"no problem!"

Jiang Tiansheng forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, "It's me, Jiang Tiansheng, who doesn't distinguish between good and evil, and employs people dishonestly, that puts you in danger, my dear, give me three days, and I will give you a surprise!" "

When Chu Feng heard this, he suddenly sneered in his heart.


If you really want compensation, you can give it immediately. Why wait three days?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng glanced at Chen Yao who was aside.

At this time, Chen Yao was still standing behind Jiang Tiansheng and seemed to have not recovered.

What happened just now has produced a series of reversals. Even Chen Yao, the white paper fan from Hongxing, who has the best brains, is a little confused about the situation at this time.

After seeing Chen Yao, Chu Feng slowly spoke,

"My handsome boy, Feng, only knows how to fight and kill. He is stupid and doesn't know what surprise Jiang Sheng is talking about."

"Brother Yao is our Hongxing white paper fan and has the best mind. 0"

"How about...you translate for the translator? What is a surprise?"

Chen Yao was slightly stunned, why did this handsome guy bring the problem to himself?

Surprise, do you need a translator?

However, Chu Feng's voice came again, "Translate, translate, what is a surprise?"

"This requires a translator, surprise..." Chen Yao said in confusion.

Chu Feng interrupted directly, "I asked you to translate to me, what is a surprise?"

"What a surprise..." Chen Yao became a little anxious when he heard Chu Feng's unkind tone.

"Translate it to me, what is a surprise!"

"What, the one who stepped on the horse, called the surprise of riding on the horse!"

Chu Feng stared at Chen Yao, and his voice became more and more fierce, which directly confused Chen Yao's thinking.

"What on earth is a surprise?" Chen Yao could only look at Jiang Tiansheng helplessly.

Jiang Tiansheng took a deep breath, "The surprise is that from today on, you, Liang Zaifeng, have the final say in Haojiang's casino business! Do you understand?"

However, Chu Feng remained unmoved.

Who knows if Jiang Tiansheng will default on his empty talk.


Ashiu was well prepared. He turned on the DV player and pointed the camera at Chu Feng, Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao.

"Translate, translate." Chu Feng continued to say to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao: ...

Although he was a little speechless, Chen Yao also understood what Chu Feng meant at this time.

With this move, Jiang Tiansheng lost.

And he lost everything!

It’s time for him, Chen Yao, to take sides!

"The surprise is that Jiang Sheng said that from now on, all casinos in Haojiang will be under your control, Chu Feng!" Chen Yao glanced at the camera and said loudly.

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he was so worried that he didn't curse.

I just said that handsome young man Feng should be in charge of Haojiang's casino business, not all casino business.

How come you, Chen Yao, are so good at making opinions that you can just translate it and add three more words?

However, at this time,

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't say anything and could only acquiesce to Chen Yao's words.

When Chu Feng heard Chen Yao's words, a smile appeared on his face.

"Jiang Sheng, it turns out this is a surprise!" Chu Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Jiang Tiansheng, "Then it seems that I wrongly blamed you. That guy Sha Biao is just a pure [-] boy!"

"Okay..." Jiang Tiansheng smiled forcefully and shook hands with Chu Feng.

This scene was also clearly captured by the camera.

Even if Jiang Tiansheng wanted to default on his debt in the future, it would be impossible.


202 Jiang Tiansheng was arrested, next stop, Zhongxinyi Pawn Shop!

After Chu Feng left.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

clack clack-

Jiang Tiansheng fired several more shots at Sha Biao's body.

It wasn't until the magazine was empty that Jiang Tiansheng's crazy face looked a little better.

He could only give Chu Feng the casino business in Haojiang.

Other than that, there’s no reward!

After all, everyone outside now knows that Chu Feng is the talker of the three Hongxing courts.

If there is one hall, there are four halls. Hongxing only has twelve halls. Counting Chu Feng's hall, there are thirteen.

If we add those who are inclined to Chu Feng to sit in the hall, then Chu Feng's power will overwhelm Jiang Tiansheng's power.

In desperation, Jiang Tiansheng could only give Chu Feng the piece of cake from Haojiang and shut Chu Feng's mouth.

"A strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. There are so many masters over there in Haojiang River. It's best to cut the pretty boy into pieces and sink him into the river!"

Jiang Tiansheng came to the window and watched Chu Feng's motorcade leave, cursing fiercely in his heart.

Although it hurt in his heart to ask Chu Feng to plant the flag in Haojiang, Jiang Tiansheng also hoped that the local snakes on the other side of Haojiang could kill Chu Feng and drive away the tigers and devour the wolves.

As the leader, it was not easy for Jiang Tiansheng to think of this move in the desperate situation just now.


Just when Jiang Tiansheng was ready to breathe a sigh of relief.

"woo woo woo woo--"

A piercing siren sounded.

I saw several police cars parked directly in front of Jiang Tiansheng's house.

The security guards at the door had already been scared away by Chu Feng's yellow scarf warriors, and no one stopped them at all.

"Damn it! Even the police are coming to deal with me!"

When Jiang Tiansheng saw this scene, his mentality completely exploded.

Just now, he was only focused on resolving the crisis, but he never expected that the villa area was the place where the police patrolled the most.

Just now Chu Feng's men pushed against the iron gate, coupled with the gunshots inside the villa, it would be strange if someone didn't come to such a huge formation!

But now,

Sha Biao's body is still at home, and his fingerprints on the pistol are Jiang Tiansheng's.

If caught by the police, everyone will get the loot.

Even if he, Jiang Tiansheng, has extraordinary means, I'm afraid he will still be imprisoned!

"How to do how to do……"

Jiang Tiansheng looked at the policeman who had rushed into the yard and kept pacing back and forth.

at this time.

He saw the security guard huddled in the corner.

A sound of footsteps came from downstairs. Jiang Tiansheng didn't have time to think too much. He quickly wiped the fingerprints on the pistol with a sheet, wrapped the gun and came to the security chief.

The security chief looked at Jiang Tiansheng in confusion.

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help but handed over the gun, "Brother, if you support me with 1000 million, I will do my best to reduce your sentence. After you are released from prison, you will be your new prisoner!"

The security chief was stunned for a moment.

After hearing the promise of 1000 million and sitting in the hall, a tangled look flashed in his eyes.

This kind of blame-taking has long been common in societies.

"Okay, Jiang Sheng."

"Help me take care of my wife and children!"

The security guard gritted his teeth and held the pistol on the bed sheet in his hand.

Just in the blink of an eye, the door was violently broken open, and O's new senior inspector Liao Zhizhong rushed in with a dozen of O's officers.

Liao Zhizhong frowned when he saw the bodies with broken heads and piles of bullet holes on the ground.

"Jiang Tiansheng, I suspect you are armed with a gun to commit murder, come with me!" Liao Zhizhong said directly.

In the current situation, the evidence is conclusive.

There was no need to produce any arrest warrant.


At this moment, the security chief stood up.

"I am the one who killed this person, arrest me!" the security chief raised his hands.

Liao Zhizhong took a deep look at the security chief and understood everything in just a moment.

It is clear.

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