He didn't believe that these twenty dwarf mules could do this.

Chu Feng gave up his position, "Ready - three, two, one!"

"Bang bang bang bang-"

There was a burst of gunfire like exploding beans.

Twenty desperate gunmen drew their guns and fired in a volley, all in one go!

After each person pulled the trigger once, he confidently closed the gun, and the whole set of actions was smooth and smooth, without any delay.

"I rely on!"

When Dadong saw this scene, he immediately exclaimed.

Let’s not talk about whether the shot was successful or not.

The momentum of these twenty people really scared him.

Dadong also fired just now, but his movements were not so clean and neat.

"These guys, with their guns so fast, their marksmanship should be pretty good..."

Dadong suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

193 Forced water supply, origin of wooly bears!

After a moment.

Under the leadership of Chu Feng, Dadong came to the stone pillar.

Chu Feng glanced at Shi Zhu.

Although Dadong's bullet also hit the coin, it hit the edge of the coin.

On the other hand, none of those desperate gunmen missed their target!

Not only did they miss the target, every bullet accurately hit the side of the Queen's face on the coin.

This wave of marksmanship really shocked Dadong.

"Chu Feng, where did you get these people?"

"How come they are more powerful than those big-headed soldiers in our big circle?"

Dadong swallowed hard and asked with some difficulty.


Chu Feng smiled slightly and spread his hands.

In his hand are two 7.62mm bullets.

"Dadong, you must keep your word." Chu Feng looked at Dadong with a smile but not a smile.

"Hey, it's not serious, is it?" Dadong immediately grimaced when he saw this, "Do you really want to take bullets? Someone will be killed!"

Chu Feng chuckled and put away the bullet, "I'm kidding you, you're going to swallow the bullet and kill yourself, who's going to help me get the tickets?"

Dadong also laughed when he heard this.

But after a moment, Dadong put his hand into his pocket,

"I, Dadong, am not a deadbeat."

"If you lose, you lose. Although you won't take bullets, you can't lose the prize. This is for you!"

After saying that, Dadong stretched out his hand in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took a closer look and saw two syringes lying in Dadong's hands.

"I won't touch this, and you'd better not touch it either, something will happen!" Chu Feng shook his head and frowned.

If Dadong comes across this kind of injection drug, Chu Feng will have to carefully consider whether to cooperate with him.

After all, if you use these things too much, you will lose your mind. Chu Feng is worried that the investment in Dadong will be in vain.

Dadong glanced at Chu Feng doubtfully.

After seeing the expression on Chu Feng's face, Dadong laughed and cursed, "Damn! Where are you thinking? Although I, Dadong, kill people and set fires, I won't touch those things."

"Then what are these two syringes?" Chu Feng asked with some confusion.

Dadong came up mysteriously, "Forcing water! It was given to me by those old guys. It is said that as long as one injection is needed to force water, unless he is a specially trained soldier like Rambo, ordinary people can't bear it. .”

"Forcing water supply?" Chu Feng was slightly startled.

Although Chu Feng had heard of this kind of torture agent, this was the first time he had seen it.

I'm afraid there are only a few people in the entire Hong Kong Island who have seen this thing.

However, Dadong's words also gave Chu Feng another inspiration.

Rambo is the protagonist of the movie "First Blood", played by Stallone.

According to the current timeline, two parts of "First Blood" have been filmed.

This series of movies was very popular when it was first released because of Rambo's tough guy image and strong personal heroism.

Perhaps, after "Chasing the Dragon" is over, this core point can be used to make an issue and let McDonald's produce a movie about oriental heroism.

Of course, these are just flashes of inspiration in Chu Feng's mind.

Now Chu Feng's attention is still on these two pieces of water.

"Is it really that magical? Just one injection can cure everything?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know either, but the thing that Lao Maozi tinkered with, even if it's not that exaggerated, is still somewhat effective." Dadong said with some uncertainty.

He has a total of four pipes of forced water supply, which were gifts given to him by those old men.

He kept two tubes for himself and gave two tubes to Chu Feng.

Dadong can't use it now, and he doesn't know if the effect of the medicine is really that miraculous.

"There will always be opportunities to use it in the future." Chu Feng was not polite and forced the two pipes to be collected.

"How about my twenty brothers?"

"I should be able to do something if I follow you, right?"

Chu Feng looked at the twenty desperate gunmen behind him and asked.

"Of course it's no problem!" Dadong nodded quickly, "Their marksmanship, even among the Daquan Gang, is among the top."

Dadong's marksmanship can only be considered top-notch among the Daquan Gang.

Those with the best marksmanship are all top soldiers who have retired from the battlefield.

These top soldiers are rare talents, and even Dadong doesn't have many in his hands.

Chu Feng gave him these twenty desperate gunmen, which greatly increased Dadong's confidence.

After all, in a place where guns are everywhere, guns are used more often than knives.

With these twenty desperate gunmen, both safety and work are fully guaranteed.

"I'll go find an old friend soon and plan to choose a time to help them sneak across."

"This old friend is a famous snakehead in Hong Kong Island. Chu Feng, do you want to come with me? I can make an introduction to you."

Dadong asked Chu Feng.

He may not be in Hong Kong Island often in the future.

Introducing Chu Feng to that smuggler will make it very convenient for transporting goods or traveling around Hong Kong Island.


at the same time.

Central, celebrity golf and fitness paradise.


Su Su held the golf club in her hand, drew a perfect arc with her body, and hit the ball far away.

"Eh? Sister Su can do this too?" Ah Fa came to Su Su wearing a baseball cap.

"You know how to be a ghost. You learned it from those rich people! You can use it to keep secrets."

Seeing Ah Fa coming, Su Su put a smile on her face, handed the club in her hand to the caddy, and then looked around, "Look, in such a big golf course, we just walked all the way and talked, and there was no one at all." You can overhear, unless... you and I both have microphones on us."

"Isn't there a microphone that can pick up signals from any distance?" Ah Fa gestured in confusion.

"Yes... there are also spy satellites up there!" Su Su pointed to the sky, "There are also spy satellites up there, so stop watching movies!"

After hearing this, Ah Fa chuckled and did not answer.

Su Su glanced around, and the smile disappeared from her face, "How about it, have you thought clearly?"

"There is no choice at all." Afa shook his head.

Su Su stopped and said, "I know the company's (Li Li's) accounts best. One or two hundred million can be obtained at any time."

"You want us to pay? Didn't it come from Fourth Uncle's family?" Luo Dingfa was a little confused.

He and Su Su had decided to kidnap Tang Liyu, make some money and then leave quietly.

With that Lisa around, Su Su felt that she would fall out of favor sooner or later in the future.

Once that bastard takes over Lian Haolong's class, she will definitely not end well.

Not to mention Afa.

He was originally brought out by Su Su.

As an emperor and a courtier, if Su Su falls, no matter how diligently he is about his career, he will not end well in the end and will become Su Su's burial object.

The only chance is to put your head in your pants this time and take risks.

But now, if Tang Liyu was kidnapped, Susu actually said that he would take the company's account, which made Afa a little strange.

This money should have been given by Tang Liyu's family, and Zhongxinyi was not needed at all.

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