The prince told Jiang Tiansheng roughly the current situation.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although within these three months, without the income support from Tsim Sha Tsui, Hongxing will experience financial constraints.

But as long as the site remains, there is a chance for reconstruction. 0

"Prince, come to my villa immediately."

"Inform Mawang Jian and Wushang that they are coming too!"

Jiang Tiansheng ordered and hung up the phone.


at the same time.

Kowloon Walled City, Southern District.

Chu Feng had already asked Liangkun to bring Tang Liyu back.

"A Feng, when should I collect the stocks?" Tang Liyu asked, sitting opposite Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Feng pouring tea for himself, Tang Liyu quickly stood up and took it.

What is a great favor?

The grace of saving life, the grace of not killing.

Chu Feng took advantage of both.

In addition, Tang Liyu was now disappointed with Zhongxinyi and decided not to support Zhongxinyi, and Chu Feng rescued him from Su Su. He had already decided in his heart that in the future, the Tang family would become the spokesperson of Chu Feng on stage and serve Chu Feng. Feng does things.

"Brother Yu, don't worry about collecting stocks now."

"Zhongxinyi can't stand still for a few days. When the time comes, I will help you vent this bad breath."

"When Zhongxinyi settles things down, it's time for your brother Yu to take action."

Chu Feng poured the remaining tea base into the tea tray and tapped the table gently.

at this time.

There was a soft knock on the door.

The six-fingered girl that Chu Feng bought from the snake before walked in timidly.

It seemed that she had washed away the dirt on her body, and she looked fair and clean. Her already beautiful appearance had improved a lot.

"Have you washed it?" Chu Feng asked.

"Yeah." The six-fingered girl nodded timidly.

1.7 "I haven't asked you what your name is yet." Chu Feng raised his head and glanced at the six-fingered girl, then stood up and walked to her side.

When the six-fingered girl saw Chu Feng's arrival, she instinctively took a timid step back. However, after seeing the gentle smile on Chu Feng's face, her initially frightened heart finally felt a little calmer.

"I don't have a name. Our family has a special ancestral tradition. Girls don't deserve names." The six-fingered girl shook her head and said.

"Is there such a rule?" Chu Feng glanced at her in surprise.

Through the human snake, Chu Feng already knew that this girl was stolen from the mainland.

I don’t know where in the mainland people have such strange rules.

"What's your last name?" Chu Feng asked.

"My, my surname is Xuanyuan." The girl was a little shy, playing with the corners of her clothes uneasily with her twelve fingers.


237 The one who benefited the most was Chu Feng! ?

"Xuanyuan, a compound surname?" Chu Feng glanced at her slightly surprised, "It's really rare to have the same surname as Huangdi."

This type of family with a compound surname usually has a very deep foundation.

It was inevitable that there would be a lot of ancestral teachings, some of which sounded strange and regular, but Chu Feng didn't say anything.

"Here you go, drink this."

Chu Feng got her a bottle of soda and opened it.

The six-fingered girl saw the soda offered by Chu Feng and subconsciously took it.

She looked at the soda repeatedly and tried to take a sip.

The sweet taste and the foam of the soda flowed through her throat, and her eyes lit up.

She had never tasted anything so delicious in the mainland.

"I'll call you Yuanyuan from now on. It sounds nice and is easy to remember."

"Otherwise, it would feel a little weird to keep calling you by your last name."

Chu Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, the girl's face flashed with joy, and she nodded quickly, seemingly happy that she had a name.

"If anything happens in the future, just ask Li Shan and the others." Chu Feng and Yuanyuan explained the situation in Kowloon City.

at this time.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Li Shan ran in, "Brother Feng, the latest news is that Jiang Tiansheng is released from prison."

"Come out so soon?" Chu Feng was a little confused. 10

Li Shan nodded, "Yes, no more, no less, 72 hours."

"Well, although it's earlier than expected, the current situation is almost the same." Chu Feng nodded thoughtfully, "Has the matter with Xiaoyan been settled?"

"It's done!" Li Shan nodded, "Xi Yan has been invited by Master Jiu to be a guest of the King of the Building."

"Very good, we should get ready." Chu Feng clapped his hands.

Two yellow scarf warriors, one on the left and one on the right, escorted Luo Dingfa in.

After Tang Liyu saw Luo Dingfa, resentment flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for Chu Feng.

He has probably been killed by Ah Fa and Su Su and reported to the Lord of Hell.

"So many things have happened in the past few days, Jiang Tiansheng will definitely be unable to handle it. In half an hour at most, Jiang Tiansheng will convene an emergency meeting in Hongxing."

"Take Luo Dingfa with you and prepare to go to Jiang Tiansheng's villa later!"


Inside Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

The villa that was originally smashed to pieces by Chu Feng has long been completely renewed.

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng was sitting on the dragon's head chair, listening to the stories of the prince, Wuliang, and Ma Wangjian with a gloomy expression.

As for Chen Yao, he was standing behind Jiang Tiansheng, looking at his nose and mouth with concern, as if he was indifferent to everything.

At this time, Chen Yao was already different from before.

As Hong Xing's think tank, he had long seen that there must only be one between Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng.

In the beginning, Chen Yao still chose to side with Jiang Tiansheng.

But over time.

Chen Yao also discovered that Chu Feng's abilities were very terrifying.

When he was still just a red stick, he killed the red stick Baguan of Lian Sheng.

Later, without using Hong Xing, he directly captured the East District Corridor, single-handedly triggering the story of the century with Liansheng and Hong Xing.

After taking down the East District Corridor, he directly led people to swallow up the entire Wan Chai, wipe out the Wang Bao Gang, and beat Wan Chai to nothing.

You know, at that time, Chu Feng was not even a court official, he was just an ordinary big player.

Then, it soared into the sky, and the house bird turned into a phoenix, becoming the seat of the three main halls of Hongxing Society, and its popularity was unparalleled for a while.

Both Jiang Tiansheng now and Big Boss B in the past believe that Chu Feng's rapid rise is entirely due to good luck.

Chen Yao disagreed with this view.

If it was just luck, how could it be possible to grow to this point?

Besides, to a certain extent, luck is also a manifestation of strength.


Chen Yao had a vague feeling in his heart.

That is, the conflict between Hong Xing and Zhong Xinyi is likely to be related to Chu Feng.

Just because of various reasons.

Chen Yao also slowly switched sides to Chu Feng, even tipping off Chu Feng several times.

Now, even if Chen Yao had a hunch that the events of the past few days were closely related to Chu Feng, he would never say anything about it.

But Chen Yao's refusal to say anything does not mean that Jiang Tiansheng is a fool.

After listening to the narratives of Ma Wangjian, Wuliang, and Prince, Jiang Tiansheng frowned.

"You mean, in this conflict between Hongxing and Zhongxinyi, only half of the society participated in the war?"

"Yes!" The prince gritted his teeth and nodded, "Han Bin went to Haojiang and didn't know what to do. Thirteenth sister, Liang Ma, and Liang Kun all chose to defend the entrance of the hall and not save him."

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng rubbed his chin and began to think deeply.

Those who did not take action were all closely related to Chu Feng.

"Where are Brother Ji and Fatty Li?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

"They did not come to support them, but their territory was also harassed by loyal people, but because they had enough manpower, the losses were not great," the prince said.

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