"Not only that, even Jiang Tiansheng's villa was destroyed."

"It seems that the two sides have reached the point of breaking up..."

Su Su crossed her arms and thought deeply, "Maybe we can add some fire and let Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng go to war directly."

"I think so too, Sister Su." Afa also nodded quickly.

Only when Hong Xing is in chaos will they have the opportunity to kidnap Tang Liyu. Both of them have the same starting point.

Just at this time.

The security guard downstairs came to Su Su, "Sister Su, handsome guy Feng is clamoring to see you downstairs. He doesn't have an appointment. Do you want him to come up?"

"Beautiful Feng?" Su Su was slightly startled, "Why did he come to me?"

Could it be...that Sha Biao suddenly changed his tune when he was at Jiang Tiansheng's villa?

Su Su instinctively thought that her actions had exposed her.

But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

How could Sha Biao die if he was exposed?

Liang Zaifeng should bring Sha Biao to find him and question him...

In the end, Su Su decided to meet Chu Feng.

Let’s see what kind of medicine Chu Feng sells in his gourd.

"Afa, please be more alert for a while. If handsome boy Feng is here to ask for guilt, let the brothers kill him." Although she decided to see Chu Feng, Su Su still felt a little uneasy.

She is the kind of extremely sensitive person, so sensitive that she is even a little paranoid.

In the original work, just because the kidnapper said "Sister Su", she was worried that Tang Liyu would hear it, and she killed the kidnappers and Tang Liyu together.

No matter what you do, if you strive to be foolproof, you must at least be prepared with two hands.

".'No problem, Sister Su!" Afa nodded quickly.

Then several close men were called, and the safety guards on the pistols were all opened.

After everything happened last night, Su Su took a deep breath and said, "Let the handsome guy come up."

The security guard nodded quickly and left.

In a short time, he brought Chu Feng to the pawn shop.

"Sister Su Su." Chu Feng saw Su Su and greeted with a smile.

Su Su couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw Chu Feng with a smile on his face and several people around him.

Judging from all the details, it seems that he didn't know that Sha Biao's incident was planned by himself.

If Chu Feng knew about it, he would never smile like this, let alone bring so many people to the tiger's den.

"Hey, isn't this handsome guy?"

"Why did you suddenly think of coming to see Sister Su? Sit down quickly..."

Su Su stepped forward with a friendly smile, took Chu Feng's arm to the living room, and motioned for Chu Feng to sit down.

Chu Feng sneered in his heart when he saw Su Su being so kind.

This woman (Li Zhao’s) is really not simple!

If Chu Feng hadn't used the forced water supply, he would never have thought that the smiling woman in front of him was the instigator who wanted to kill himself and stir up civil strife in Hongxing.

Although I thought so.

But Chu Feng was not polite and just sat on the sofa with a straight face.

"Sister Su, to be honest, my brother and I are in trouble this time, and I need your help." A flash of anger flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, but he still said with a smile.

Su Su naturally saw Chu Feng's expression in her eyes.

Although she had a vague suspicion in her mind, she still asked with a smile, "If you have any difficulties, just tell me! You are Brother Long's friend, that is, my friend, what should you say to others?"

"Since Sister Su said so, I won't hide it."

Chu Feng said with a sincere expression, "Something happened to me recently and I need some funds. If Sister Su really wants to help, I would like to borrow some money from you to help." Zhi.

204 Hongxing is going to be in chaos?Chu Feng Lion opened his mouth, 5000 million!

Chu Feng must need this money.

Although he had previously obtained 3000 million from Chen Nanlu, after investing 1000 million in Dadong, only 2000 million was left.

Of these 2000 million, 1000 million will be used to invest in the renovation of Wan Chai.

The other 1000 million is kept as a spare. Once the template quota is obtained, it is ready to be drawn at any time.

After arranging these things, Chu Feng didn't have much money in his hand.

But, then, there is still a lot of money to spend.

After Dadong contacted the arms dealer, he would purchase the first batch of arms orders.

Beyond that, Hong Kong Island’s golden age is coming.

The future stock market will also be a huge profit.

No matter which industry you are in, investment is required. If you want to become a capital rookie, you must first have a certain amount of capital.

If there is no money, even if the golden age comes, it will be nonsense.

As for Su Su, Chu Feng believed that Su Su would definitely agree to lend the money.

Sha Biao's assassination was planned by Su Su.

By now she should have gotten the news that Chu Feng and his men smashed up Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

And Chu Feng led people to smash Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

On the one hand, he is a fool and gets enough benefits.

On the other hand, it also needs to be shown to Su Su.

In Su Su's view, if she suddenly came to borrow money, and the amount of 570 was still a large amount, she must be preparing to go to war with Jiang Tiansheng.

Due to emotions and reasons, Su Su hopes that Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng will fight together.

She must borrow this money!

As for paying back?

I borrowed it based on my ability, why should I pay it back?

Besides, Sha Biao is from Su Su, and Chu Feng will announce this matter sooner or later.

Zhongxinyi coveted Hongxing's piece of cake, so why didn't Chu Feng want Zhongxinyi's territory?

By that time, the two sides completely broke up and swallowed Zhongxinyi in one fell swoop. Even the territory belonged to Chu Feng. Who dared to ask Chu Feng for money?

As for people like Lian Haolong Susu?

By then he would have probably already reported to the underworld.


After Su Su heard Chu Feng say that she wanted to borrow money, she suddenly smiled.

"Hey, what am I thinking!"

"If you want money, just tell Sister Su. Others are always out and about, so Sister Su won't count your interest."

Susu looked generous.


What benefit could be greater than carving up Hongxing?

And when the time comes, if Tang Liyu is kidnapped, he can still get [-] million!

Seeing Su Su's generous expression, Chu Feng also pretended to be grateful, "Thank you, Sister Su, you really helped me a lot (babh)!"

"Everyone is messing around in the world. When money is tight, the best thing to do is help each other!"

Su Su said with a smile, "Tell me, how much does it cost?"

"5000 million!" Chu Feng said loudly.

"What? 5000 million?"

Susu was obviously frightened by this amount.

She thought that Chu Feng's loan of 1000 million was enough. After all, pawn shops like Xixuan basically provided unsecured loans.

No matter how much you are worth as a person, she will give you as much money as you want.

Chu Feng directly asked for 5000 million, which was beyond Su Su's expectation.

"Are you kidding me?" Su Su smiled awkwardly and asked.

"I'm not kidding, Sister Su." Chu Feng said solemnly, "I'm going to do something big next. The more money I have, the better. Don't worry, I won't rely on you."

"This..." Su Su hesitated, "I'm afraid I can't make the decision. How about I ask Brother Long to discuss it?"

Although she was happy to see Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng fighting.

But the amount of 5000 million is still a bit large.

If the amount is small, it will be borrowed. Even if Chu Feng is killed by Jiang Tiansheng and swallows up Hongxing's territory, he will still make money.

But if it’s 5000 million, you have to think about it carefully.

Susu felt that for such a large amount, it would be more appropriate to communicate with Lian Haolong first.

Chu Feng pretended to think, "Shall I let Brother Long handle it...that's fine!"

"Okay, then you wait here, I'll call Brother Long." Susu stood up with a smile and went to another room.

After dialing Lian Haolong's phone number.

Susu immediately told Lian Haolong the general situation.

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