Although it is true that Sha Biao was not instigated by Jiang Tiansheng, Sha Biao was bitten to death. It was Jiang Tiansheng who sent him to assassinate Chu Feng.

Jiang Tiansheng was unable to defend himself, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he could not clear his mind.

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, Jiang Tiansheng had no choice but to use the profits from Haojiang Casino as Chu Feng's hush money.

In order to clear the suspicion, Jiang Tiansheng even killed Sha Biao with his own hands to vent his anger.


As soon as the front leg killed Sha Biao, the back leg policeman came to the door.


Although Jiang Tiansheng found someone to take the blame in time, he was still detained by the police for 72 hours.

It was because of this detention that Hongxing completely lost control without Jiang Tiansheng in charge, and a conflict broke out with Zhongxinyi, resulting in huge losses.

Jiang Tiansheng even suspected that Sha Biao was a dead soldier specially found by Chu Feng and planned this situation.

But now, Jiang Tiansheng is a little confused.

Why did Chu Feng bring up this matter, and why did he bring Luo Dingfa here?

Is Luo Dingfa related to this matter?

Just when Jiang Tiansheng was confused.

"Luo Dingfa, you speak for yourself."

"But you must not be wrong. I still have a water supply here that is useless."

Chu Feng signaled Asiu to untie the cloth from Luo Dingfa's mouth.

After untying the strip of cloth.

Ashiu took out another bottle of water.

It seems that as long as Luo Dingfa lies, he will be slapped directly.

Luo Dingfa was frightened when he saw the needle in Asiu's hand.

Although he has never used forced water supply, as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Loyalty and Faith, he has heard of the medicinal effects of forced water supply.

Although it can make people speak the truth.

But the terrifying effect of the drug is enough to turn a person into a fool.

"No! Don't use force to supply water!"

"I said, I said..."

Luo Dingfa did not dare to hesitate and quickly told Susu and his conspiracy.

From the very beginning, how to trick Sha Biao into owing loan sharks, to how to instruct Sha Biao to assassinate Chu Feng, and how to provoke the conflict between Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng, he got it all out without missing a word!Several.

241 Luo Dingfa’s confession, Jiang Tiansheng drove the tiger away and swallowed the wolf!

"The assassination of Chu Feng was instigated by Sister Su Su."

"Her purpose is to provoke a conflict between Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng and make Hong Xing start a war."

"As long as there is internal chaos in Hongxing, other associations will turn their attention to Hongxing and take advantage of the situation. No one will pay attention to loyalty."

"This will not only resolve the crisis of loyalty and faith, but also work with other associations to reap benefits in Hongxing."


Luo Dingfa's words were like a barrage of words, one after another.

at the same time.

All the big guys in Hongxing Society also changed their expressions.

Especially Jiang Tiansheng.

At this time, his face was even more gloomy and scary.

So it turns out that all this was caused by Zhongxinyi?

If that's the case, then things are connected.

As the leader of a social group, Jiang Tiansheng knew the situation of the "June [-]" gang in Hong Kong very well.

Although Zhongxinyi is said to be a first-tier club, there is still a big gap between it and the real first-tier clubs such as Hongxing, Dongxing, Heliansheng and Number Gang.


Although Zhongxinyi's strength is indeed not bad, other clubs are also coveting Zhongxinyi.

On the one hand, we don’t want another tiger to appear on Hong Kong Island.

On the other hand, pick the soft persimmon first and pinch it.

It can be said,

Although Lian Haolong seems to have unlimited success, if other societies form an alliance, or there are some problems on Lian Haolong's side, or there is no support from Tang Liyu, a big water pipe.

As long as any situation occurs.

The other groups would not hesitate to take action against Zhongxinyi. Even if they did not directly eradicate them, they would still eat up most of Zhongxinyi's territory.

If it were normal, it would be nothing.

With Su Su as his virtuous wife, Zhong Xinyi has been able to transition smoothly over the years without any danger.

If Lian Haolong and Su Su can continue to work hard, other associations have been unable to find an entry point. If Zhongxinyi is given time to develop, one day in the future Zhongxinyi will definitely become as powerful as Hongxing and other older groups.

However, Lian Haolong found a baby and told Susu openly.

This can be said to be a real bad move.

It was because of the appearance of this child that Susu felt a sense of crisis. For the sake of her own survival, she gradually began to distance herself from Lian Haolong.

In general,

Although loyalty and righteousness are glorious, in fact, they suffer from internal and external troubles.

And when Su Su killed Chu Feng, the killer was Jiang Tiansheng's, so it was really a bit of a murderous act.

Hongxing's power is much stronger than Zhongxinyi.

If Hong Xing really starts fighting among himself, then other societies will all have their eyes on Hong Xing, so how can they have time to care about loyalty?

All the speakers present looked at each other in shock and were speechless after hearing Luo Dingfa's confession.

The most poisonous woman!

"Fortunately, Ah Feng saw through Su Su's plan and caught Luo Dingfa, otherwise our Hongxing would be in dire straits!"

"Yes, if we start to cause chaos ourselves, other societies will attack us and eat us up."

"If we are just defensive, we in Hongxing can cope with one or two clubs, but with one more club, what can we do to support them?"

"This woman Susu is too poisonous. The last time I saw her, she even asked her about her well-being and smiled."

"I didn't expect this woman to be so difficult to deal with. I almost let her succeed."


All the talkers in Hongxing Society began to whisper.

Especially the beautiful mother, thirteenth sister and others felt even more fortunate.

Fortunately, they listened to Chu Feng's words, deployed defenses in various areas in advance, and closed the gates, otherwise they would also be affected this time.

"Hey, I have dedicated my life to death."

Liangkun glanced at Jiang Tiansheng and said angrily, "Fortunately among us, Ah Feng is more alert, otherwise we would not only be beaten by Zhongxinyi, but also be fooled by them! Some people who make dragon heads don't even know where their eyes are. Sorry, you still want to make peace after being treated like this, you are so funny."

Jiang Tiansheng heard Liangkun's squeeze and was ready to explode on the spot.

However, after taking a look around.

He quickly calmed down again.

This time Jiang Tiansheng discovered that even the prince and other confidants were furious and filled with righteous indignation after hearing Luo Dingfa's confession.

Even the prince, Wuliang, and Ma Wangjian looked at each other, with resentment flashing in their eyes.

Judging from their expressions, the three of them did not agree to a truce either.

If you are talking about making peace.

Maybe the only remaining confidant of Jiang Tiansheng would be dissatisfied...

Now, among all the people in Hongxing, those who support Chu Feng and those who support Jiang Tiansheng can be said to be equally matched. 0

The supporters behind the two have reached a delicate balance.

What was missing was the straw that broke the camel's back.

At this juncture, Jiang Tiansheng did not dare to chill his remaining confidants.

But now,

What Jiang Tiansheng hates the most is Chu Feng!

Chu Feng was able to capture Luo Dingfa today. It seems that he already knew about Su Su's plan before he came to Jiang Mansion last time to investigate.

It's just that those DV videos are all taken out of context.

This is obviously Chu Feng’s intention!

Taking the out-of-context video, he came to the Jiang Mansion to ask for help in order to gain benefits from Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng was forced to hand over the management of Haojiang Casino to Chu Feng, and he himself ended up in a detention center.

Jiang Tiansheng couldn't swallow this breath!

What's more, now Jiang Tiansheng's supporters, whether they are the prince, Wushang, or Ma Wangjian, have been severely weakened.

Even Daewoo and others who did not participate suffered heavy losses due to the sudden attack by Zhongxinyi.

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