198 The magical effect of forcing water supply to cause trouble on both sides!

After half an hour.

These living gunmen were all suppressed by Chu Feng to the Kowloon Walled City.

Just enter the Kowloon Walled City.

Not to mention the big brothers from those social groups coming to ask for people, even if the Governor of Hong Kong comes in person, he has to think about it.

Inside the Kowloon South District office.

The yellow scarf warriors pushed these gunmen to the ground and knelt in a row.

Chu Feng stared directly at the gunman.

"I'll ask you one last time."

"Did Jiang Tiansheng send you here, or did someone else send you here?"

"You can't be wrong!"

The gunman was held down tightly and gritted his teeth, "Jiang Sheng asked me to come. Stop talking nonsense and do it!"

Looking at it like that, it seems that he is determined to die.


Chu Feng would naturally not believe what he said.

"Dadong, don't you know if the forced water supply works well?"

"Now is the perfect time to try it."


Chu Feng threw the water supply in his hand to Ah Xiu, winked at Ah Xiu, and recorded the scene. We will have evidence by then. "

Ash suddenly understood and came to the gunman with a cold face.

"You, what are you going to do?" The gunman looked at the syringe in Ash's hand. Although he didn't know what was in the syringe, he still had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Ash ignored him, holding the DV player in one hand and the water supply in the other, and hit him directly on the arm.

After a while.

The gunman's breathing became heavier.

The veins on his forehead popped out, and then he started foaming at the mouth. It looked like he was in extreme pain.

"Is this normal?" Chu Feng asked Dadong in confusion.

Dadong was also a little unsure, "It should be normal, I'm not sure either."

"Forget it, just ask." Chu Feng turned his head and looked at the gunman.

"Who sent you here?" Chu Feng said casually, looking at the gunman's painful look.

"It's Jiang...er, yes, it's Sister Su Su."

The gunman originally wanted to say Jiang Tiansheng, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a sharp pain and instinctively changed his words.

"Susu."?" Chu Feng looked into the gunman's eyes, "You are Jiang Tiansheng's son, how come you are related to Susu?"

"I...I borrowed a loan shark from Zhongxinyi."

"Susu said that as long as I complete this order, regardless of success or failure, my debt will be forgiven."

The gunman's eyes were a little blurry and he murmured instinctively.

"Just to forgive the debt and make you unwilling to let go of it even to death?" Chu Feng frowned.

The gunman just now wanted to die.

There was no intention of begging for mercy at all.

If you just owe loan sharks, there is no need to work so hard.

"The photos of my daughter and my wife are in her hands."

"If I don't pay back the money or don't do things, she will show the photos and harass my family..."

The gunman's eyes were dull and he gave unclear answers.

Judging from his appearance, he was speaking entirely based on instinct at this time, and his consciousness seemed to have been suppressed by drugs.

"Well, that makes sense..."

Chu Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Chu Feng knew Zhongxinyi's loan company, and many people owed loan sharks there.

Although Su Su is a woman, her methods of collecting debts are very ruthless.

Basically, people who owe money to her may not be able to pay it back even if they die.

If the gunman is conscious.

When he said this, Chu Feng would still be suspicious.

But now, judging from the gunman's performance, the forced water supply has obviously taken effect.

at this time.

The gunman's phone suddenly rang.

When Chu Feng saw this, he looked at the others.

"Now give you a chance."

"Whoever answers this call, if he behaves well I can let him go."

"Who wants to live?"

"I do!" Another killer said tremblingly.

There are others who are willing to cooperate.

But the speed was obviously half a beat slower than this killer.

"Very good." Chu Feng nodded and glanced at the disabled gunman, "If you dare to play any tricks, I will make you just like him."

When the killer heard this, his head shook like a rattle.

He is just a short mule. Where have you seen such a thing?

It's just a shot, and all the things that should be taken are covered, and the things that shouldn't be taken are also taken.

Look at the gunman's appearance at this time.

His eyes were dull and he was foaming at the mouth. Even if he was cured, he would most likely still be an idiot.

He just wants to leave this hellish place now, so how dare he have any evil intentions?

Other killers were taken out one after another.

The gunman was also dragged out.

"Take the call and see who is calling." Chu Feng said to the gunman.

When the gunman heard this, he swallowed hard and picked up the phone tremblingly.

"Tone in a normal tone and don't be nervous." Chu Feng said with a smile.

The killer's heart suddenly trembled.

But in the end, he took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Where's Sha Biao?" A strong male voice came from the other side of the phone.

The sound is not great though.

But Chu Feng could still tell that the voice was Luo Dingfa's.

".` He is indeed loyal and loyal!"

Chu Feng suddenly felt more certain.

at the same time.

The killer also started acting, "Brother Fa, Brother Biao is watching, let me answer the phone."

"Stalking? Are you following Chu Feng?" Luo Ding asked.

"Well, we have followed him. He is walking towards Baihe Mountain. We are looking for opportunities to shoot." The gunman said calmly.

Under the desire to survive, although he was a little nervous, the play was very real.

"Okay, be more alert and don't leave any clues."

Afa didn't think much about it. After a few instructions, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone.

The killer looked at Chu Feng in fear and stood there helplessly.

"I, I've finished the phone call, can you..."

"Let you leave? Of course!" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, "Axiu."

The voice just fell.

Asiu's figure suddenly turned into a black shadow.

the next moment,


A crisp sound came.

While looking at Ah Xiu, his hand was tightly clasped around the killer's throat and he pinched it off (Li Zhao's).


The killer's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to breathe hard, but could only make a weak sound. He subconsciously covered his neck with a look of disbelief.

"What are you looking at? I said I would let you go, but I didn't say my brother would let you go." Chu Feng said with a smile.

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