Jiang Tiansheng will also know everything that happens outside through his lawyer.

That does not work!

Within these 72 hours, Chu Feng will make Jiang Tiansheng completely deaf and blind. Only in this way can he be able to cause trouble! .

213 I want Hong Kong Island to be completely in chaos within 72 hours!

How to make Jiang Tiansheng deaf and blind?

The entry point is this lawyer.

If Jiang Tiansheng's lawyer could shut up forever, then the news from the outside would not reach Jiang Tiansheng's ears.

But now,

Liao Zhizhong even took out the arrest warrant and looked businesslike.

We have to find a way to send Liao Zhizhong away.

But now, how to remove Chen Guozhong?

Chu Feng's mind changed rapidly and he began to think secretly.

When Liao Zhizhong saw that Chu Feng was silent, he lit a cigarette and said, "I'll give you one cigarette to hire a lawyer. Once you hire a lawyer, hurry back to the police station with me. I have other things to deal with."

"What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry?" Chu Feng replied, but he was thinking about getting out.

Liao Zhizhong hesitated for a moment, but finally said, "Last night, we swept away more than a ton of orange powder from Zhong Xinyi. That guy A Zou refused to admit it, and we will continue to interrogate him when we get back."

"Azu?" Upon hearing this name, Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

According to the original plot, after Ah Zou was caught, the Zhongxinyi Association got rid of him that night.

After all, Ah Zou is also a high-level member of the society, and Lian Haolong is afraid that Ah Zou will reveal some information to the police.

thought here.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said solemnly, "Sir Liao, I think it is necessary for you to deal with Ah Zou's matter instead of wasting time with me."

Liao Zhizhong smoked a cigarette and said, "Don't worry, I will try both cases, so you don't need to worry."

"Really?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, "But I got some important information today. Your police station may not be peaceful tonight..."

"What do you mean?" Liao Zhizhong asked with a smile.

He didn't take Chu Feng's words to heart at all.

Of course, he knew very well what Chu Feng was thinking. It was just to avoid going to the police station.

However, is it possible for Chu Feng not to go to a place like the police station if he doesn't want to?

Today, Liao Zhizhong said he would take Chu Feng away, otherwise he would not have to work as a senior inspector.

Seeing Liao Zhizhong's nonchalant look, Chu Feng smiled and said, "You can catch Azu and sweep away more than a ton of orange powder from Zhongxinyi. Do you think Zhongxinyi will let it go? Or...do you think Zhongxinyi will let Azu live?" "?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it quickly and I'll see what else you can make up." Liao Zhizhong still didn't agree and sat directly on the table with his legs crossed.

Chu Feng glanced at Liao Zhizhong expressionlessly, "Every chicken has its own way of doing things. I have received information. Will the three loyal and trustworthy kings go to the police station to kill the uncle tonight?"

"Why did they want to get rid of Ah Zou? Ah Zou has a very strict mouth. I interrogated him all night and found nothing." Liao Zhizhong looked in disbelief.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes at him, "Do you think those who come out to hang out really only believe in brotherhood? That will only lead to an early death! After Ah Zou was caught, his wife immediately threatened Lian Haolong. This idiot After a few actions by the woman, Ah Zou was immediately slapped with a big label."

The smile on Liao Zhizhong's face faded.

After Chu Feng's deliberation, he also believed that this was very possible.

But now, it was just Chu Feng's words. How could he believe it?

"There is no basis for what you say. You also said that Hong Kong Island is governed by the law." Liao Zhizhong said with a sneer.

Chu Feng heard Liao Zhizhong's words and sneered, "You want evidence? I can give it to you. Is there someone named Lei Meizhen in your police station?"

Liao Zhizhong glanced at Chu Feng in surprise.

Although he didn't speak, it was already the acquiescence.

Chu Feng continued to talk to himself, "A few years ago, Lei Meizhen was gambling in Haojiang and owed Lian Haolong a loan shark of 50. From then on, Lei Meizhen directly entered the point of no return and became a loyal person. The nail in your police station is also Lian Haodong’s mistress.”

Liao Zhizhong's eyebrows suddenly stood up and he said in a bad tone, "Jiang Zaifeng, I'm warning you! You are slandering the royal police officers!"

