent on resettlement housing in Dongwan Village, only to end up with dangerous houses?"

"The deficit inside is also too big."

"This Chen Nanlu is so bold that he even dares to make a shortfall in resettlement housing."

Chu Feng roughly browsed the accounts of Dongwan District, threw the account book on the table, picked up the phone and dialed Chen Nanlu's number.

"Mr. Chen, how are you thinking?" Chu Feng said lazily when the phone was connected.

"3000 million is impossible, just go ahead and dream!" Chen Nanlu's angry voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'm telling you, don't call me again. If you call me again, I'll sue you for harassment!"

Chu Feng heard Chen Nanlu's roar and sneered in his heart.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, then I won't disturb you."

"The issue of resettlement housing in the East Bay District, just wait until it makes the news tomorrow."


Chu Feng couldn't let Chen Nanlu say anything and hung up the phone directly.

Less than five seconds.

Chu Feng's phone rang again.

However, this time, Chu Feng did not answer, but chose to hang up directly.

But not long after hanging up, the phone rang again.

This has been repeated several times.

Only then did Chu Feng answer the phone, "Mr. Chen, didn't you tell me not to disturb you? It's you who is harassing others now."

"Pretty boy, what do you mean?" Chen Nanlu's gloomy voice came from the other side.

"It's not interesting. If you create a second Wan Chai, you will cut off my money."

"You can deal with me, and I can deal with you. We are of the same species, it's just fair competition."

Chu Feng crossed his legs and spoke slowly, "Someone just sent me a very interesting account book. The allocation for resettlement housing in Dongwan District totaled 5000 million. However, when the villagers moved in, you Henglong received various complaint……"

"You are distorting the facts. Where is the complaint?" Chen Nanlu yelled.

"You know whether you have complained to Mr. Chen or not."

"Mr. Chen, you must have made a lot of money by cutting corners in these resettlement houses, right?"

"As you said, if this matter gets bigger...or if I ask the villagers to change their story, what will be the consequences if it gets published in the media?"

"I think you should know better than me."

"Don't think that you are the only one who can use money to smooth things over. You pay the villagers to keep their mouths shut, and I can also pay them to open their mouths."

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said word for word.

The voice fell.

There was a pause on the phone for nearly half a minute.

"What do you want?" Chen Nanlu's voice was extremely gloomy.

Chu Feng also directly stated his chips, "3000 million, I will not pursue this matter, and besides...I don't want to hear anything in the future, like creating a second Wan Chai."

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On the other side of the phone, Chen Nanlu obviously hesitated.

There was a long pause.

“I don’t have that much cash and need time to prepare.”

"Tomorrow morning, have someone come over to my house to pick it up!"

3000 million is still within reach for Chen Nanlu.

It's just that many rich people have been kidnapped in Hong Kong Island now, and banks also have corresponding policies for the rich people's withdrawals.

Unless the appointment is made for fifteen days, as long as the withdrawal amount exceeds a certain number, the bank will directly call the police.

"Okay, tomorrow is morning."

"I will send someone to your house then."

After negotiating with Chen Nanlu, Chu Feng hung up the phone.

"Brother Feng, I always feel that Chen Nanlu's promise is a bit too straightforward." Ashiu whispered from the side.


Hearing this, Li Shan also nodded slowly.

Chu Feng leaned on the chair, pondered for a moment and then spoke,

"I also feel a little strange."

"Although he now has the leverage in my hands, 3000 million in cash is definitely not a small amount for Chen Nanlu."

"At the very least, he should bargain for the price. It would be unreasonable to agree directly."

Overall, Chen Nanlu agreed too happily.

Although Chen Nanlu can definitely get 3000 million, having 3000 million assets and generating 3000 million cash flow are completely different concepts.

You'll have just one day to get ready tomorrow?

Not only was he happy to agree, but his efficiency was also unreasonable.

"Brother Feng, how about I go?" Ah Xiu thought for a while and said, "This guy Chen Nanlu is definitely not good at heart. If Brother Feng goes, it will be easy for him to take advantage of you, but if something happens to me, I won't If you can escape, even if you can't escape Brother Feng, you can still move around outside."

When Chu Feng heard this, he frowned and started thinking.

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