"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Dadong nodded, and then glanced at Chu Feng in surprise, "You guys are such a big talker!"

He only wanted 500 million from Chen Nanlu!

But Chu Feng directly asked for 5000 million!

Although he only has 3000 million in cash, he still has a Dasha with a market value of 500 million.

In actual calculation, it’s 500 million!

"Greedy enough, ruthless enough!"

"No wonder I became a member of the Southern District Committee."

Dadong looked at Chu Feng and sighed sincerely.

"Don't worry Dadong, what I'll give you is more than the 500 million." Chu Feng crossed his legs and said to Dadong, "If it weren't for the news you gave me, I'm afraid my brother would have gone in today. Although I can He got it out, but a physical and physical pain is inevitable."

"No, I'm very principled. If I say 500 million, I won't take any more, and I won't take any less." Dadong declined quickly.

But after a moment's pause,

Dadong Youyou glanced at Chu Feng and joked, "How about I tie you up? You have a lot of cash, so you should be able to get a lot of money."

"Okay, let's see if you, Dadong, are capable of kidnapping me." Chu Feng turned back and looked at Dadong.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.


190 500 million, buy a ticket! 【Happy New Year】

At noon, Asiu brought the money back.

"Brother Feng, we have brought them all back."

"There are three purses in total. Each purse contains 1000 million. I have already counted them."

Ashiu and two of his men placed three large bags on the table.

Dadong was still there, but Chu Feng had nothing to hide and opened the bag containing the money directly.

Bundles of Hong Kong dollars with a face value of [-] yuan were instantly exposed to the air.

"Hiss—the smell of money." Dadong sniffed his nose, feeling a little intoxicated.

He is a money-loving person.

But a gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way.

Dadong likes money, but judging from his various attitudes, he is also a very disciplined person.

Chu Feng glanced at Dadong, and then stopped at the three large bags on the table.

"Although it is only 3000 million, it is enough to solve the urgent needs."


Chu Feng pushed one of the bags in front of Dadong.

Dadong couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this.

"A Feng, I told you, I only want my share."

"500 million is 500 million..."

Dadong hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Dadong, don't refuse me yet." Chu Feng waved his hand, "I'll give you these 1000 million. You deserve 500 million. The other 500 million can also be considered as your intelligence money. In addition... I want you to Do me a small favor."

"What are you busy with?" Dadong asked hesitantly.

Chu Feng asked instead, "You told me before that you were going to Canada for development, right?"

"Yes, after seeing that I made money in Hong Kong Island, many big-time friends wanted to come to Hong Kong Island to get a piece of the pie."

"It won't be long before this place becomes a complete mess."

"At that time, more police will be added to the police department, and the cost of robbery will also increase significantly."

"This place doesn't suit me anymore."

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Dadong asked doubtfully.

Chu Feng decided to go straight to the point: "I want to place some people at your place."

"What do you mean? I don't understand..." Dadong became even more confused.

Doesn't it sound like you want to place an undercover agent next to you?

Dadong felt strange in his heart.

"Dadong, are we friends now?" Chu Feng asked.

Dadong thought for a while and nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Chu Feng continued: "In this case, I won't be polite to you anymore. How many brothers do you have in Canada?"

"This..." Dadong hesitated and said vaguely, "Not many, just over 100, but I will continue to recruit people from the mainland in the future."

"Is it more than 100...let's count you two hundred." Chu Feng said.

Dadong didn't speak when he heard this.

He didn't tell Chu Feng just now. He said there were more than 100 people, but in fact there were more than 200 people.

Now that Chu Feng was right, Dadong would naturally not expose himself.

"Chu Feng, if you have any ideas, just tell me." Dadong asked directly.

Chu Feng thought for a moment and took out three bundles of Hong Kong dollars.

"These three bundles of Hong Kong dollars represent the current power there."

"Among them, the first bundle is our Asian people, including the Sanhe and the big families active during the money empire; the second bundle is the Haitian, Cuban, and South Vietnamese gangs; the third bundle is the Mafia, the Yamaguchi-gumi and other international groups. Big society.”

Chu Feng spread three bundles of Hong Kong dollars on the table.

"You know all this?" Dadong glanced at Chu Feng in surprise.

Chu Feng is very famous in this three-acre area of ​​Hong Kong Island.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng actually knew about things thousands of miles away.

And he understands it even more clearly than he does.

Although international organizations such as the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Mafia, many bigwigs have heard about them or cooperated with them.

But the Cuban Gang and the Haitian Gang are very powerful but very low-key forces. Not many people on Hong Kong Island know about them.

"Of course I know." Chu Feng smiled, "These people have established themselves in Canada and Uncle Sam earlier than you in Dadong. How can you fight them with such a small number of people?"

After speaking, Chu Feng pointed to the three bundles of banknotes on the table.

Dadong shouted unconvinced: "I will continue to recruit people in the future, and I will not be worse than them."

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and said,

"I believe in your Dadong's ability and foresight."

“But if you just go there and encounter certain opportunities, you end up not being qualified to cooperate with others because you don’t have enough manpower or you have a good project.”

"What would you do?"

"I..." Dadong didn't know what to say when he heard this.

He has been around for so long, so he naturally knows that opportunities are fleeting.

Like what Chu Feng said, although the probability of happening is very small, if you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

Paused for a moment.

"Then, what is your purpose of placing these people around me?"

"It's not just to help me, is it?"

Dadong asked suspiciously.

"Have you ever heard the word called potential stocks?" Chu Feng asked.

Dadong shook his head, "I only know guns, not the stock market."

Chu Feng explained,

"Potential stocks refer to stocks that have the potential to rise in the future or stocks with potential investment expectations."

"At the same time, it also represents people who have a bright future."

"You, Dadong, were among the first batch of big boys to come to Hong Kong Island. Now that you see the unfavorable situation in Hong Kong Island, you immediately transferred. You are very discerning."

"When your brother's life was in danger, you were willing to spend money to save him even if you knew you were being slaughtered by me. You are very loyal."

..... 0

"Now, you know you were ripped off by me before, yet you came to give me the balance of [-] yuan, and you are very honest."

"In my opinion...Dadong, you can achieve great things!"

"I will arrange manpower for you, and leave them all to your command in Canada, and I... only need a ticket."

Chu Feng told Dadong his true inner purpose.

"Tickets? What do you mean?" Dadong asked doubtfully.

Chu Feng said frankly: "In the future, I will not only develop in Hong Kong Island, but will definitely develop in other places. When the time comes, you Dadong will pave the way there, and my business will be expanded. Then we brothers will make a lot of money." It’s time.”

After hearing this, Dadong did not agree to Chu Feng, but sat there and thought deeply.

Chu Feng did not continue to speak and waited quietly.

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