Although he didn't know who Chu Feng was, he could tell from the car behind Chu Feng that this young man was extraordinary.

"His name is Chu Feng. He is my friend and the South District Committee Member of Kowloon City." Dadong introduced him with a smile.

Snakehead Zhang glanced at Chu Feng in surprise.

As the snakehead of Kowloon Pier, he still has a certain understanding of the situation in Kowloon Walled City.

I have long heard that the previous committee members of the Southern District were removed and replaced with new members.

As a person who works in Kowloon Walled City, he originally planned to pay a visit.

But for some reason, Kowloon South District was directly blocked. He couldn't see the Southern District Committee members at all, and he had no choice but to give up several times in a row.

In fact, when he visited Chu Feng.

It was Chu Feng who asked Li Shan to blockade the southern district.

At that time, the integration of pharmaceutical companies was at a critical stage. In order to avoid any mistakes, Chu Feng directly cut off the southern district from the outside world and isolated it for a period of time.

But now,

Since Dadong came with the Southern District Committee members, Snakehead Zhang would naturally entertain him warmly.

What if there is any big business in the future?

thought here.

Snake Touzhang's face, which was wrinkled by the sea breeze, was suddenly filled with a smile.

"It turns out to be a committee member of the Southern District. I've visited several times before, but I couldn't get into the Southern District."

"But I have long heard that the new Southern District committee member is a young man, and now it seems that he is indeed young and promising."

Chu Feng also smiled and greeted Snakehead Zhang.

"Come in and sit down, this is not the place to talk." Lao Zhangtou motioned Chu Feng and Dadong to enter the house, "I happened to go fishing last night and caught some good Eastern Star Spots. They were very fresh."

The three of them entered the house.

At this time, there were also newly landed human snakes in the house.

All of these human snakes were locked up, huddled in a one-meter-square iron cage, unable to even lift their heads.

Inside each iron cage, there is a rice bowl, and the rice inside has a slightly rancid taste.

All the human snakes had dull faces and no luster in their eyes, as if they were sold animals.

When Chu Feng saw this scene, he frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But in the end Chu Feng didn't say anything.

This is a characteristic of the times.

Chu Feng couldn't stop anything.

The three of them walked through the iron cage and arrived at the house inside. The air suddenly became much fresher.

The guest and host sat down and chatted wordlessly.

After about an hour or so.

All the Eastern Star Spots with delicious color and flavor have been served on the table. In addition to the Eastern Star Spots, there are also several seafood side dishes.

"Talk while eating!"

Snakehead Zhang greeted warmly and took out a bottle of wine.

After a few drinks.

"By the way, Adong, you came here specifically to visit me, right?" Snakehead Zhang asked.

Dadong also became serious, "I need your brother's help with something. During this period, I have to arrange for twenty brothers to go to Canada. When will your brother be free?"

"Going to Canada?" Zhang, the smuggler, frowned when he heard this, "Recently, the customs there are strict, and I am only sending one of the shipments, and others are responsible for the transshipment afterwards. I will help you ask about the specific situation. "

"Then I'll excuse you, brother." Dadong heard this and didn't take it to heart.

During this period, Canadian customs is indeed much stricter than usual.

Dadong naturally didn't know the specific reason.


Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Just when Chu Feng was about to leave.

"Huh?" Chu Feng seemed to have discovered something, his eyes rested on an iron cage.

To be precise, it was the girl in the iron cage.

This girl looks to be only eighteen or nineteen years old. Unlike other people and snakes with dull eyes, this girl still has a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Although the appearance is not beautiful, it is definitely not ugly, it can only be regarded as average.

At this time, the girl was touching the bowl and eating the rice inside.

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What really attracted Chu Feng was her left and right hands carrying bowls and rice.

This girl was born with six fingers.

"Where did this girl come from?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know either. We have rules in this business. We don't ask where the person came from."

Snakehead Zhang shook his head, and then recalled, "But I heard that this girl was abandoned by her family since she was a child because she was born with six fingers. She was adopted by a circus. Later, the circus went bankrupt and she was sold. I’ve sold here several times.”

"So that's it." Chu Feng said thoughtfully, "Just give her to me. I'll pay how much."

Snake leader Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

What is the biggest fear for a snakehead like him?


It's nothing more than a human being and a snake smashed into his hand.

These smugglers are either bought to be wives, do it, or take the blame.

A girl like this one would probably be hard to sell because of her fingers.

Even the guilt needed to resemble the criminal's features, and she had six fingers on each hand, which were too conspicuous and didn't fit at all.

Hearing that Chu Feng was interested in this girl, smuggler Zhang quickly prepared an offer.

But after a while.

"Oh, committee member, what did you say?"

"If you like this girl, I'll give it to you!"

The snakehead said grandly.

Anyway, there is a high probability that this girl will not be sold, and it is very likely that she will lose it.

It's better to be a favor to Chu Feng and build a good relationship with the Southern District committee member.

But Snakehead Zhang was also a little curious.

Why would this Southern District committee member be interested in a girl with six fingers?

Could it be that... he has special hobbies in some aspects?

Snakehead Zhang looked at the young Chu Feng and thought with some evil intentions.

However, what he didn't know was.

The reason why Chu Feng did this was just to find fusion partners in advance for future symmetrical templates.

at the same time.

Chu Feng had another plan in mind.

"Old Zhangtou, I have a question to ask you."

Seeing this, the smuggler Zhang said quickly, "We are all our own people. If you have any questions, just ask the committee members!"

Chu Feng glanced at the iron cages around him, "When you transport humans and snakes, there should be some disabled people, right?"

196 The gunman in pursuit!Get ready to do something!

"Disabled people?" Zhang, the smuggler, was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then nodded quickly, "Of course there are! Those of us who are stowaways usually choose people and snakes to bring them, but sometimes we make mistakes."

"What should we do with these people?" Chu Feng asked.

The smuggler, Zhang, sighed lightly, "What else can we do? Arrange for scapegoating. Some prisoners have similar physical characteristics, so they will find a similar scapegoat. The price of such a smuggler is sometimes a little higher, but..."

"But what?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's hard to find this one! Although the price is high, you won't find one in a thousand years."

Snakehead Zhang was a little helpless, "So those people who are smugglers who are smashed into their hands usually go to work and die."

When Chu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Different people have different destinies.

Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and some people are born with a good father named Li Jiacheng.

But some people were sold back and forth by those smugglers. In the end, even if they died of exhaustion in the mines, they were hastily buried. No one will remember them, and no one will know them.

God is fair?

This sentence is pure nonsense.

Chu Feng thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. If you have any human snakes that are dead in your hands, you can contact me and I will be responsible for taking care of them."

"Are you mistaken? You're not joking, are you?" Zhang, the smuggler, heard this and his eyes widened.

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