"Fortunately, I'm not going to guard the reservoir. Brother Bo will treat me to a treat then!"

"Okay, why not go eat hot pot."


The two chatted without a word. Lei Meizhen glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, thought for a moment, got up and left, and went to the women's restroom.

"Officer Lei!"

In the women's restroom, a policewoman saluted.

Lei Meizhen nodded and saw the policewoman squatting in the pit and turning on the water in the sink outside.

Under the noise of water flow, Lei Meizhen went to the window and opened it gently.

Not long after, Dao Zihong and Guo Ziheng climbed in through the window of 570.

Lei Meizhen signaled that someone was inside the pit, and Dao Zaihong and Guo Ziheng lurked outside the pit.

"Hello? Is there someone here?" The policewoman seemed to have heard some strange noises outside and asked vigilantly.



Dao Zaihong kicked the door hard.

The door was kicked open in an instant, and the policewoman was hit hard on the head, knocking her unconscious.

After taking care of the policewoman, the three of them parted ways as if nothing had happened.

After Lei Meizhen went downstairs, she walked in with a policeman dressed as a loyal righteous gunner and Ah Fa wearing a hood.

When the guard saw that Lei Meizhen was leading the group, he let them go upstairs without asking.

After reaching the second floor, Afa took off his hood directly and went to the detention room with the gunman.

At the same time, inside the detention room.


With the bullet loaded, Dao Zaihong pointed the muzzle of the silencer-equipped gun at Ah Zou.

"Hey! Believe me, I didn't say anything!" Ah Zou, who was lying on the iron bed, said quickly when he saw Dao Zaihong coming to kill him.

Dao Zihong and Guo Ziheng looked at each other with unbearable expressions on their faces.

Even though they had gotten to their level, were guilty of countless sins, and had a bad reputation, they really couldn't do anything when faced with their good brothers who used to work together (babh).

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door.

Dao Zaihong turned his gun.

"It's me!" Luo Dingfa strode in.

Seeing that Ah Zou was still alive and well, Luo Dingfa frowned, "Why did you wait so long?"

After saying that, he directly took the gun from Dao Zaihong's hand and pointed it at Ah Zou.

"Brother Fa, I really didn't say anything! Fa..."

biu, biu, biu...

Under the action of the silencer, the pistol made a dull sound.

Before he could finish his words, several flowers of blood bloomed on his chest. He leaned on the bed with eyes wide open and died.

at the same time.

There was a burst of chaotic footsteps, and it was obvious that the policeman knew what was going on and rushed over.

Afa opened his backpack, took out several Uzi submachine guns, and fired one each.

"Look after yourself!"

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Outside, Liao Zhizhong had arrived with a large number of police officers.

Dao Zaihong, Guo Ziheng and the Ma Zai soon had a fierce exchange of fire with the policeman, and the gunshots rang out.

Luo Dingfa took advantage of the moment when Dao Zaihong and others attracted firepower, and quietly sneaked into the locker room from the stairs.

Brother Bo heard the gunfire and wanted to rush out, but when he thought that he would be transferred soon and had three daughters to raise, he quietly hid in the locker room.


Just when he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chilling light!


Bo Ge only felt a coldness in his throat, and a terrifying sense of suffocation came, and he instinctively covered his neck.

However, the blood seemed to be free of charge, spraying out from between the fingers.

He originally planned to hide, but he never expected to bump directly into Luo Dingfa's knife edge.

Without any hesitation, Luo Dingfa directly pushed Bo Ge down and stabbed him several times to kill him. He put on Bo Ge's police uniform and came downstairs pretending to be a police officer.

Riding Bogo's bicycle, leave calmly.

Let’s talk about Dao Zaihong and the other three.

Liao Zhizhong led a group of police officers and forced them into a house with riot shotguns.

The horse boy pulled out a grenade and was about to throw it out.


The shotgun sounded, and the horseman's hand was violently broken!

The grenade in his hand was not thrown because his arm was broken, but instead rolled indoors.

"I rely on!"

Dao Zihong's pupils shrank, and he and Guo Ziheng jumped out of the window.

The moment the two jumped out of the window.


There was an explosion, and the fire in the room shot into the sky, and the flames that had no place to place were vented out of the window.

Looking at Luo Tianhong and Guo Ziheng, they had already jumped to the ground and rolled around to shake off the force of their fall.

Although that level was several meters high from the ground, it was obviously a problem for the two masters.

After landing, the two ran away.


The gunfire rang out, blood bloomed on Guo Ziheng's calf, and he fell directly to the ground.

The gun was fired by Liao Zhizhong.

Dao Zaihong glanced at the window, grabbed Guo Ziheng's collar and tried to drag Guo Ziheng away.

Guo Ziheng was dragged, and the gun in his hand was also shooting at the window crazily, suppressing Liao Zhizhong and others back.

Take advantage of this effort.

Dao Zaihong dragged Guo Ziheng behind the air conditioner unit.

The two gasped heavily.

There were also sirens downstairs.

Guo Ziheng glanced at Dao Zaihong beside him, "Let's go, stop pretending to be great!"

Dao Zaihong didn't speak when he heard this.

However, at this moment, Guo Ziheng suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at Dao Zaihong's head.

The two looked at each other and smiled. After so many years as brothers, they naturally knew what the other was thinking.

After a while.

Guo Ziheng suddenly put the muzzle of the gun against his own temple, stepped away from the air conditioner, and half-knelt on the ground.

All the police officers' attention was immediately attracted to Guo Ziheng.

Dao Zaihong took advantage of this opportunity and ran away.

While running, he fired all the bullets.

Liao Zhizhong and others stepped forward to arrest Ah Heng, and then sent a wave of police officers to chase Dao Zaihong.

At this time, the gun in Dao Zaihong's hand had become scrap metal. He threw the gun away, pulled out the Tang Dao he carried with him and walked quickly.

"Don't run!"


Behind him, the policemen's calls came.

Dao Zaihong ran without looking back. It wasn't until he climbed over the wall of the police station that the shouts behind him became quieter.


Just when he was about to leave.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was an old man standing on the road ahead of him.

The old man held a sharp sword in his hand, the blade hanging on the ground.

When Luo Tianhong saw this scene, he subconsciously stopped.

He raised his head and looked at the old man.

The old man looked to be about 80 or [-] years old. Although his body was stooped, his eyes were bright and clear in the dark night.

215 Chu Feng diverted the disaster to the east, and the prince suffered an unreasonable disaster!

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