Bullying people is not such a bully, right?

This is no longer a matter of not paying attention to him as the leader, but a direct rebellion. The following is a crime!


At this moment, Jiang Tiansheng seemed to have thought of something again and frowned.

No reason!

How could Liang Zaifeng resist?

Doesn't he know that when he is fighting with himself at this time, it is other societies that are taking advantage?

Although Jiang Tiansheng looked down on Chu Feng, he thought that Chu Feng had committed a crime below and refused to give him face several times.

But Jiang Tiansheng also had to admit that Chu Feng was a capable person.

It is absolutely impossible to be able to do something so big in a short period of time without being smart.

Although Jiang Tiansheng knew that he and Liang Zaifeng were on the verge of a fight to the death, both parties should know now that Hong Xing must not be allowed to cause chaos.

Otherwise, neither Jiang Tiansheng nor Chu Feng will get any benefits.

In the end, the entire Hongxing will become a big cake and be divided up by other societies.

at this juncture.

How could Liang Zaifeng resist?

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help but have questions in his head.


At this moment, the door to the fitness room was violently knocked open.

Chu Feng walked in surrounded by A Jin and others, as well as a group of yellow scarf warriors.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, and the anger that had just subsided due to doubts rose again.

It turned out to be Chu Feng! .

200 Are you pointing a gun at me?Do you want to fight with me?

After seeing clearly that it was Chu Feng.

The anger in Jiang Tiansheng's heart that had gradually calmed down reached its peak again!

Although I don’t know why Chu Feng is so irrational.

But now, there is no need to think about it ~ so much.

Chu Feng had already led his men into his villa, which was no different from a rebellion.

Starting today, both sides will fight to the death!

Even if Jiang Tiansheng was killed by Chu Feng today.

After Tianyang comes back to take over Hongxing, he will avenge him as soon as possible.

And Chu Feng will also become the target of everyone in Hong Kong Island's arena for assassinating Long Tou.

"Chu Feng, you are looking for death!"

"Rebel, kill the leader, and wait to be hunted down by the gangsters in Hong Kong Island!"

Jiang Tiansheng gritted his teeth and loaded his pistol.


Before Jiang Tiansheng could shoot, several yellow scarf warriors around Chu Feng directly blocked Chu Feng with their bodies.

The small-caliber pistol Jiang Tiansheng used could not penetrate this layer of flesh wall at all.

at the same time.

"do not move!"

"You just assassinated my eldest brother, but now you point a gun at my eldest brother?"

"Brother Feng, you asked me to kill him with one shot!"

Beside Chu Feng, a dozen desperate gunmen also showed off their weapons.

Ashiu also showed his gun, staring directly at Jiang Tiansheng, "If you shoot, I can kill you first."

"You...you also want to follow Chu Feng in rebellion?" Jiang Tiansheng's eyes were blazing.

Upon hearing this, a group of yellow scarf warriors shouted in unison,

"We are from Hongxing and Brother Feng!"

"It's unfair to be the boss. We are not convinced by sending someone to assassinate Brother Feng!"

"Yes, we are not convinced! Such a leader is not worth our lives!"

The voices of these yellow scarf warriors were already frighteningly loud, but under Chu Feng's arrangement, they even roared in unison, sounding like thunder.


Under the terrifying resonance, the glass of the villa was shattered.

However, at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng was keenly aware of something amiss!

Send someone to assassinate Chu Feng?

When did you send someone to assassinate Chu Feng?

What exactly is going on?

The more Jiang Tiansheng thought about it, the more he couldn't understand.

However, just when Jiang Tiansheng was confused, Chu Feng's sneer came.

"Sheng Jiang, business cannot be done without benevolence and righteousness."

"If you see that I'm not happy, you can just tell me. In the worst case, I'll take people over so we can all get together and go."

"What do you mean by sending gunmen to surround and kill me at Baiheshan in Kowloon?"

"If I, Chu Feng, were not so lucky, I would have gone to report to the Lord of Hell by now."

"You are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Chu Feng's voice was full of anger and indignation, and it sounded as if it was true.

"When did I send people to surround you?" Jiang Tiansheng suppressed the anger in his heart and asked coldly, "A Feng, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding?" Chu Feng heard this and smiled coldly, "I have brought everyone here, and you tell me about the misunderstanding?"


A rustling sound came.

The two yellow scarf warriors dragged the gunman who had turned into an idiot and threw him directly in front of Jiang Tiansheng.

After Jiang Tiansheng saw the face of the gunman, his expression changed slightly.

Isn't this his own close security guard, Silly Biao?How could it become like this?

How could he be in Chu Feng's hands?

Is it...

Jiang Tiansheng suddenly became suspicious.

"Now that the witnesses are here, Jiang Tiansheng, what else do you have to say?" Chu Feng asked aggressively.

"I..." Jiang Tiansheng was speechless, "Why doesn't Silly Biao speak?"

After speaking, Jiang Tiansheng glanced at the gunman.

"He was beaten and forced to drink water by me, and his brain is damaged." Chu Feng pointed at the gunman with dull eyes.

"Forcing water? Has your brain been destroyed?"

Jiang Tiansheng was slightly startled.


He seemed to have thought of something, "Okay! Chu Feng, are you framing him, making him stupid and then blaming me?"

After saying that, his eyes burst out with anger again.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng would come up with such a vicious plan!


Chu Feng seemed to have already guessed what he would say.

Seeing Jiang Tiansheng's furious look, Chu Feng sneered and came to the window and pointed outside.

"Putting the blame on you? Look at my car, what kind of damage has it been beaten to?"

"If it weren't for my fate, I might not be able to come back today!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng leaned his head and looked out the window.

really. ,

Chu Feng's signature car and the four escort cars were all parked at the door.

The four escort vehicles were a little better, with only scattered bullet holes.

But Chu Feng's car was battered and riddled with holes, and the glass was covered with cracks like small spider webs.

You can even vaguely see the reflection of the warhead above.

If this is true, then Chu Feng is really lucky!

"Could it be that...Chu Feng was really fucked?"

At this time, even Jiang Tiansheng himself did not dare to be so sure.

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