"Jiang Tiansheng, I have a video here."

Chu Feng said with a sneer, and then signaled to Asiu.

Ah Xiu came forward with the DV player and came to Jiang Tiansheng. He turned on the DV player and the picture appeared on the mini screen.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

The first video is a video of Chu Feng's car being beaten.

It can be clearly seen that there are at least four cars following them, the gunfire is as dense as exploding beans, and there are bullets hitting the steel plate of the car, making a clanging sound.

As for the second video, due to the angle of the car image, only the side face can be seen.

But Jiang Tiansheng could also tell from the side face that the person being suppressed was none other than his security guard, Silly Biao.

In the video, the conversation between Chu Feng and Sha Biao was heard.

"Who asked you to surround and kill me?"

"Sheng Jiang asked me to do this!"

"Let me ask you one last time, did Jiang Tiansheng send you here, or did someone else send you here? You can't be wrong!"

"Sheng Jiang asked me to come, stop talking nonsense and do it!"

Then, the scene changed to indoors.

...... 0

In the video, Ah Xiu was injecting force and water into Jiang Tiansheng's security guard.

As soon as the injection was administered, the gunman began to turn red and foam at the mouth.

"Who asked you to kill me?" Chu Feng asked again in the screen.

"It's Jiang..."

However, before he finished speaking, the video stopped abruptly.

"The DV battery was low at that time, and the video was only captured here."

"However, the scene of the injection of force into the water supply is clear. The last word "Chiang", plus the previous clips, is enough!"

Chu Feng grabbed the DV player and handed it to Asiu.

In fact, Chu Feng deliberately cut this paragraph. After all, after the forced water supply, the gunman only said the word "Jiang" and directly changed it to "Susu".


At this time, Jiang Tiansheng's face had turned white.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng could actually take out the video!

Although the specific name was not mentioned in the last part, the scene of the beating and water supply is real!

Although Jiang Tiansheng knew that this was not his doing.

But with Chu Feng’s video in hand, even if Jiang Tiansheng jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn’t be able to wash it off!

Just at this time.

Chu Feng's voice came again.

"Shabiao is the murderer, and the murderer is Shabiao."

"The person who intercepted and killed me was your security guard Silly Biao of Jiang Tiansheng."

"I asked you why you reacted so violently. It turns out you are shouting "Catch the thief!"

"Did you just point a gun at me?"

"You pointed a gun at me?"

"You want to fight with me!?"

Every time Chu Feng said a word, he took a step forward.

Jiang Tiansheng, on the other hand, took a step back.

When Chu Feng said the last words, Jiang Tiansheng's face had turned from pale to pale, and he leaned against the wall in despair.

201 Chen Yao, please translate for the translator, what is a surprise?

Faced with Chu Feng's questioning, even the dignified leader Jiang Tiansheng was completely panicked!

He wasn't panicking because he was being questioned by Chu Feng.

Jiang Tiansheng can be the leader of Hongxing Society, so he has no clue about his brain. He has already guessed that someone is definitely framing him.

It might be Chu Feng in front of him, or there might be someone else.

But even though he knew that someone was framing him.

Jiang Tiansheng didn’t find any solution!

The information in Chu Feng's hands, every video, and every sentence was extremely detrimental to him, Jiang Tiansheng!

Although this evidence is not enough to threaten his leading position.

Jiang Tiansheng also had a certain understanding of forced water supply.

In the end, when Sha Biao said the word "Jiang", the forced water supply should not have fully taken effect, but the part that took effect later was blocked by Chu Feng.

Even if Jiang Tiansheng came forward to explain in the arena.

It will also appear to be a pale "[-]", and only a few people will believe Jiang Tiansheng's words.


How could these people stand up and speak for Jiang Tiansheng?

They wished that Hongxing would cause chaos and then divide into groups.

What makes Jiang Tiansheng even more troublesome is that.

In this world where the wind is the wind, hundreds of rumors may arise from just one incident.

By then, Jiang Tiansheng's reputation will be really bad in the world of Hong Kong!

The leader sent someone to kill the hall master?

If this kind of thing spreads, which Blue Lantern would dare to join Hongxing?

Talents are withering, members have expired, and the hall master seems to be incompatible but mysteriously alienated...

Various consequences that had little impact in the short term but were very terrible in the long term flashed through Jiang Tiansheng's mind quickly.

There was a long pause.

Jiang Tiansheng suddenly turned around and glanced at Sha Biao whose eyes were unclear, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three gunshots were fired, and three bloody holes were punched in the head of the already demented Sha Biao.

He didn't even have time to make a sound, he fell directly to the ground, breathless.

"Did you see it? This is the fate of the second and fifth boys!"

"Damn it! You actually went to kill me, Master Hongxing!"

"Even my own father must die!"

"Death is more than enough!"

"Bang! Bang!" There were two more gunshots.

"Sooner or later!" Jiang Tiansheng shouted hoarsely.

His pistol was a small-caliber pistol, but five consecutive bullets hit the same person's head. Sha Biao's head had already exploded like a watermelon, and red and white stuff was scattered all over the floor.

Chu Feng saw Jiang Tiansheng's hysterical look and smiled softly.

"Young fool, Mr. Jiang shot him five times."

"Righteousness kills relatives?"

"Murder and kill?"

"This matter of killing and silencing was all instigated by you, Jiang Sheng. You instigated Silly Biao to kill me!"

"If you kill your relatives for the sake of justice...that's easy to do!"

After saying this, Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Sha Biao is the person around Jiang Sheng. The people around you have second thoughts. Although you are not the leader, you still have the responsibility. It is not easy for me, handsome Feng, to fight life and death for the club. You won’t get even a little compensation, right?”

After saying that, Chu Feng gave Jiang Tiansheng a look that said, "What do you think?"


Chu Feng also knew this evidence. It was easy to discredit Jiang Tiansheng, but it was difficult to destroy Jiang Tiansheng.

On Hong Kong Island, although ordinary [-]-year-olds don’t know much about forced water supply.

But among those big guys, there are also some knowledgeable people.

It takes a certain amount of time to force the water supply to take effect, but Chu Feng did not record the most critical scene just because the DV machine was out of power.

What is Chu Feng lacking most now?

People, guns, money, territory!

Now Jiang Tiansheng's reputation is already bad enough. Instead of adding icing on the cake, it is most cost-effective to reap the benefits directly.

Of course, Chu Feng will also keep a copy of this video.

When he and Jiang Tiansheng completely fall out in the future, he can also give himself a legal reason to kill the leader.

When Jiang Tiansheng heard what Chu Feng said, his teeth itched with hatred.

But now, he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. Even if he knew clearly that Chu Feng was digging a hole, he could only grit his teeth and jump in.

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