Ten minutes passed.

Dadong glanced at Chu Feng with some emotion.

Chu Feng thought highly of him, so why didn't he?

The last time I saw Chu Feng, Chu Feng was just an unknown figure in Hongxing Club.

How long has it been since?

Not only did he become the seat of the three halls of Hung Hing Society, but he also became the southern district committee member of the Kowloon Walled City.

To be able to do this, not only must you be extremely lucky, but your own mind and strength must also be excellent.

And Chu Feng is still very young.

In Dadong's view, as long as Chu Feng didn't die young, he would most likely break into a world that no one could even imagine.

It’s a world that even the predators on Hong Kong Island can’t even imagine!


Happy New Year everyone, and may you get rich!Several.

191 Recommended by Dadong, the arms dealer from Mao Xiong!

What Chu Feng values ​​​​is Dadong's potential, and why is Dadong not the same?

"Okay, I promise you!"

"You should just invest in me, Dadong, and provide money and people."

"If I, Dadong, had not died in Canada and really made a name for himself in Canada, you would have a share of the cake over there in the future!"

Dadong also has the straightforward character of a mainlander.

After weighing the pros and cons, he happily agreed to Chu Feng's request.

"This is right!" Chu Feng slowly stretched out his hand, "This is the most correct decision you have ever made, bar none."

Seeing this, Dadong also smiled and stretched out his hand, holding his two big hands together vigorously.

Dadong did not drag his feet.

Now that the words have been spoken, the next step is to discuss cooperation.

"Chu Feng, you just said that there is a lot of money to be made? What are you referring to specifically?"

Dadong asked, "You must have a better mind than ordinary people after you have been around until now. I think besides the shady ways of making money I have seen, you should have other better and safer "[-]" A way to make money, right?"

Hearing this, Chu Feng glanced at Dadong appreciatively.

It is comfortable to deal with smart people.

However, Chu Feng did not immediately answer Dadong's words, but asked instead,

"Dadong, let me ask you."

"What's the situation with all the forces in Canada?"

Dadong thought for a moment,

"The situation is very complicated. Although our Chinese brothers seem to be united, there is also fierce internal fighting."

"The Haitian gang and the Cuban gang fight to the death every day."

"I'm not too clear about the affairs of big groups like the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Mafia."

"And our big circle...the biggest enemy is the South Vietnamese monkeys."

"You also know that many brothers have retreated from there before. When they see the South Vietnamese monkeys, they want to reward them with a flamethrower."

Dadong gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Although he only had a red armband background and had never been on the battlefield.

But he has been in the big circle for so many years, even in Hong Kong Island, he has had countless conflicts with the South Vietnamese people, and he hates the South Vietnamese monkeys.

"According to what you said, the conflict between the various forces over there is very fierce... If they fight so fiercely, what is the most lacking?" Chu Feng asked.

Dadong said without thinking, "Of course it's money!"

"No, let's be more detailed." Chu Feng smiled.

"To be more specific, it's people, weapons, medicines..."

"Wait, medicine!"

Dadong's eyes lit up and he looked at Chu Feng.

"Yes!" Chu Feng smiled and patted Dadong's shoulder, "What do you think of the Baituoshan bone-strengthening powder that I used to treat Wu Yitou's gunshot wound last time?"

Dadong gave a thumbs up, "That medicine is really amazing. I, Dadong, have never seen such an effective medicine powder for trauma."

Dadong naturally expressed this admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Wu Yitou was shot in the lower abdomen last time, and he lost too much blood and could not survive.

After arriving at Chu Feng, just a packet of medicinal powder brought Wu Yitou, who was on the verge of death, back to life.

Dadong believes it.

Looking at the whole world, we don't know about those high-tech methods, but no matter Chinese medicine or Western medicine, except for this Baituoshan Bone Strengthening Powder, there is absolutely no medicine with such miraculous effects.

"You mean, where are you going to take medicines and start a pharmaceutical business?" Dadong asked eagerly.

"I do have this idea, but... this is just the beginning."

Chu Feng sighed softly, "This medicine, if used properly, is a weapon for us to make money, but if used incorrectly, it will bring us destruction."

Dadong nodded in agreement.

Such a terrifying medicinal effect will inevitably arouse the covetousness of many interested people.

If Chu Feng is strong enough, then it is easy to say that others covet Chu Feng's strength and dare not take action.

But even though Chu Feng is famous in Hong Kong, he is still not on the international stage.

If he is really targeted by those big international forces, it will bring danger to Chu Feng.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

"Then tell me, what should we do next?" Dadong asked.

"I will reduce the efficacy of the products supplied there, but it will definitely be far better than other drugs. I will have to carefully consider the operation method at that time, but no matter what, you will definitely make money, right?" Chu Feng looked at it To Dadong.

Dadong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

If the effect of the medicine can be controlled, it will undoubtedly be much safer.

Chu Feng chuckled in his heart when he saw Dadong's excited look.

Dadong, after all, is still a big guy who licks blood at the edge of his knife.

Although I have vision, I still have limitations.

Providing medicine to the evil forces in Canada is only the first step.

What does the club’s petty quarrel mean?

War wealth is great wealth!

Anywhere, as long as there is a war, medicine will always be hard currency.

But before entering the war business, this first step must be paved for the Canadian Society's pharmaceutical sales.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step.

The pace is too big, click!Easy to pull off the egg.


Otherwise, not only will you not make money, it will also lead to death.

But this cake is not suitable for painting by Dadong now.

"When the time comes, you will be Chu Feng's agent over there, and you will know the profit. 0" Chu Feng said with a smile.

Chu Feng doesn't have the energy to take care of things over there yet.

Letting Dadong be the general agent in Canada is undoubtedly the best choice.

Dadong heard this and agreed without hesitation.

After the two finalized their first project.

Chu Feng asked again, "Dadong, I have one more thing to ask you."

"What's the matter, just say it!" Dadong patted his chest and said.

Since both parties have common interests, they are grasshoppers on the same rope.

The relationship between the two is also closer than before.

"Where did you get all the arms?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

What Chu Feng lacks most now is a tough guy.

Chu Feng had thought about finding reliable arms suppliers long ago, but the suppliers he found either couldn't handle the quantity Chu Feng wanted, or the quality was too poor.

Most of the weapons in Chu Feng's hands now were borrowed from Jiu Ye, Chairman of the Kowloon Committee.

Although you can also get arms through lottery, they are only available seven times a week after all, and arms are only consolation prizes, which is very limiting.

Although you can also contact suppliers by looking for Jiuye.

But Chu Feng knew that as a member of the Southern District Committee, Master Jiu would help too much.

Chu Feng was not an ungrateful person, and he didn't want to trouble Master Jiu with anything.

"Arms? Of course it's the nigger Tang." Dadong said without thinking.

"No, I've looked for Nigga Tang, but he can't eat as much as I do." Chu Feng shook his head.


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