"What? You said you provoked a direct conflict between Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng? That guy Chu Feng also borrowed 5000 million from us?"

"Chu Feng doesn't know that you did this, right? You're too reckless. Please discuss it with me."

On the other side of the phone, Lian Haolong's tone was very surprised.

At the same time, he also had some blame.

Although Susu handled this matter very beautifully, after all, he, the leader, didn't even know about such a big matter. If anything happened, he would easily fall into passivity.

"Don't worry, Brother Long, Liang Zaifeng doesn't know it was me who arranged it... He wants so much money, he should be preparing to go to war with Jiang Tiansheng."

Susu told Lian Haolong her guess.

After listening to Susu explain the cause and effect, Lian Haolong also understood the importance of the matter.

"Susu, hold him steady first, I'll be there right away!"

After saying that, Lian Haolong hung up the phone directly.

Su Su returned to Chu Feng and said, "Brother Long will be here soon, please wait a moment."

"Sorry to trouble you, Sister Su." Chu Feng nodded with a smile, then sat on his chair and waited.

Probably less than 10 minutes passed.

Lian Haolong walked in surrounded by the three heavenly kings.

"A Feng!" Lian Haolong greeted Chu Feng cordially.

"Brother Long!" Chu Feng saw Lian Haolong coming and stood up with a smile.

After the two briefly exchanged greetings.

"This is not the place to talk. Ah Feng, come with me." Lian Haolong patted Chu Feng on the shoulder and took Chu Feng into a secret room.

Wait for the two of them to sit down.

"A Feng, what do you want so much money for?" Lian Haolong asked pretending to be curious.

"I..." Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, with hatred in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Brother Long, things are kept secret. Although we are good friends, I still have to keep it a secret before doing anything."

When Lian Haolong saw this, he nodded secretly in his heart.

Judging from Zhong Chu Feng's expression, he might really be going to war with Jiang Tiansheng.

"A Feng, can 2000 million be okay? 5000 million is too much."

Lian Haolong said, "You also know that there is no mortgage for our brothers to take money from me. Business is business and friendship is friendship. The risk of 5000 million is really too big. Can you understand, Feng?"

"Brother Long, I understand." Chu Feng nodded, "But I have a building in my hand that can be used as a mortgage. If I can't pay back the money within a year, you can take the building back."

"Dasha?" Lian Haolong was stunned.

When did Chu Feng have a building?

With the current market situation in Hong Kong Island, even the worst building costs nearly ten million. It is difficult to make money by being a short mule, so few people do it.

"This building belongs to Chen Nanlu. He used the building to pay my bills some time ago. All the procedures are in my car, as long as you sign." Chu Feng directly told all the building information and address that he obtained from Chen Nanlu. Lian Haolong.

Lian Haolong was immediately surprised when he heard this.

Although he didn't know Chen Nanlu, he had heard of his name.

Judging from the address, it should be the newly completed Dasha in Wan Chai.

Chu Feng could actually get this building from Chen Nanlu?

It seems that he still underestimated Chu Feng's strength.

205 The great wronged Lian Haolong!Money and guns!

"Give me the procedures, I still need to check." Lian Haolong thought for a while and said.

After a while, Asiu got the procedures from the car.

Even Haolong has verified that this building does belong to Chu Feng.

"Since there is this building as a mortgage, there is no problem." Lian Haolong put the formalities aside.

He has just had someone check it. The market value of this building is 500 million. If it sells well, it can be sold for 3000 million.

In addition, he and Su Su themselves had set a net worth of 2000 million for Chu Feng.

With a mortgage, I can give Chu Feng 5000 million without losing money!

Both parties signed the formalities.

"I'll have someone get the money for you right now!" Lian Haolong handed over the contract in copy, and then asked Ah~ to get the money.

It will take a while.

Ah Fa and a few younger brothers carried five large suitcases and placed them in front of Chu Feng's desk. They were all filled with Hong Kong banknotes with a face value of [-] yuan.

