I don't know why, but today Chen Songqing suddenly changed his mind and said that he wanted to meet the head of the Tang family to discuss some cooperation projects.

Tang Liyu was immediately overjoyed.

Although I was a little worried that something would happen, it was related to the future of the Tang family, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Under the protection of those two security guards.

Tang Liyu got into the car and left the villa directly.


Just when I walked to the bend outside the villa.

On the curved mountain, there was suddenly a reflection of car lights.

"Huh? My own?"

"What (babh) situation? Haven't they returned to loyalty?"

The two bodyguards were puzzled and got out of the car to check the situation.

However, it took less than a moment.

A car rushed towards the corner. Several men wearing sunglasses got out of the car and fired with guns.

The two agents didn't have time to react before they were shot several times and fell down.

Seeing this scene, Tang Liyu was completely panicked.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out with good luck in my heart, I ran into Jie Dao.

When disaster struck, Tang Liyu felt regretful.

Even if they don't discuss business with Chen Songqing, their Tang family is still going smoothly.

But if Xiao Ming tells it, then there really will be nothing.

"Are you from Hong Xing?"

"If you want money, don't kill me!"

Tang Liyu raised his hands and shouted.

However, the kidnappers didn't seem to hear anything and directly dragged Tang Liyu out of the car like a dog to death.

Amidst a burst of miserable wailing, Tang Liyu was directly stuffed into the car.


The vehicle roared and sped away.

However, after a while.

Another car drove out of another intersection without leaving any trace, and followed it not too far away.


Less than 5 minutes after Tang Liyu was kidnapped.

Zhongxinyi got the news.

Ten minutes later, Central, Zhongxinyi emergency meeting!

"what is the problem?"

"Could it be that someone is playing tricks on us and deliberately stabbing us?"

"This knife hits the vital point!"

"This guy Chen Songqing, it's neither sooner nor later, why do you want to meet Brother Yu at this time?"

"Could it be Chen Songqing's doing?"

"How is that possible? If it was Chen Songqing who did it, I'm afraid the Tang family enterprise would be the first to suffer."

"Who is that?"

In the conference room, Zhongxinyi and other high-level officials were anxious and talking about it.

The projection on the wall was a video from the intersection where Tang Liyu was kidnapped.

The two masterminds of Tang Liyu's kidnapping, Su Su and Luo Dingfa, were also among them.

Su Su rolled her eyes as she listened to the discussion of several people.

"Could it... be done by people from Hongxing?" Susu asked pretending to be suspicious, seemingly unaware that he was really thinking about Tang Liyu.

"It's possible!" Luo Dingfa also agreed, "We are the relatives of Wuxian and Ma Wangjian, so they may not touch our fourth uncle."

Lian Haolong waved his hands a little irritably, wanting to say something but in the end he said nothing.

Just his eyes slowly swept over the faces of the loyal and trustworthy senior officials in front of him.

There was a long pause.

"You all go out!"

Lian Haolong said to everyone.

Lian Haodong and the three heavenly kings heard this and left the room one after another.

After they leave.

"Susu, look at this." Lian Haolong rewinded the video on the projector to before Tang Liyu was kidnapped.

The reflection of car lights came from the curved wall.

"I suspect it wasn't someone from Hongxing who did it."

"Look... three short and one long, it's obviously a signal from our own people."

Lian Haolong dragged his chin and his tone was a little gloomy.

He can sit at the head of loyalty and righteousness, and his mind is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Just after watching the video once, I discovered clues that others had not discovered.

When Susu heard what Lian Haolong said, she suddenly panicked.

But after a while.

She still cooperated with Lian Haolong, pretending to be suspicious, and looked around.

"You mean...there is a ghost inside?"

Susu asked, pretending to be suspicious.

Lian Haolong was silent for a long time after hearing this.

What Su Su said was naturally what he had in mind, but he couldn't be sure who was the mole.

If you do it blindly.

I'm afraid it will break the hearts of the brothers.

What's more, after Ah Zou's death, only three of the four heavenly kings were left.

If something happens, there really won't be enough loyal people.

"I'm just guessing. Maybe the other party knows our signal."

"Have the kidnappers called?"

Lian Haolong asked.

"Fight, they said they wanted [-] million." Su Su frowned and said pretending to be distressed.

"How much money do we have in our account now?" Lian Haolong asked again.

"Four to five hundred million." Su Su said, shaking her head.

Four to five billion, although it sounds like a lot.

But for a first-class association like Zhongxinyi, it is clearly stretched.

Two batches of goods were swept away, and Ah Fa's coffin shop was smashed to pieces.

A lot of this money is used to purchase goods.

Now that Tang Liyu has been kidnapped, another [-] million has to be divided, which is enough to give Lian Haolong a headache.

But in the end, Tang Liyu gritted his teeth.

"Uncle Fourth, nothing can happen to you!"


225 Hongxing and Zhongxinyi go to war!Chu Feng made a lot of money!


There are still 10 hours until Jiang Tiansheng is released from prison.


During this period of time, Hong Xing and Zhong Xinyi could be said to be in a state of turmoil!

Although Ma Wangjian, Wuliang, and the prince gave Luo Dingfa three days, they did not say that they would not attack Zhongxinyi's territory during this period.

When Zhongxinyi was restrained by the police, the three of them led Hong Xingzi and raided more than a dozen of Zhongxinyi's stores.

Originally loyal and trustworthy, but because most of the senior officials were stared at by the police, they were unable to move.

But no one thought of it.

Because of an unscrupulous word, the conflict between the two societies reached its peak in an instant!


Unscrupulous and led a group of Hong Xingzi to wander near the coffin shop.

"Brother Wuliang, it is said that the loyal and loyal financial owner Tang Liyu has been kidnapped." Beside him, the white paper fan at the entrance of Wuliang Hall said.

"Tang Liyu? What do you care about us?" Wuliang said indifferently.

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