"Who?" Luo Tianhong squinted his eyes.

This road is the shortest way back to Zhongxinyi headquarters.

But looking at the old man's appearance, he seemed to be here specifically to block him.

The policemen behind him were almost chasing him, and Luo Tianhong only had two choices now.

Either chop up the old man blocking the road, or take a detour.

It is impossible to take a detour, not in this life. Luo Tianhong is very confident in his own strength. He even doubts in his heart whether Lian Haolong is truly the best in the world.

The only one blocking the road now is an old man. What are you afraid of?

"Where did this old guy come from? He even dares to step into my shoes, Dao Zaihong!"

Dao Zaihong took out the Tang sword in his hand and strode towards the old man.

As his pace became faster and faster, when he was less than ten meters away from the old man, Dao Zaihong suddenly accelerated, and the shadow under the neon light lengthened at an extremely fast speed.

The Tang Dao in his hand was raised high. When he was three steps away from the old man, he jumped up high. The blade flashed with a cold light and struck straight at the old man's forehead.

From beginning to end, the old man never moved.


Just when the Tang Dao in Dao Zaihong's hand was about to fall, a light suddenly flashed in the old man's eyes.

Drag the knife!

The old man's wrist suddenly retracted, and the broadsword hanging on the ground suddenly slashed upwards.

The sword was powerful and heavy, and a strong wind was set off in an instant, and even the strand of blue hair on Dao Zaihong's head moved violently.

"Master!" Dao Zaihong's pupils shrank.

The big knife seemed to weigh dozens of kilograms, but in the old man's hands, it was as light as weight.

Dao Zaihong immediately knew that he had underestimated the enemy.

But people are in the air, and there is no way to change their moves.

Seeing that the sword in the old man's hand had been slashed in front of him, Dao Zaihong could only withdraw his move and put the Tang Dao on his chest to resist.



The harsh golden sound made Dao Zaihong's eardrums buzz.

Looking at the Tang Dao in his hand, it was split into two pieces by the old man!

The tiger's mouth on his right hand was also shocked by this powerful and heavy move, causing it to bleed. Even his arm felt sore and numb, trembling non-stop, and had no feeling at all.

It's just one blow, and the verdict is up!

Dao Zaihong knew that he was no match for this old man.


Shouldn't the most powerful person on Hong Kong Island be Lian Haolong?

When did such an old man appear?

And judging from the old man's moves, there is no sign of any sloppiness at all. An ordinary pick and slash seems to have the power to break an army!

Who is this old man?

He basically knew all the masters in Hong Kong Island, and he had never heard of anyone so old.

Just when Dao Zaihong was shocked.

"This road is blocked." The old man said calmly, staring at Dao Zaihong and said hoarsely.

At this time, Dao Zaihong discovered.

When the old man looked at him, his obviously cloudy eyes held an unparalleled murderous aura, and his heart seemed to be shot by two golden blades.

Dao Zaihong felt a chill in his heart, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

A master of masters!

Just this momentum alone is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Dao Zaihong is right in front, don't let him get away!"

"Sir Liao said, no one can escape tonight!"

Behind him, the voices of policemen came.

There is really a tiger in front and a pursuer behind!

Dao Zaihong's heart suddenly tightened.

His Tang Dao had broken, and it was impossible to break through the old man's defense.

Rather than sit here and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative to take a detour.

thought here.

Dao Zaihong no longer hesitated and ran in the other direction.

And the old man looked at Dao Zaihong's leaving figure without stopping him, and disappeared into the night with his big knife.

Dao Zaihong ran all the way without thinking.

Blocking the knife just now consumed most of his energy, and he was already out of breath.


Just when Dao Zaihong was about to take a few breaths.

"Daozaihong is here!" came a loud shout.

Several uniformed policemen jumped out of nowhere and chased Dao Zaihong.

"Damn it! Aren't these cops at the back? Why are they here?"

Dao Zaihong cursed secretly and could only run in the opposite direction.

Saw Dao Zaihong leaving.

The uniformed policemen stopped immediately.

The leader took off his police hat, and it was Li Shan.

Behind him were several unfamiliar Kowloon [-] boys.

"Okay, Dao Zaihong has escaped according to the planned route, we can go back!"

Li Shan greeted the people behind him to leave.

One Li Rongfeng and the other Li Shan appeared randomly, but in fact they secretly controlled Dao Zaihong's escape route.

At this time, Dao Zaihong didn’t even know.

From beginning to end, he was being led by Chu Feng.

At this time, he was running blindly, leading a group of policemen behind him towards the direction of Connaught Road.


At the same time, Qian Nuo said.

"Everyone, please stay alert and don't let anyone escape!"

"Damn it, if you dare to offend my prince, I will let the Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang wipe out the whole family today!"

The prince held a machete in his hand and cursed.

Next to him were several bars owned by the Will-o'-the-Wisp gang.

The Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang is a third-rate society. Among the third-rate societies, it is considered to be at the forefront, and can barely be considered to be second-rate.

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If it were an ordinary gangster in Hongxing, it would obviously be difficult to defeat the Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang.

But as the prince is the number one god of war in Hongxing, and his disciples are also the most capable of fighting among the young people in Hongxing, taking down the Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang is still a matter of hands.

Although the Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang and the Prince had no grudges, the Prince had planned to expand here and found any excuse to directly start a war with the Will-O-Wisp Gang.

In Hong Kong Island, it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, only who has the strongest fist.

In a short time, the prince's men cleaned up the remnants of the Will-O-Wisp Gang and began to clean up the things in the place.

"Brother Prince, I found some red pills and orange powder in the Will-O-Wisp Bar." He approached the prince and said.

The prince frowned, "We never touch these things, just take them and throw them into the sea."

The close man nodded and returned to the Will-o'-the-Wisp Gang bar with a few forty-nine boys.

...... 0

Just as the prince was preparing to go back.

I saw a blue-haired young man running towards the corner of the street in the distance.

The prince looked at it intently and grinned.

"Hey, Daozaihong!"

"Why do you have so much free time to run a long distance?"

The prince smiled and waved, shouting.

He could naturally see that Dao Zaihong was disgraced and was obviously being chased.

Although the prince and Dao Zaihong had nothing to do with each other, they were the best in literature and the second in martial arts. Both of them were born as gangsters, so the prince was naturally happy to watch the fun.

"Hmph!" Dao Zaihong snorted coldly, ignored the prince, and rushed past him.

The prince smiled happily and instinctively glanced behind Dao Zaihong.

However, at this moment, the prince's face stiffened, and his gloating expression suddenly disappeared without a trace.

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