In two hours, the Yellow Turban warriors swept away Li Zhentang's field like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Even Li Zhentang himself was pulled out from the Yellow Turban Lux Little Western Building, tied into rice dumplings, and thrown in front of Li Shan like a flour bag.

Li Zhentang raised his head and glanced at Li Shan, "Who are you? We don't seem to have any holidays, right?"

"No festival?" Li Shan sneered, "I'm from Hongxing. Can't you just sweep our place, but we can't sweep yours?"

After hearing these words, Li Zhentang suddenly realized.


He glanced at the yellow scarf warriors behind Li Shan, and when he saw their iron tower-like figures and ferocious faces, his eyes suddenly widened.

How could Uncle Xing have such a fierce younger brother?

"You, you are Chu Feng's..." Li Zhentang said with some surprise.


Not finished yet.

Li Zhentang's mouth was directly hit by the smelly socks that Li Shan found from nowhere.

".'You talk a lot!"

"Wait until Lian Haolong comes to get you!"

"take away!"

After speaking, Li Shan waved his hand, directly put Li Zhentang into the car and left.


at the same time.

Lian Haolong is in the villa, sleeping with Susu in his arms.

A rapid ringing of the phone woke him up directly.

Lian Haolong, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed suddenly.

"Brother Long, what happened?" Su Su asked in confusion.

Lian Haolong ignored Su Su and held the phone in his hand.

At his level, the phone calls are usually handled by secretaries.

Unless there is an emergency, someone will call his personal phone.

"It's so late, what could happen?"

"Is there something wrong with the goods!?"

Lian Haolong didn't dare to neglect and quickly picked up the phone.

Just after picking up the call (from Li Zhao), Luo Tianhong's voice came over, "Brother Long, I just received the news that Yuen Long District was raided by Hongxing's people, and Uncle Tang was also kidnapped."

"What?" Lian Haolong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the goods!

But after a moment, anger appeared in Lian Haolong's eyes again.

Although Li Zhentang's court is the weakest in terms of loyalty and righteousness, he is still a loyal and righteous person.

People from Hongxing didn't give him face so much?

Jiang Tiansheng is still drinking tea in the police station. Who did it?

Could it be Chu Feng?

But Chu Feng only took men and guns from him during the day and was busy fighting Jiang Tiansheng. How could he deal with Li Zhentang?

"Who did it?" Lian Haolong asked quickly.

Luo Tianhong hesitated, "I'm not sure yet, but some passers-by said that the Hong Xingzi who swept the field were all as strong as John Bull. In the whole of Hongxing, Chu Feng was the only one with such a strong Hong Xingzi."

... Chi.

209 Although I am at the forefront of the storm, I am actually the safest!

Lian Haolong's eyes flashed when he heard Luo Tianhong's words, "Is he really from Liang Zaifeng?"

"Then what should we do? Do we want to go to war with Liang Zaifeng?" Luo Tianhong shook the Tang Dao in his hand, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He has long wanted to touch Liang Zaifeng.

Li Zhentang had also approached Luo Tianhong before and asked Luo Tianhong to help him go to Yuen Long to acquire some land.

But because Lian Haolong recently asked him to protect Tang Liyu, this matter can only be shelved indefinitely.

If it weren't for Lian Haolong's previous statement that it was inappropriate to have a conflict with a handsome guy, Luo Tianhong would have gone to help Tang Liyu to support his appearance.

Lian Haolong didn't speak when he heard Luo Tianhong's words, but sat on the sofa and meditated.

In his opinion, Chu Feng was about to go to war with Jiang Tiansheng at this time.

There was absolutely no reason to tease Lian Haolong's beard.

What's more, handsome guy Feng just came to him during the day, borrowing money and getting a gun. There was no reason for him to fall out with him.

But if this matter is not dealt with.

Zhongxinyi's place was swept away, and Haolong didn't even fart. I'm afraid he will be ridiculed by other brothers on the road in the future.

But it’s not a good idea.

In the event that handsome young man 570 Feng turns against him, handsome young man will not go to war with Jiang Tiansheng, but will turn around and cross the ocean to fight for loyalty.

At that time, Zhongxinyi and Liangzaifeng will both suffer losses, and other associations will treat Zhongxinyi as a cake.

"There must be some misunderstanding..."

