Now the more unlucky Zhongxinyi is, the happier he is without conscience!


The white paper fan was a little worried, "Should we try not to conflict with them at this time? I'm worried that they will vent their anger on us."

After hearing this, Wuliang shook his head disapprovingly, "What are you afraid of? We were just wandering around and didn't do anything."

However, at this time.

It happened that Luo Dingfa came out of the coffin shop.

The two sides were already grudged because of what happened yesterday, so they were naturally extremely jealous when they met.

Although both parties are exercising restraint, some trash talk is inevitable.

Just when the two sides were quarreling with each other.

"Unscrupulous, please tell the truth."

"Our boss, was it kidnapped by you, Hong Xing?"

Luo Dingfa asked with a bad look.

Unscrupulous people want to deny it.

But after seeing Luo Dingfa, he couldn't help but think of the scene of his own brother being killed.

thought here.

When the words of denial came to his lips, he immediately changed his words.


"Your boss's life is life, but my brother's life is not life?"

"Not to mention Tang Liyu, as long as you, Luo Dingfa, don't give you an explanation, I will kill Lian Haolong without fail!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in an instant!

Although the unscrupulous words are just angry words.

But it also directly ignited the accumulated resentment between the two parties.

In an instant, a fight is about to break out!

It started in the blocks around the coffin shop and then expanded to the entire Central and Western Districts.

In the end, even the halls in different areas started fighting.

Those policemen were still watching the loyal people.

But Zhongxinyi suddenly rioted, catching the police officers off guard, and they couldn't intervene even if they wanted to.

After Lian Haolong learned the news, he even ordered to severely injure Hongxing at all costs!

Add this period of time.

Zhongxinyi's top management, and even the bottom line, were all closely watched by the police.

The place was raided by Hongxing's people one after another.

The resentment towards the police officer and Hong Xingzi has been accumulated to the extreme!

The anger that had been compressed to the extreme suddenly exploded, forming a landslide in an instant. Even if the policeman fired a warning shot, it would be of no avail.


It's all messed up!

Hongxing and Zhongxinyi are originally a group of societies, with influence spread throughout Hong Kong Island, but there are more people in a certain area and less people in a certain area.

The two major associations are making a big splash, and the entire Hong Kong Island has been affected!

The territories of Ma Wangjian, Wuliang, and the Prince were directly focused on by loyal people, and both sides were damaged in the fierce battle.

Even the territories of Xianyan, Daewoo, Brother Ji, and Fatty Li were affected.

However, the Hong Xingzi in their hands did not participate in the battle. He responded quickly when the territory was swept away, and there was no serious problem.

The safest territory is that of Han Bin, Liang Ma, Thirteenth Sister, and Liang Kun.

The four of them listened to Chu Feng's order.

Han Bin went to Haojiang, and the other three major restaurants had closed their doors a day ago.

Although most of Han Bin's people were taken away, Liang Ma and three other people also spared some people to help Han Bin defend the field.

At the entrance of the nearby Zhongxin Yitang, people were trying to step on the line aggressively.

But after arriving at the place where the four of them were staying, they found that the door of the place where the four of them were was was closed, the rolling shutters had all been closed, and the business was temporarily closed.

Seeing the closed rolling shutter door, Zhongxinyi felt as if a dog was eating a hedgehog and had no idea what to do.

After this back and forth, it turned out that their territory was the safest.

People who are loyal and righteous will basically sweep away territory as soon as they see it.

Only Chu Feng's territory was spared.

After all, Chu Feng is Zhongxinyi’s biggest creditor now.

What if Chu Feng’s territory is swept away and Chu Feng turns against him and refuses to pay back the money?

There is no legal protection for loan sharking.

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Being loyal and loyal does not mean that Chu Feng has not taken any action.

This night is destined to be a busy night!

Chu Feng's men were like street gangsters, running rampant in the territory of Chu Feng, Liang Ma and other four big talkers.

Seeing Hongxing's people being beaten, he didn't help.

However, if Hongxing's place is occupied by Zhongxinyi, or if other gangs pick up the slack.

The yellow scarf warriors under Chu Feng would rush forward and seize all these places.

The Kowloon decoration team then followed up and directly reinforced the rolling shutters, making those places impregnable.

until late at night.

Chu Feng just attacked Qiu Feng, not only did he not suffer any casualties, but he also gained a lot of territory.

Li Shan and others broke their legs.

Chu Feng, on the other hand, commanded remotely under the service of Xiao Stutter.


"It's just the person who can't see Ma Wangjian!"

"This turned out to be Ma Wangjian's place, but it was wiped out by Zhongxinyi. Both sides suffered losses. If we don't fight against Zhongxinyi at this time, when will we wait?"

"What? Ma Wangjian's side?"

"We won the battle with our own ability. What does Ma Wang Jian have to do with it?"


"The prince captured the Zhongxinyi Central Restaurant? What should I do, you ask?"

"The loyal and righteous people should counterattack soon, and then the restaurant will definitely be taken back by the loyal and righteous people."

"When the time comes, we'll take action and take over the territory in one go!"

"As for the prince's explanation, ask him to come to me!"


"The people from the Number Gang are pretending to be us and trying to fight loyalty?"

"Then why are you hesitating? Just sweep the territory away, tie them all up and throw them into the river."


A series of orders were issued from the roof of the Kowloon Tower King.

In just over two hours, the photovoltaic cells of Chu Feng's mobile phone were replaced by four!

That night, Chu Feng nearly doubled his original territory just by picking up leaks!

In these territories, there are those who are prosperous and those who are loyal.

Those places in Hongxing were basically taken back by Chu Feng's people after they were swept away by Zhongxinyi.

Now that it is taken back, it is Chu Feng's territory and has nothing to do with Hong Xing's previous seat.

The only regret is that.

These sites are relatively loose and not connected.

But for Chu Feng, it was already a huge profit!Several.

226 Liao Zhizhong’s debt of gratitude!Creditor Chu Feng!

The two sides fought fiercely, and it was not until the Flying Tigers of the police station intervened with heavy firepower and tear gas that the fight gradually died down.

Police stations in various regions arrested many dwarf mules.

Most of these dwarf mules belong to Hongxing and Zhongxinyi, and a few belong to other Qiufeng gangs.

As for Chu Feng, as early as when Chu Feng was picking up leaks, he had laid ambush at the door of each district police station. As long as the police were dispatched, they would get the news as soon as possible and evacuate in time.

until the next day.

When the cleaners tremblingly came out to wash the floor, they could see a lot of dried blood stains on the ground.

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