Jiang Tiansheng asked him to take the blame.

Liao Zhizhong had to face this kind of accusation several times a day.

Although he knew that the real murderer was still at large, the police station was a place where evidence was important, and Liao Zhizhong was helpless even if he hated him in his heart.

Two policemen wearing white gloves took the gun and put it in a plastic bag.

"Take away!" Liao Zhizhong waved his hand and had someone push the security chief down.

Then, his eyes stayed on Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao.

"Although he voluntarily surrendered, you are also suspected."

"We have the right to detain you for 72 hours before the case is investigated clearly."

"Jiang Tiansheng, Chen Yao, please."

Liao Zhizhong glanced at the two of them and said.

Although he knew that Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao would be fine in the end, the police station's usual principle for these society bosses was to detain them as much as possible.

Jiang Tiansheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just 72 hours of detention, which is much better than being charged with armed murder.


at the same time.

Chu Feng's vehicle had already left the villa area.

"Brother Feng, you're so embarrassed!"

"From now on, Haojiang's business will belong to us."

"No wonder Brother Feng came to find Jiang Tiansheng even though it was Su Su who did it. It turned out to be just for this matter."

"When I was recording just now, I saw Jiang Tiansheng smiling more ugly than crying."

Beside Chu Feng, Age and others spoke to each other with smiles on their faces.

They are loyal to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng got the benefit, and they were even happier than themselves.

Even Ah Xiu turned on the intercom and started chatting with everyone while driving.

"Should we go back now and prepare for Haojiang?" Age asked excitedly.

"Haojiang? We'll talk about Haojiang later." Chu Feng shook his head.

Ashiu's voice came from the intercom, "Brother Feng, where are we going now?"

"Zhongxinyi Pawn Shop!"

Mentioning Zhongxinyi, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with cruelty, "Zhongxinyi sent someone to kill me, and he also wanted to put the blame on Jiang Tiansheng and provoke a fight between me and Jiang Tiansheng. They will benefit from it? What a big deal. Appetite!"

However, at this time.

"Brother Feng, there is news from the brother who stayed there just now to look after us."

Ashiu said through the intercom, "Not long after we left, many police officers came to the villa and took away Jiang Tiansheng, Chen Yao, and a guy wearing a hood."

Chu Feng was slightly startled when he heard this, but he was relieved after a moment.

The big noise that was made just now will definitely attract the police.

There was Sha Biao's body inside the villa, so the police officers would naturally take away all the relevant personnel.

"The one wearing the hood was probably arranged by Jiang Tiansheng to take the blame, right?"

"This guy Jiang Tiansheng is really lucky."

Chu Feng shook his head in disappointment.

Although Jiang Tiansheng promised to give Chu Feng the management rights of all casinos in Haojiang, Chu Feng hoped that Jiang Tiansheng would go to jail or be killed by someone who had nothing to do with him.

After all, Chu Feng can fight on his own in Haojiang.

Jiang Tiansheng let Chu Feng take care of it, just to enjoy the results of the previous fighting process.

As long as Chu Feng is given time and enough manpower is recruited, it will be a matter of time to conquer Haojiang.

But Chu Feng can accept this result now.


Half an hour later, the vehicle arrived at Zhongxinyi Pawn Shop.

"Brother Feng, Zhongxinyi Pawn Shop is here." Ashiu said on the intercom.

When Chu Feng heard this, he was about to get out of the car.

However, at this time.

"Loyalty and righteousness?" Chu Feng seemed to have thought of something and suddenly stopped.


A smile flashed across Chu Feng's face.

Now that Jiang Tiansheng is away, according to the rules of the Hong Kong police, he will be detained for 72 hours.

Maybe I can make some big moves during this period of time.


203 Find a loan from Susulu and get fat!

at the same time.

Loyal and trustworthy, in the pawn shop.

Susu was walking back and forth in the office, observing the work of the collectors.

After seeing a male collector, I came to him.

"Sister Su." Upon seeing this, the collection clerk quickly stood up.

Su Su coughed lightly, "How about Li Hongzhe's account?"

"He refuses to pay back. He's not even afraid of us messing with his daughter." The collector said helplessly.

"Are you three years old?" Su Su picked up the documents on the table and read them while saying, "If you don't mind throwing acid at him, you'll kill his mother."

Paused for a moment.

Su Su withdrew her eyes from the documents and stared coldly at the collection, "If I don't kill his mother, I will kill your mother. Do you understand?"

"Ming...understand." The man said with a sigh of relief and nodded tremblingly.

He knew it.

Although Su Su usually smiles, her heart is very vicious. She can really do such a thing.

at this time.

"Sister Su, there is good news!"

Ah Fa suddenly walked up to Su Su and said with surprise on his face.

"What's the good news? It makes you smile so happily." When Su Su saw Ah Fa, a smile appeared on her face.

Afa was brought out by her personally, and he is currently one of the Four Heavenly Kings who are loyal and righteous, so Susu naturally wanted to look good on him.

"Our Hong Xing's secret chess piece, Jiang Tiansheng's close bodyguard, is dead!" Afa said happily, "None of the other gunmen survived."

"Where's handsome Feng?" Su Su asked quickly.

"Pretty Feng is fine," Ah Fa said with a smile.

"What kind of good news is this?" Su Su rolled her eyes at Afa helplessly.

His original intention was to hope that Chu Feng would die, and then Chu Feng's men would conflict with Jiang Tiansheng, causing Hongxing to be in chaos.

Only in this way, Lian Haolong would take back the security guards around Tang Liyu because of insufficient manpower, and concentrate on sharing Hong Xing's cake.

But now.

An Qi is dead, but Chu Feng is fine?

What good news is this?

Ah Fa seemed to have expected Su Su to have such an expression, and said with a smile, "Although Chu Feng is not dead, Sha Biao seemed to have bitten Jiang Tiansheng out when he died."

"Then what?" Susu's eyes lit up.

"Then, Chu Feng led people directly to Jiang Tiansheng's villa and smashed it to pieces. It is said that some people were killed!" Afa said quickly.

Hearing this, Su Su's face finally showed a hint of joy.

However, she was still a little worried, "Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable! It was reported back by the person we arranged." Afa said quickly, "And there was news from Lei Meizhen at the police station that Sha Biao died in Jiang Tiansheng's villa, and the murderer was from Jiang Tiansheng's side. The security chiefs, Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao, were also present at the time, so they were taken away by the police."

Hearing this, Susu immediately believed it.

She might doubt other people's words, but she absolutely believed in Lei Meizhen's words.

Lei Meizhen is a policewoman.

He was originally a conscientious Hong Kong police officer, but when he was gambling in Macau, he lost 50.

Lian Haodong is responsible for this account.

Because of the 50 yuan, Lei Meizhen was manipulated by Lian Haodong and provided information to Lian Haodong.

Later, Lian Haodong used this as a blackmail.

Lei Meizhen can only be tied to Zhongxinyi's warship and work for them.

"It looks like Chu Feng has caught Sha Biao."

"Si Biao confessed to Jiang Tiansheng again, and Chu Feng took Sha Biao to make trouble in Jiang Tiansheng's villa."

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