"Don't use your swords yet. Tonight we will be polite first and then fight."


Lian Haolong called his younger brother Lian Haodong over, "Go and give a greeting card to Liang Zaifeng, and we'll tell the story over wine at Tang's Restaurant in Wan Chai at noon."



Tang's Restaurant.

"Brother Feng, it's exactly what you guessed. That guy Lian Haolong really laid out a table of wine and told the story." Ashiu said from the side.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "That's for sure. Don't think I am at the forefront of the storm now, but in fact it is the safest. They all think that I will fight Jiang Tiansheng to the death. If they mess with me at this time and I hit them, they will fall into trouble. Passive."

"Then what should we do next?" Ashiu asked.

"No need to do anything, just pretend to be confused." Chu Feng sat on the chair, minding his own business, "By the way, how is that guy Li Zhentang doing now?"

"Li Shan already had someone press him to run this way. He was beaten up last night and he is much more honest." Ashiu said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's just sit back and wait for Lian Haolong to come." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, "They all think that my handsome boy is stupid and wants to go head-to-head with Jiang Tiansheng. The fun is yet to come."

at the same time.

Under Tang's Restaurant, Lian Haolong's Mercedes-Benz and several security vehicles were also parked under Tang's Restaurant.

"Brother, handsome guy's car is over there." Lian Haodong pointed to the modified Hummer on the roadside.

Chu Feng's car was too conspicuous. Although there were many cars parked on the road here, the modified Hummer stood out from the crowd, extremely eye-catching.

"Remember, we are here to tell the story this time, no one will cause trouble for a while." Lian Haolong repeatedly warned, and then surrounded by everyone, he entered Tang's Restaurant.

This scene was also clearly seen by a few people hiding in the dark.

"What's wrong with this guy Liang Zaifeng? How could he touch Lian Haolong's tiger beard?" Niu Xiong frowned in the car.

"I don't know. Who among the gangsters is not crazy?" said the senior police officer Fei Bo Fei Bo next to him.

Fei Bo was originally with Liao Zhizhong, but today Liao Zhizhong had to do some important things, so Fei Bo came with Niu Xiong to keep an eye on them.

"Hey, Brother Bo, you are so good, why do you want to be transferred? Isn't it a good idea to follow Brother Zhong?" Niu Xiong looked at Fei Bo and smiled, "Isn't it because you are old and have lost your courage?"

Fei Bo sighed, "Ah Xiong, we have known each other for a long time. You also know who I am. I was stabbed three times before and chased human traffickers for several streets. If my wife is here, I will still risk my life with Brother Zhong." , but she died of cancer three (babh) months ago, and I still have three daughters to take care of."

Niu Xiong sighed, "Then you must be transferred back here."

"What are you doing back here?" Fei Bo wondered.

"There are many prestigious schools here!" Niu Xiong punched Fei Bo on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Fei Bo also laughed when he heard this.

But after a while, Fei Bo sighed slightly, "I don't know why, but my eyelids have been twitching recently, and I always feel an ominous premonition."

"What do you mean?" Niu Xiong wondered.

"I don't know either." Fei Bo was a little irritated, "Brother Zhong is going to the Sai Wan Pier for deployment today. I always feel that catching a dirty guy will not be so peaceful."

"Don't worry, we will definitely succeed!" Niu Xiong patted Fei Bo on the shoulder, "Look, Lian Haolong and the others are coming up."

Fei Bo looked in the direction Niu Xiong pointed and saw that Lian Haolong and the others had indeed gone to Tang's Restaurant.

Seeing Niu Xiong take out his pistol, Fei Bo became anxious and said, "Hey, Xiong, we are here to keep a close eye on you today. Don't be impulsive."

"Don't worry, I'm just cleaning the gun." Niu Xiong said in a dumbfounded voice, then picked up the police gun in his hand and started cleaning it.


5 minute later.

The door of the box where Chu Feng was sitting was pushed open, and Lian Haolong walked in with Lian Haodong, Su Su, and a kind of security guard.

"Brother Long!" Chu Feng raised his hand and said hello.

"A Feng." Lian Haolong responded with a smile.

Judging from the smiles on their faces, it seemed as if what happened in Yuen Long last night had never happened.

This banquet was set by Lian Haolong.

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