On Chu Feng's side, he took advantage!

Even Liang Ma, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, and Liang Kun, Chu Feng’s supporters, had nothing to lose.

If you continue to fight.

I'm afraid Chu Feng will still continue to take advantage, and Jiang Tiansheng's faction is already severely injured, and the fight will only add to the injuries!

Even if he wants to fight, he must drag Chu Feng into the water!

 1.7 Your own people must not suffer any more losses!

Jiang Tiansheng's eyes rolled around and his brain was running rapidly.

Now that it has been determined that a battle with Zhongxinyi is inevitable this time, then we must do everything possible to preserve our strength and gain benefits, and at the same time, we must do everything we can to severely injure Chu Feng!

Suddenly, Jiang Tiansheng's eyes lit up, "All halls, those with more than half of the halls damaged, raise your hands."

The prince, Wuliang, and Ma Wangjian looked at each other and raised their hands one after another.

"Those with more than [-]% casualties, raise your hands."

Jiang Tiansheng asked again.

This time, Daewoo, Fatty Li, and Brother Ji also raised their hands.

Jiang Tiansheng's eyes slowly swept over the halls where the casualties did not exceed [-]%.

The casualties did not exceed [-]%. After all calculations, only Chu Feng and four of Chu Feng's supporters were left! .

242 Drive the tiger and swallow the wolf?Playing right into Chu Feng's hands!

Jiang Tiansheng thought for a moment and had an idea in his mind.

It’s okay to start a war with Zhongxinyi!

But Chu Feng must be roped in!

It is best to let Chu Feng be the main force, and it is best to fight Lian Haolong in a lose-lose situation. He, Jiang Tiansheng, can benefit from it.

Although, Hongxing's overall strength will be damaged.

But Jiang Tiansheng has been living in Hong Kong Island for so many years, is it in vain?

He secretly still has some power, but it's just useless.

In the original plot.

Jiang Tiansheng was killed by the crow, which was a complete accident, leaving Jiang Tiansheng with no time to mobilize these powers.


After Jiang Tiansheng died, Jiang Tianyang also returned from abroad and quickly cleaned up the mess.

And the power Jiang Tiansheng secretly hides is his own younger brother, Jiang Tianyang!

Compared with his brother Jiang Tiansheng, Jiang Tianyang's ability is almost the same.

Over the years, Jiang Tianyang has been developing abroad and has become a very huge force.

If that time comes,

If Hong Xing's losses were really too great, he would bring Jiang Tian back to help.

With Jiang Tianyang joining in, Hong Xing will be safe and sound!

Not only can he get benefits from Zhongxinyi, but he can also get rid of the troublesome Chu Feng and keep Hongxing.

For Jiang Tiansheng, this plan is undoubtedly beneficial and harmless.

thought here.

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chu Feng with a wide smile.

"Chu Feng, just now you said that as a leader, I am too timid and afraid of getting into trouble. I admit that I was too concerned about the interests of the society and ignored the feelings of my brothers..."

Jiang Tiansheng said slowly.

When the talkers heard Jiang Tiansheng's words, their ears immediately pricked up.

Although Jiang Tiansheng only said half of what he said.

But which one of these words is not a human spirit?They had already guessed that Jiang Tiansheng would probably let Chu Feng be the main force in the conflict with Zhongxinyi.

After trying to figure this out.

All the talkers looked at Chu Feng subconsciously.

Especially Liangkun and others, their hearts trembled even more.


Ginger is still old and spicy!

Although Chu Feng not only lost nothing in the conflict between Zhongxinyi and Hong Xing, he also gained a lot of benefits.

And just now, Chu Feng was also an activist who started a war with Zhongxinyi, and even fell out with Jiang Tiansheng.

but now,

Jiang Tiansheng put his words on the table.

If Chu Feng is allowed to fight, will Chu Feng fight or not?

If hit,

Although Zhongxinyi has suffered casualties now, the backbone of the community is still there and still powerful.

Now facing Zhongxinyi's fight to the death, the casualties will definitely be much greater than those in the previous conflicts.

Even the battle in Prince Edward Tsim Sha Tsui was not on the table.

After this battle, the demise of loyalty and righteousness is inevitable, but Chu Feng's side will at least be seriously injured.

There may even be annihilation of the entire army!

But if you don’t fight,

Previously, Chu Feng was the most active in starting a war with Zhong Xinyi.

Once he rejects Jiang Tiansheng, Chu Feng's prestige in Hongxing will instantly reach a low point, which is like shooting himself in the foot!

From now on, Chu Feng will be unable to hold his head high in Hongxing. Jiang Tiansheng also has a reason to take advantage of this opportunity to attack.

Just when everyone was looking at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng just smiled and motioned for Jiang Tiansheng to continue.

Seeing Chu Feng take the move, the smile on Jiang Tiansheng's face became even brighter.

"We are all Hong Xingzi and brothers."

"Now the prince and the others have been severely damaged and need to cultivate themselves."

"Chu Feng, you and Liang Ma, Liang Kun, Thirteenth Sister, and Binnihu are still strong."

"I think this battle with Zhongxinyi will be dominated by you. Those few assistants who were not injured will defeat Zhongxinyi in one fell swoop!"

"what do you think?"

Jiang Tiansheng asked in a consultative tone. On the surface, it sounded like a consultation, but he stared straight into Chu Feng's eyes, and every word was like a knife!

When Chu Feng heard Jiang Tiansheng's words, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

Seeing that Chu Feng was silent, Jiang Tiansheng spoke again.

"A Feng, you are the most loyal person I know."

"As you said just now, you don't want the blood of our brothers to be shed in vain."

"Of course, if you want to refuse, that's okay, just pretend I didn't ask."

Seeing that Chu Feng was silent, Jiang Tiansheng thought that he had figured out Chu Feng and asked again.


Just when everyone was curious about how Chu Feng would reject Jiang Tiansheng and save his reputation.


"It is my duty, Chu Feng, to work for Hong Xing."

"Since Jiang Sheng has entrusted such a heavy responsibility to me, Chu Feng, then I, Chu Feng, will never let Jiang Sheng down or Hong Xing down."

Chu Feng put on a righteous look and said obligingly.

As soon as this word comes out.

A group of Hongxing talkers suddenly started whispering.

Noisy discussions resounded throughout the Jiang Mansion villa.

The prince and others looked happy.

"Chu Feng actually agreed so quickly?"

"I'm afraid both sides will suffer losses now."

"Isn't it too reckless to agree?"

"But that's fine. Why is it that we are the ones fighting hard at the front and Chu Feng is the one reaping the benefits?"

"Now is the time to let Chu Feng bleed!"

All the people involved in Hongxing started talking about it.

It's just that everyone's reactions are different.

Pretty Mom and the others had anxious looks on their faces.

In their opinion, what Chu Feng did was like jumping into a pit of fire!

Although Zhongxinyi and Hongxing have fought several times and suffered many casualties, the foundation is still there.

Loyalty at this time is still very powerful.

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