The killer wanted to say something, but the world started spinning and he fell straight to the ground.

After a while.

"Bang! Bang! Bangzhi!"

A burst of gunfire rang out, and the killers were executed by Chu Feng's desperate gunmen.

Chu Feng's eyes were calm and he watched quietly as dozens of yellow scarf warriors were busy quietly transporting the corpses away.

"Loyalty, faith and righteousness, let's start from here."

Chu Feng said solemnly.

Ashiu stepped forward with some anger, "Brother Feng, I will lead the brothers to wipe out Zhongxinyi."

Chu Feng thought for a moment and shook his head, "I won't go yet."

"What are you going to do then?" Ashiu wondered.

"Jiang Mansion." Chu Feng said lightly.


199 Pretty guy turned against you?Two have the advantage and one has the advantage!

after an hour.

Chu Feng marched toward the Jiang Mansion in a mighty manner.

In front were two Land Rover Defenders clearing the way, in the middle was Chu Feng's car, and behind were two more Land Rover Defenders.

Originally, the scratches on the car could be repaired.

But since Chu Feng decided to go to the Jiang Mansion, he did not repair the scratches on the car. Instead, he let these scratches be exposed to the sight of passers-by and drove towards the Chiang Mansion in a swaggering manner.

Only this time,

In addition to Chu Feng’s car, there were four Land Rover Defenders.

There were more than a dozen Jinbei cars following behind, and each car was filled with yellow scarf warriors.

Looking at this posture, it is so powerful that it looks like it is going to turn the Jiang family upside down.

Originally, Chu Feng thought that those gunmen were sent by Jiang Tiansheng.

However, upon closer inspection, I discovered that there was something fishy about it. After using the forced water supply, I discovered that the real person behind the scenes was Zhongxinyi Susu.

After Chu Feng thought about it repeatedly, he had already vaguely guessed it in his mind.

This matter was most likely done by Susu herself, and Lian Haolong didn't know about it.

However, this has nothing to do with Chu Feng.

Lian Haolong now doesn't know that Su Su has turned against him. Even if Chu Feng goes to Lian Haolong to tell him, Lian Haolong will not accept the move.

Instead, he would defend Su Su and even go to war with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng is now [-]% sure about starting a battle with Zhongxinyi, but in Chu Feng's opinion, the chance of winning is still a little small.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Zhongxin 570 Yi is the worst among the first-rate societies, it is by no means comparable to those second- and third-rate societies.

Not to mention heavy firearms.

If Chu Feng goes out with all his troops to wipe out Lian Haolong now, and Zhongxinyi makes a crazy counterattack, even if Chu Feng's side can win, the casualties will inevitably be huge.

By the time,

Other first-class associations in Hong Kong will definitely take advantage of the situation, and it will be difficult for Chu Feng to resist.


After careful consideration, Chu Feng found a way to break the situation.

The entry point for this method of breaking the situation is Jiang Tiansheng, who has nothing to do with this matter!

Dealing with loyalty and righteousness is a sure thing.

Chu Feng is not the kind of good boy who can swallow his anger even when being hunted.

Now the gunman has turned into an idiot under the influence of forced water supply.

But there is still a breath.

Only four people now know the inside story about this matter.

Su Su, Luo Dingfa, Chu Feng, and these killers.

The other killers are dead and the gunman has become an idiot.

Luo Dingfa and Susu can be regarded as one person.

The most critical thing is Chu Feng himself.

If Chu Feng stood up and said that this person was sent by Su Su, then he was sent by Su Su.

But if Chu Feng insisted that it was Jiang Tiansheng who sent people to kill him.

With the current situation, even if Jiang Tiansheng jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to cleanse himself!

But now, Chu Feng can completely pretend to be unaware.

First, make some trouble with Jiang Tiansheng, and then go to Zhong Xinyi to make some trouble.

Gain benefits from both sides.

Two families get the advantage, and one family gets it!

"Axiu, have all the videos in the car been copied to the DV player?" Chu Feng picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Asiu who was driving in the front seat.

"Brother Feng, the clips you want have been copied!" Ashiu responded.

"Very good!" Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Just when we were attacked.

The 360-degree video of this modified Hummer has captured the entire process of Chu Feng's attack.

This video is posted.

Jiang Tiansheng is like smearing his crotch with yellow mud, which is either shit or shit.

Chu Feng led the motorcade and drove to the outside of Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

Without waiting for the security guard at the door to speak, Chu Feng complained first.

"Jiang Tiansheng, come out here!"

Chu Feng cursed at the door of the villa and kicked the iron door hard.

at the same time.

Other yellow scarf warriors also rushed forward following Chu Feng.

"Damn it, Jiang Tiansheng, dare to assassinate my eldest brother!"

"My eldest brother is loyal to the club. It's okay if you don't reuse him. You want to assassinate him!"

"If you don't give me an explanation today, I will crush your Jiang Mansion!"

"What are you guys doing standing there in a daze? Break down the door and hack your friends!"

"Damn it, no one will survive!"

Behind Chu Feng, hundreds of yellow scarf warriors went crazy and rushed to the door one after another.

at the same time.

The noise at the door of Jiang Mansion also attracted the attention of other citizens.

But just when they wanted to gather around to take a look, they were blocked by a few fierce yellow scarf warriors (babh).

But Ah Xiu filmed this scene with a DV machine.

These yellow turban warriors are tall and powerful, how can the iron gate of Jiang Mansion stop them?

In just a moment, the iron gate collapsed.

As for the security guard at the gate, seeing so many strong men with eyes as wide as bells, muscles all over their bodies, and hunky backs like iron towers, he was so frightened that he peed his pants. How could he dare to say another word?

After the iron gate was pushed open, a group of yellow scarf warriors, led by Chu Feng, rushed in directly.

In the villa, Jiang Tiansheng was working out on the second floor.

Chen Yao was holding a towel and standing next to Jiang Tiansheng.

Just at this time.

There was a noise outside, followed by a loud noise of the iron door falling.

Before Jiang Tiansheng understood what was going on, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and the door of the fitness room was knocked open by the security chief.

"Sheng Jiang, it's not good, it's not good..."

"The handsome guy turned against you!"

"He brought many strong men to kill him, pushed the iron door open, and asked you to give an explanation!"

The security chief said breathlessly.


When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he immediately became furious and took out a pistol directly from under the fitness chair.

At this moment, he was very angry and confused.

Want to speak?

I want your sister’s explanation!

During this period of time, I, Jiang Tiansheng, have not gone to trouble you, Liang Zaifeng, but you actually brought people directly to my house, the leader.

Not only did they demolish my home and stir up trouble, but what else do you want to say?

What plane are you doing?

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