194 Susu’s crisis, someone is following her!

Afa thought so in his heart.

But when Susu heard this, she looked at Afa like she was an idiot.

"If the fourth uncle's family wants to get [-] million in cash, they must go to the bank to get it."

"Don't say 1000 million in cash, even if it is [-] million in cash, the bank will notify the police immediately."

"We fish for the odd ones. It's not much, but the money is the most."

"You don't take cards when you're a fan, and you don't take checks when you book a room, right?"

After saying that, Su Su looked at Ah Fa with a faint smile on her face.

When Ah Fa heard this, he was a little silent and took a few steps forward.

Paused for a moment.

"Just die!" Afa took a deep breath.

Su Su took a deep look at Ah Fa and crossed her arms, "How's it going? Have you thought of anything?"

"Not yet..." Ah Fa sighed, "Due to the full moon banquet, Long arranged more security for the fourth uncle. Not only did he have two more gun-wielding agents, but there was even a Heng with him secretly. A convoy followed not far away."

When Su Su heard this, her face became heavy.

Such a lineup is not a big one.

Although Ah Heng is the youngest among the Four Heavenly Kings, his combat power is second only to Dao Zaihong.

With him following. 567

Although he kept a certain distance from Tang Liyu.

But it was easy to kill Tang Liyu, but it would take too much time to kidnap him, enough for Ah Heng to catch up.

Once he, or even the younger brother below, finds out, I am afraid that both Susu and Afa will be unable to eat and carry around.

"We have to find a way to get Aheng away." Afa rubbed his chin and said with a frown.

When Su Su heard this, she stopped talking, folded her hands on her chest, and began to think deeply.

Paused for a moment.

Su Su's eyes lit up, "Afa, why do you think Brother Long is so cautious?"

"I don't know..." Ah Fa slowly shook his head, "But it seems that ever since the conversation between Liang Zaifeng and Fourth Uncle that day, Brother Long has become a little too vigilant."

Su Su nodded, "In my opinion, if you want Brother Long to reduce the number of security personnel around Fourth Uncle, the most critical thing is this handsome guy."

"Sister Su, you mean...get rid of him?" Afa guessed with some uncertainty.

"Whether we kill him or not, the result is actually the same." Su Su thought for a while and said, "As long as there is internal chaos in Hongxing, all the major societies in Hong Kong will get a share of the pie, and we will naturally do the same (babh) if we are loyal and righteous. When the time comes, Brother Long will definitely transfer Ah Heng away, so we can be sure."

"I understand." Afa nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

Why is Lian Haolong worried about Tang Liyu's safety?

Although Lian Haolong didn't say it, they could guess that it was most likely because of Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng is now the talker in Yuen Long District.

Tang Liyu also liked the Lu Yu Tea House in Yuen Long. There was a conflict of interest between the two.

Lian Haolong sent extra manpower to Tang Liyu, his main purpose was to guard against Chu Feng.

If it can provoke a fight between Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng.

When the major associations in Hong Kong saw the chaos in Hong Xingxian, they would definitely rush to get a piece of the pie, and Zhongxinyi was no exception.

There is another reason.

If Chu Feng can be killed this time, even Haolong's suspicion will be eliminated by more than half, and the security intensity around Tang Liyu will also be reduced.

"Afa, the dark chess we played in Hongxing can now be used." Su Su said to Afa.

Zhongxinyi has only two most profitable projects.

The first one is followers.

The second one is loan sharking.

Both businesses are managed by Su Su.

Of course, it goes without saying that fandom is currently the most profitable project for Hong Kong communities.

As for usury, in addition to bringing very considerable income to Zhongxinyi, it also brought some other benefits.

The most beneficial benefit is to let some strangers do things for loyalty and righteousness!

On Hong Kong Island, there are many people who are loyal to the people.

There are them in Hongxing, Dongxing, and even the police station.

For example, there was a senior police officer named Lei Meizhen in the police station. He owed 50 from gambling in Haojiang a few years ago and borrowed money from Zhongxinyi to make up for the shortfall.

Zhongxinyi also took this opportunity to train Lei Meizhen into an undercover agent who only obeyed their orders.

If Lei Meizhen dares to disobey orders, Zhongxinyi will expose her collusion with the society and borrowing loan sharks, and she will not be able to keep her position.

And within Hongxing, there happens to be a secret chess game that has been buried for a long time, which is very suitable for doing this.


at the same time.

On Chu Feng's side, he also got into the car with Dadong and drove towards a fishing village next to the Kowloon Pier. .

There are many piers on Hong Kong Island, including Cha Kwo Ling Pier, Kowloon Pier, Central Pier, Yuen Long Pier and so on.

But when it comes to illegal immigration, only two docks scream loudest.

One is Kowloon Pier and the other is Yuen Long Pier.

Although there are snakeheads in Kowloon Walled City, Chu Feng had not paid attention to this aspect before and did not know much about those snakeheads.

The snake head that Dadong knew was sold in the Kowloon Walled City, but his base was in a fishing village next to the Kowloon Pier.

In the car, Dadong looked at the interior of the modified Hummer with envy on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I have to say, Chu Feng, you are a person who understands life."

"I, Dadong, have been around for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a luxurious car."

"Where did you get it? Get me one too."

Dadong touched the leather sofa and took a sip of the ice-cold soda on the retractable bar.

When Chu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

Almost everyone who has ever sat in his car will ask this question.

"This car is a limited edition. I am the only one in the entire Hong Kong Island. It has been discontinued." Chu Feng answered tirelessly.

Others have asked him several times, and Chu Feng has given the same answer several times.

"Discontinued? That's such a pity!" Dadong sighed, "In addition to its luxurious decoration, what other functions does this car have?"

Chu Feng thought for a while, "In terms of function, it is mainly reflected in comfort, but this car is also very safe. The entire car is bulletproof. Not to mention .38 and .24, even rifle bullets cannot penetrate it." .”

"Such a dick? You're not bragging, are you?" Dadong looked surprised.

There is nothing to say about this comfort. He has experienced it personally.

But bulletproof?

And it’s the whole car?

He had never even heard of this kind of car. He had only heard the brothers from the Daquan Gang who had participated in the war say that only tanks could prevent bullets.

"Do I look like I'm bragging?" Chu Feng shook his head in confusion, "These days, no one believes the truth."

at this time.

Ashiu's voice came over the intercom, "Brother Feng, we're here."

Chu Feng opened the window shade and took a look. Sure enough, the convoy had already arrived at a fishing village.

195 Human snake, six-fingered girl!

"This is it, get off the car." Dadong greeted Chu Feng.

The two got out of the car one after another.

However, just when everyone got off the car.

Several young adults dressed as fishermen gathered around.

Although they are dressed simply, if you are careful, you can easily see that their waists are bulging, obviously they are carrying guys.

"I am Dadong, let the snake head come out and see me."

Dadong was obviously a regular visitor here, so he said to himself.

The young men looked at each other, and after a while, one of the slightly older young men walked towards the wooden house next to them.

It will take a while.

An old man in his 50s walked out with a smile on his face.

"Ah Dong, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, old Zhangtou." Dadong walked forward with a smile and hugged the little old man.

Judging by the name, it should be Snake Tou Zhang.

"This is..." Snakehead Zhang looked at Chu Feng doubtfully.

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