Yuen Long, Hing Fat Mahjong Farm.

Chu Feng parked the car at the entrance of the Mahjong Museum.

At this time, the door to the venue was open, and the glass outside had been smashed.

Ah Xiu and others entered the mahjong hall first, and Chu Feng followed them.

At this time, the Mahjong Hall was already in a mess.

The mahjong table was in disarray, and the mahjong pieces on the table were scattered all over the floor.

Billy was sitting on the arhat formed by several corpses, holding a machete in his left hand and a three-edged harpoon in his right hand.

Those corpses were stacked by Billy to form a arhat, and it seemed that they should be the corpses left behind by Li Zhentang.

The boy next to him was bandaging his wounds.

On his abdomen, a trace of blood more than a foot long was vaguely visible, which was obviously injured in the battle just now.

"Brother Feng." Seeing Chu Feng's arrival, Billy quickly prepared to stand up.

"Don't move yet, otherwise the wound will open." Chu Feng stepped forward and pressed Billy on the stool.

After Billy was bandaged, Chu Feng asked what happened.


An hour ago, several close men under Li Zhentang suddenly came to spoil Uncle Xing's performance.

Billy faced off hastily, and at the beginning, he was a little passive.

But later, after taking control of the situation, they beat these people back.

Li Zhentang, like Uncle Xing, belongs to the older generation.

Although he is a loyal person, because Zhongxinyi's headquarters is in Central, and Li Zhentang's hall is in Yuen Long.

Yuen Long is about 20 kilometers away from the headquarters of Zhongxinyi. Because of the distance, Zhongxinyi has little influence here, and Li Zhentang is also a weaker group here.

There are also great conflicts between Li Zhentang and Uncle Xing.

Now that Uncle Xing has suffered a stroke, although Chu Feng has taken charge of Yuen Long District, Li Zhentang has been plotting against Uncle Xing's 570 territory for a long time.

In addition, Li Zhentang did not know about Chu Feng's "good friendship" with Lian Haolong.

As for Li Zhentang, he didn't take Chu Feng seriously due to his seniority.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that Li Zhentang suddenly attacked.

But Chu Feng guessed.

Li Zhentang also had the reason to curry favor with Tang Liyu.

Although Li Zhentang didn't know that Chu Feng was now "good friends" with Lian Haolong, Li Zhentang knew that Tang Liyu had been plotting against Lu Yu Tea House for a long time.

If he could drive Uncle Xing's people out of Yuen Long District, he could just use Lu Yu Teahouse as a favor to Tang Liyu.

Any financial support he could get from Tang Liyu would be a big piece of pie for Li Zhentang.

After Billy told Chu Feng the general story of the matter, he gave the body sitting under his butt a hard blow.

"Damn, the more I think about it, the angrier I get!"

"I have never fought such a frustrating battle. It's so humiliating!"

"Brother Feng, after I wrap it up, I will take people to sweep away Li Zhentang's territory, and then I will tie the old guy to see you!"

Billy's face was ferocious, and his teeth chattered loudly.

It seemed that he was angry, and there were more blood stains on the abdominal bandage.

"You'd better have a good rest first. If you open the wound, you'll be in trouble." Chu Feng comforted Billy a few words, "Don't worry, Brother Feng, I will definitely help you get back this face!"

208 Defeat Zhongxinyi and capture Li Zhentang alive!


Li Shan arrived in Yuen Long District.

After thinking about it, Chu Feng decided to let Li Shan take action.

Even Haolong had seen the four of them, Ah Xiu, A Ge, Ah Jin, and Lan Yan Ke, and knew they were Chu Feng's close associates.

If they are allowed to take action, it will be difficult to say something at that time.

But Li Shan is different.

It's not yet time for Chu Feng to officially fall out with Lian Haolong, but Chu Feng wants Li Zhentang's territory again.

So I could only choose a new face like Li Shan.

Along with Li Shan came a hundred yellow scarf warriors.

Every yellow scarf warrior carries a ghost mastiff.

In addition to ghost mastiffs, the weapons of the yellow scarf warriors have also been replaced by cannons, from the simple homemade mace to a machete more than two meters long.

These machetes were made by Li Shan from the Kowloon City blacksmith according to Chu Feng's requirements, and tailor-made for these yellow scarf warriors.

All of them are in the style of the previous Broadsword Team. The blades are broad and flashing with a cold light.

Li Shan looked at these yellow scarf warriors and began to lecture.

"Brothers, does what happened tonight have anything to do with Brother Feng?"


"Does Brother Feng know about our loyalty?"

"do not know!"

"Why should we fight for loyalty?"

"Because of loyalty and righteousness, we will be defeated!"

"You know how to behave for a while, right?"


Li Shan asked a question, and the hundred yellow scarf warriors answered.

"Tonight, there will be no more loyalty in Yuen Long District!"

Li Shan clenched the machete in his hand and marched toward Li Zhentang's place with the yellow scarf warriors.

At the door of Li Zhentang's gambling stall, the younger brother suddenly changed his expression when he saw a group of strong men rushing towards them.

The broadsword gleamed with cold light, complementing the white teeth of those ghost mastiffs.

"You, you, you, what are you doing?"

"This is the territory of loyalty and righteousness!"

One of Li Zhentang's men shouted in fear.

However, the words just came out.

"What are you doing? Fuck your mother!"! Li Shan rushed forward and knocked the loyal and loyal man to the ground with a knife.

All the yellow scarf warriors loosened the dog leashes as thick as a baby's arms in their hands.

With the big knife raised high in his hand, he rushed into Li Zhentang's factory.

"Holy crap, someone ruined the place!"

"Copycat guys, brothers!"

"Where did this dog come from? Don't bite me, lo-"

The loyal and loyal brothers were caught off guard and fell into chaos in an instant.

"Damn it, this is the territory of loyalty and righteousness, who has eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's guts?"

Li Zhentang's close friend, Big Benniu, heard the noise outside and rushed out quickly.

Seeing that the place was already in chaos, he didn't have time to think too much and rushed forward with his knife.


I just met a yellow scarf warrior.

The yellow scarf warrior grinned widely and struck directly with the 40-pound machete in his hand.

Dabenniu instinctively raised his knife to block.

However, the moment the two knives came into contact, the watermelon knife in his hand was split into two halves by the yellow turban warrior's machete like a piece of paper.

The remaining power continued unabated, even half of the big stupid cow's head was chopped off.

The bravery of the yellow scarf warrior immediately frightened everyone.

Li Shan silently knocked down several of Zhongxinyi's younger brothers, "Those who are looking for fun, all hide aside. We are only looking for Zhongxinyi today!"

When the gamblers heard this, they immediately screamed and fled.

After these gamblers fled, the yellow scarf warriors suddenly became less scrupulous about taking action, carrying broadswords and doing whatever they could.

Even if someone is knocked down to the ground and is lucky enough to survive, his throat will be broken by the ghost mastiff. Many loyal and righteous guys who can still fight will be directly knocked down by the ghost mastiff, and their faces and bodies will be chewed with bloody flesh.

Just less than 10 minute.

Except for Chu Feng's people, there was no one alive in the entire gambling stall.

"The next one!" Li Shan waved his hand and led everyone to kill Li Zhentang's next place.

And after a few minutes.

The Hung Hing boys from Yuen Long District reoccupied the gambling stall that the Yellow Turban warriors had knocked down.


The entire battle lasted for less than two hours.

Li Zhentang's power was not great to begin with, even worse than a third-rate club.

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