"A Feng, this is 5000 million, please check it." Lian Haolong stretched out his palm and motioned for Chu Feng to count it.

Chu Feng picked up a bag casually and weighed it.

"No need to order Brother Long, I believe you!"

When Chu Feng took money from Chen Nanlu before, he had already felt the weight of 1000 million.

A brand new Hong Kong dollar thousand dollar note weighs about 1.2 grams, and 1000 million is about 25 pounds.

Even the money given by Haolong is about the same weight as the money. If the quantity is not enough or it is counterfeit, the weight is much lighter than real money.

"What a courage." Lian Haolong said with a smile, "I won't calculate the interest for you, Feng. Just pay the money back after you finish the work."

"No problem." Chu Feng nodded, and then smiled sheepishly, "Brother Long, I still need your help with a little thing."

"Tell me what it is." Lian Haolong said.

"Do you have any extra guns? Get some for me. I need them for work recently." Chu Feng said to Lian Haolong.

Lian Haolong's eyes flashed, "Long spear or short spear?"

"Let's take a long gun. I don't have many long guns here, but I have a lot of pistols." Chu Feng thought for a while and said.

Lian Haolong thought of Chu Feng's angry expression before, and now he saw Chu Feng asking him to borrow a gun, and he suddenly became more sure.

Chu Feng was most likely preparing to go to war with Jiang Tiansheng.

It is estimated that after Jiang Tiansheng's detention period ends, a war between the two sides will break out!

"A Feng, what are you doing?" Lian Haolong asked again.

"Brother Long, don't ask. You can't tell me now. You will know when the time comes." Chu Feng said helplessly.

The more vague Chu Feng became, the more certain Lian Haolong became.

Chu Feng is really going to war with Jiang Tiansheng!

5000 million has been spent, so what are a few guns?

"it is good!"

Lian Haolong suddenly slapped his chest, "Although I don't know what you are going to do, your business is my business. I have ten spears there, all of which are American goods, and I will lend them to you!"

"Thank you, Brother Long!" Chu Feng suddenly pretended to be grateful.

Lian Haolong didn't know that he was being led by Chu Feng from beginning to end.

Money was given, and guns were given.

Proper big injustice!

If it weren't for the inappropriate time, Chu Feng would really want to give Lian Haolong a good guy card.

Chu Feng asked Asiu and others to carry those big leather bags.

It will take a while.

Afa also brought ten spears and gave them to Chu Feng.

All these guns were wrapped tightly with cloth strips, but judging from their outlines, they should be M16s.


After saying goodbye to Lian Haolong and Su Su.

Chu Feng called Liangkun directly.

However, before Chu Feng dialed the number, Liangkun called first.

"Does this guy have a connection?" When Chu Feng saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he picked up the phone.

As soon as he answered the phone, Liangkun's yelling voice came from the receiver.

"Damn it! I heard that you went to Jiang Tiansheng to cause trouble in Jiang Tiansheng's villa? Now Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao have gone to the police station to drink tea."

"A Feng, I really belong to you!"

There was a hint of admiration in Liangkun's voice.

He and Jiang Tiansheng were not on the same page, and he had secretly been Jiang Tiansheng's troublemaker.

But what Chu Feng did this time was far beyond his expectations.

"We'll talk about this later. Are you on the set?" Chu Feng skipped the topic directly.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" Liangkun asked doubtfully.

"Don't ask, come to You Guangqi Restaurant first." Chu Feng said to Liangkun, "You call Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin, and Liang Ma, and tell them to come to You Guoqi Restaurant. I have something to tell you. ."

"Okay, no problem." Liangkun agreed readily and then hung up the phone.

And Chu Feng's motorcade also headed towards the Guangqi Restaurant.


after an hour.

Youguo Restaurant, in the private room.

Liangkun, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, and Liangma are all in place.

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