Lei Meizhen is his confidant.

Now that Chu Feng said that Lei Meizhen is my loyal and loyal brother, Liao Zhizhong naturally didn't believe it.

"Slander? You can find out by checking it yourself. It's easy to check after you identify someone, right? If there is no problem with this Lei Meizhen, I will come with you at any time." Chu Feng spread his hands, "But... If you want to arrest me indiscriminately, you have to see if my brothers agree first!"



Chu Feng directly threw the tea cup on the table to the ground.

Outside the office, Ah Xiu and others rushed in with a group of brothers, surrounding Liao Zhizhong.

"Chu Feng, do you want to resist arrest and kill the fish?" Liao Zhizhong's eyelids jumped when he saw the menacing attitude of A Xiu and others.

In his opinion, Chu Feng was not the kind of brainless person.

But judging from Chu Feng's current actions, this guy is too reckless.

They just wanted to detain him for 72 hours, so they called in the bad guy from the club, and they looked like they were going to fight him to the death.


Under Liao Zhizhong's scorching gaze, Chu Feng just shrugged, "I'm not stupid enough to fight against government agencies. I just hope that Sir Liao will investigate Lei Meizhen before taking me away."

When Liao Zhizhong heard this, he immediately stopped talking.

He didn't want to doubt the people around him, but looking at his posture today, it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to leave if he didn't check.

But looking at Chu Feng's posture, it didn't seem like he was lying.

After all, if such a big battle was just for a lie, it would not end well for Chu Feng. In the end, it would be him, Chu Feng, who would suffer.

thought here.

Liao Zhizhong picked up the phone and dialed, "...Economic Investigation Bureau? Help me check Senior Police Officer Lei Meizhen, yes, the police number..."

Time passed by minute by minute.

There was a rustling sound from the other side of the phone, and it didn't take long.

"Sir Liao, we found out that 200 million yuan was credited to Lei Meizhen's stored-value card last month."

Hearing this, Liao Zhizhong's expression changed slightly.


How could a senior police officer have 200 million?

Is it possible...

Is Lei Meizhen really related to Zhongxinyi?

Although Chu Feng didn't know what was said on the phone, he had already guessed it by looking at Liao Zhizhong's expression.

"Tonight Lei Meizhen will cover Ah Fa and enter the police station with a hood, and then go to the women's restroom to open the window and let Dao Zaihong and Guo Ziheng sneak in. It's almost dark now, and you don't have much time to prepare." (Li Zhao's)

"Instead of wasting time with me here, you should find a way to deal with the three loyal kings."

Chu Feng said lazily.

As for Liao Zhizhong, the expression on his face became more and more uncertain.


Liao Zhizhong left without saying a word and with a gloomy face.

After Liao Zhizhong left, a sneer appeared on Chu Feng's face.

At this time, Li Shan also walked in, "Brother Feng, according to the information you told me, I went to inquire about it. The prince is also planning to take action tonight and step into the Connaught Road."

The prince was planning to cross the ocean and fight from Tsim Sha Tsui to Connaught Road. This news was told to Chu Feng by Han Bin.

After Chu Feng knew the news, he sent someone to investigate, and sure enough, there was such a thing.

"it is good!"

Chu Feng stood up slowly,

"The police station has already begun to take action."

"It's time for us to do something. Li Shan, go get Jiang Tiansheng's lawyer. I want Hong Kong Island to be completely in chaos within 72 hours!"


214 Gunshots from the police station!Come on, stop pretending to be great!

It was getting dark quickly.

Liao Zhizhong was still a step too slow after all.

At this time, in the police station office.

Fei Bo, Lei Meizhen, and a young police officer are working overtime.

"A-Zhen, how do you write "Guan" in Kwun Tong?" Fei Bo asked.

Lei Meizhen seemed a little absent-minded and dealt with it casually.

Paused for a moment.

"Brother Bo, will you be transferred in one week?" The young police officer stretched his body and asked.

"Yes, I have to thank Brother Zhong for helping me this time." Fei Bo said with a smile.

"Which department are you transferring to?"

"I think I'm going to deliver a letter and lose some weight."

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