Paused for a moment.

"Okay, just do it."

"Be careful tomorrow."

Chu Feng told Ah Xiu.

Although Chu Feng is not willing to let Asiu take risks, this is the safest way at present.


Early the next morning.

Ashiu took two desperate gunmen to the Henglong Group.

Chu Feng was sitting at the headquarters, waiting for good news.

However, less than an hour after Asiu left, Lan Yanke came in to report.

"Brother Feng, an old friend is here and wants to see you."

"Old friend? Who is it?"

"Daquan Gang, Dadong!"


186 Dadong: I’m going to find Chen Nanlu to settle some old scores!

"Dadong? Why is he here?"

Chu Feng was a little confused.

In terms of friendship, Chu Feng and Dadong did not have much friendship. On the contrary, they still had some disputes.

At that time, Chu Feng had just created Baituoshan Bone Strengthening Powder.

Dadong robbed money from a watch store in Causeway Bay. His brother was injured and came to Kowloon Walled City.

Dadong's brother was dying at that time.

Chu Feng directly threatened Dadong with Baituoshan Bone Strengthening Powder, and a portion of Baituoshan Bone Strengthening Powder directly sold for 60.

At that time, Dadong only gave Chu Feng 50, and promised to give the remaining [-] later.

at that time.

60 is undoubtedly a big number for Chu Feng.

But now, 60 is nothing.

"What's he doing here? Is he here to seek revenge for the last time I took advantage of him?" Chu Feng asked.

Lan Yanke shook his head, "It doesn't seem like it. He didn't say what he was going to do, but he was quite sincere. He was the only one here, and the gun he brought has been given to his brother."

Hearing what Lan Yanke said, Chu Feng became even more confused.

Come alone and hand over your weapons in advance?

It seems that Dadong is not here for the previous place this time.

"Let him come in." Chu Feng said to Lan Yanke.

Although I don't know what the reason for Dadong's visit is, since he is so sincere, Chu Feng will naturally not make trouble for him.

It will take a while.

Dadong walked in accompanied by Lan Yanke and Li Shan.

In Dadong's hand, he was also carrying a leather bag.

"Dadong, why did you think of coming to see me?"

"That brother of yours should be fine, right?"

Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"It's okay, just as long as he hasn't gotten off the boat yet, but I didn't bring him with me this time."

Dadong still looked as cold as before.

Then, Dadong dropped the leather bag in his hand on the table, "Here, this is the balance I owe you last time."

"Then 10 yuan?" Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry, "Forget it, it's just 10 yuan, I don't take it to heart."

"That's not possible." Dadong shook his head stubbornly, "Although I'm annoyed by you, it was an extraordinary period after all. It's expensive, so I should give you this money."

Hearing this, Chu Feng was suddenly a little surprised.

It seems that Dadong's visit this time is really not to cause trouble, but more to show his goodwill.

But what is the purpose of his overture?

Chu Feng was thinking in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm.

"Since Dadong is so polite, I will accept it."

"Things that happened in the past should just be regarded as a thing of the past. If there is any need for me, Chu Feng, in the future, just speak up."

Chu Feng said politely, and then asked Li Shan to accept the leather bag.

Instead of guessing here, it would be better to draw the path directly and see what Dadong’s purpose is for coming here this time.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, Dadong was not polite.

"To tell you the truth, I really need your help this time."

"Do you have any brothers who can play with guns? Lend me three or five of them, and you'll get a share after the deal is done."

Dadong spoke sincerely.

"Borrowing someone?" Chu Feng frowned, "With your Dadong's prestige in the Daquan Gang, you shouldn't need anyone, right?"

Dadong's gang is the first gang of gangsters in the history of Hong Kong Island.

He may not have as many brothers as the later gangsters, and his weapons are not as advanced as the later gangsters, but after all, he is the first one who dares to stand up and take advantage of others, and he still has high prestige in the Daquan Gang.

Originally, according to the ending.

Dadong should have been beaten to death by the police in that medical center the last time they met.


Because of the appearance of Chu Feng, this ending was changed unintentionally.

Today, Dadong is not only living well, but after robbing the Causeway Bay Watch Shop, its prestige has greatly increased.

With his ability, it is not difficult to call some desperadoes at random. How could he be reduced to borrowing people from himself?

Under Chu Feng's suspicious eyes.

Dadong also knew that his request was a bit unbelievable, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"That's it, I'm ready to leave Hong Kong Island."

Dadong lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Leaving Hong Kong Island, where to go?" Chu Feng wondered.

"Canada!" Dadong's eyes were solemn, "It's a good place there. My brothers have already gone to visit the mine. I made the last transaction on Hong Kong Island last night and went to fight with them."

When Chu Feng heard this, he suddenly realized.

Whether it is in the subject matter of the movie or in the historical process.

In this era, there are indeed many big circles entering Canada.

The main reason is to make money, and of course there is another reason, which is the conflict with the South Vietnamese gang.

Whether it's in the beautiful country, Canada, or Hong Kong Island.

Daquan and South Vietnamese monkeys are basically incompatible.

Except for conflicts of interest.

Many of the people in the Daquan Gang came from the battlefield and have a natural hatred for South Vietnamese monkeys. 0

The two parties directly include their previous grievances. Whether it is on Hong Kong Island or elsewhere, as long as they meet, it will not be a fight to the death.

And look at the city through history.

Big Circle's move into Canada is undoubtedly a very successful move.

Not only did they gain a firm foothold in the local area, but they also beat the South Vietnamese monkeys to the point of crying for their fathers and mothers, completely reducing them to the bottom of the pack.

It seems that Dadong's brains and courage are indeed beyond words.

Not only did he become the first gangster in Hong Kong Island, he was also the first to stand up and take advantage of others.

After being lucky enough to survive, he was the first to think of globalizing the Big Circle Gang.

Although it is only a prototype now, it is already amazing.

Chu Feng thought in his heart and remained silent.

Seeing that Chu Feng was silent, Dadong suddenly became anxious, "Chu Feng, you have also seen the reputation of Dadong. You are now the talker of three people in Hongxing, and you are also the committee member of the South District of Kowloon. You won’t ignore the matter, right?”

Chu Feng glanced at Dadong in surprise.

I didn’t expect Dadong’s information to be so well-informed?

But soon, Chu Feng felt relieved.

Although Chu Feng directly isolated the Southern District from the outside world after taking the seat of the Southern District, the identity of the Southern District committee member has always been a mystery to outsiders.

But Dadong was a gangster on Hong Kong Island, and his evacuation route was at the Kowloon Pier.

Because of this, he must have many connections in Kowloon, and it makes sense to know Chu Feng's situation.

"It's okay to borrow people, it's just a few gunmen. The key thing I want to know is 1.7, what do you want people to do?"

Chu Feng thought for a while and decided to help Dadong.

Dadong is a man of courage, brains, and integrity.

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