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at the same time.

Those Flying Tigers standing on explosion-proof tanks also put on gas masks and threw tear gas.

After those gangsters inhaled the tear gas, they felt like they had swallowed a big bowl of mustard. Tears and snot flowed out uncontrollably. They couldn't even open their eyes. They hurriedly threw away the machetes in their hands, covered their mouths and noses and ran away. .

Under the double blow of explosion-proof tanks and tear gas, those bad guys in the club were wiped out in an instant.

Before they could recover, the policemen following the explosion-proof tank rushed forward.

If they obey, they will be handcuffed immediately; if they disobey, they will be knocked unconscious with a baton and then cuffed again.

"Damn it, it's another cop messing with the situation!"

"We are almost ready to capture the crown prince!"

Lian Haodong cursed as he watched the explosion-proof tanks rampage.

...... 0 0

However, Lian Haolong stared at these explosion-proof tanks motionless and remained silent for a long time.

It was the first time for him to see such a big battle in the police station!

After this period of fighting, Lian Haolong also regained his composure.

Seeing such a huge lineup at the police station, he had already realized.

This time, he got into big trouble!

In the next period of time, Zhongxinyi is likely to be purged by the Hong Kong Island Police Department!

You may even be removed from the list!


at the same time.

The prince, who was guarding the nightclub, stretched out his head to take a look after hearing the noise outside.

After seeing the explosion-proof tank vehicle.

The prince let out a long sigh of relief, and his anxious heart finally calmed down.

But after a while.

The prince felt humiliated again.

He is a dignified prince, the Hongxing God of War!

I didn’t expect that the police would need to come to rescue me!

For ordinary Hong Kong residents, there is no problem in calling the police if something goes wrong.

But for a short mule, it would be a shame to call the police if something goes wrong!

Even if nothing happens today, if this incident spreads to the world of Hong Kong in the future, the prince's reputation will be greatly reduced.

Just when the prince was feeling depressed.

The phone rang suddenly.

The prince picked up the phone and looked at it. Fortunately, he didn't cry directly.

"Jiang Sheng, you have called me..." The prince held the phone and said with trembling lips.

It was no one else who called.

It was Jiang Tiansheng, whose 72-hour detention period had expired!Several.

236 Jiang Tiansheng was confused!The surname is Xuanyuan!

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng heard the prince's crying voice and looked puzzled.

He was originally staying in the detention center with Chen Yao.

Although he could not go out or communicate, the lawyer Wude informed Jiang Tiansheng of all the external situations.

Jiang Tiansheng was hiding in the detention center and commanding by remote control. It should not be a problem within three days.

But just two days ago.

Wude suddenly stopped coming to the detention center.

As Jiang Tiansheng's royal lawyer, only Wude can meet Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao stared at each other in the detention room, trying to find out what was going on outside, but there was nothing they could do.

Without virtue, they can only act in a hurry.

Now it's hard to wait until the detention period expires.

The prince's crying voice immediately made Jiang Tiansheng's heart suddenly tremble.

After losing contact with Wude, Jiang Tiansheng felt a little uneasy.

Now that he heard the prince talking like this, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

However, as the leader, Jiang Tiansheng knew that he could not panic.

He took a deep breath and said, "Prince, what happened? Don't be impatient. Speak slowly."

"Sheng Jiang, it's like this. During the short period of time you were away, we had a conflict with Zhongxinyi..."

The prince recounted the entire incident.

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng's expression became increasingly ugly.

Hong Xing and Zhong Xinyi actually had such a big conflict! ?

Listening to the prince's description, Hongxing and Zhongxinyi basically went to full-scale war, there is no difference!

Many halls were involved.

As for the losses, they are even more immeasurable!

Especially when he heard the prince say that all the Hongxing elites in the prince's boxing gym had been slaughtered by Dao Zaihong, Jiang Tiansheng's expression became even more ugly.

"Those are all Hongxing's future members... are there any left?" Jiang Tiansheng asked through gritted teeth.

The prince was about to cry, but said, "Well, not a single one is left."

"Hiss—" Jiang Tiansheng felt his anger rising, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm down his anger.

After a moment of pause, Jiang Tiansheng asked again, "What's the current situation like?"

"Now Lian Haolong has gone crazy. I killed his boss Tang Liyu with one bite. He took all the short mules of Zhongxinyi and stepped into Tsim Sha Tsui. Tsim Sha Tsui...it's over." The prince said in a difficult tone.

boom! ! !

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, there was a roar in his mind.

Tsim Sha Tsui is one of the top three places where Hongxing can be ranked!

It is precisely because the geographical location is extremely important that Jiang Tiansheng sent Prince Hongxing, the God of War, to take charge personally.

The fall of Tsim Sha Tsui was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Hongxing!

"You had a conflict with Zhongxinyi, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jiang Tiansheng suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

How could he, the leader, not know about such a big thing?

What a system!

However, the prince's next words completely changed Jiang Tiansheng's expression.

"Sheng Jiang, we asked Wude to find you."

"But Wu De was raped on the way."

"We wanted to notify other lawyers, but Zhongxinyi didn't give us a chance to respond."

The prince said helplessly.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly took several steps back.

If it weren't for the support of Chen Yao beside him, Jiang Tiansheng would have been completely sitting on the ground at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't even notice when the phone in his hand fell to the ground.

Wu De... actually died too?

What exactly happened?

Why did so many things happen to him after he was only detained for 72 hours?

Jiang Tiansheng gasped.

He felt as if there was a big mountain pressing on top of his head, making it difficult for him to breathe.

at the same time,

These things that happened one after another gave Jiang Tiansheng an instinctive feeling.

It seems that there is an invisible big hand in the dark, strangling Jiang Tiansheng's throat, pushing Jiang Tiansheng and Hong Xing step by step towards the abyss!


Hongxing is the foundation that the Jiang family has worked so hard to build, and we must not just sit back and watch the tragedy happen.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tiansheng could barely lift his spirits.

"Prince, what's the situation in Tsim Sha Tsui now?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

"Wuliang, Ma Wangjian, and other gang members came to support and barely stabilized the situation."

"Explosion-proof tanks were also deployed at the police station, and the loyal people were temporarily under control."

"Although the site in Tsim Sha Tsui has not been lost, both our nightclubs and the regular shops have been smashed to pieces. They will not be able to reopen in less than three months."

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