Even if we can win, both sides will suffer losses.

As for the prince and others, they looked proud.

Why should Chu Feng get the benefits when they are the ones who lose?

Now, it's time for Chu Feng to bleed!

It's better to fight with Zhongxinyi and lose both sides, and die together with Lian Haolong!

As for Jiang Tiansheng, he was obviously stunned after hearing Chu Feng's words.

He thought that Chu Feng would agree, but Chu Feng agreed so simply and neatly, which was also beyond his expectation.


While everyone was talking.

 617 Chu Feng’s voice sounded again,

"Contributing to Hongxing is the responsibility and obligation of every member of the organization."

"Let me fight for loyalty and trust, no problem! But for some things, it's better for us to settle the accounts openly as brothers."

After saying this, Chu Feng looked into Jiang Tiansheng's eyes, "I, Chu Feng, are going to war with Zhongxinyi, and casualties are inevitable. I need a settlement fund."

Hearing Chu Feng asking for money, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly looked bitter.

Now, Hong Xing has no money!

During the time he was imprisoned, Hong Xing and Lian Haolong fought so many times, and the money had been used by Jiang Tiansheng to manage various things and provide housing expenses for his brothers.

At this juncture, Chu Feng asked him for money.

It would be fine if it was a few million, but to start a war with Zhongxinyi, to put it bluntly, it would be just money, which would not be enough at all.

If Chu Feng asked for money at this time, Jiang Tiansheng would have to dig into his own personal treasury.


Just when Jiang Tiansheng was a little embarrassed to speak.

"But Mr. Jiang, I also know that the club's funds are currently tight."

"Otherwise, I, Chu Feng, will eat as much as I, Chu Feng, can bite off from Zhongxinyi's side."

"I'm not doing this for myself, but for the brothers below. What do you think, Mr. Jiang?"

Chu Feng asked, pretending to be considerate of his brothers and not self-interested, but focused on benefiting others.

In fact.

Chu Feng was already smiling in his heart.

Jiang Tiansheng's strategy is to drive away tigers and devour wolves, killing people without using a knife.

Little did he know that this was playing into Chu Feng’s hands! .

243 Punch away!To avoid a hundred punches!

Chu Feng also directly made terms with Jiang Tiansheng.

Let him take his beautiful mother and others to challenge Zhongxinyi, okay!

However, all the territory that was conquered belonged to Chu Feng, and Hongxing Society was not allowed to interfere.

After Jiang Tiansheng heard Chu Feng's request, he was slightly startled and frowned secretly.

Although, Chu Feng's request sounds like a blank check.

Let’s not talk about how much territory Chu Feng can conquer Zhongxinyi.

If he goes to war with Zhongxinyi, Chu Feng will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Then Jiang Tiansheng will not be able to do whatever he wants.

Not to mention the territory.

By that time, Jiang Tiansheng will definitely try his best to kill Chu Feng and take all Chu Feng's territory and men under his control.

Chu Feng's request sounded like he was digging a hole for Chu Feng himself.

The reason why Jiang Tiansheng hesitated was not because he saw anything.

Just from the instinctive feeling, Chu Feng should not be so stupid!

Jiang Tiansheng had fought with Chu Feng many times before. Not only did he not gain any advantage, but he suffered losses repeatedly. Jiang Tiansheng was already very vigilant.

But now,

Although he was wary, if he didn't agree to Chu Feng's words, he would have no choice but to pay.

Hong Xing didn't have that much money in his accounts.

So no matter what Jiang Tiansheng thought, he could only agree.

"Okay, this is our Hongxing rule."

"As long as you go out to do things, whoever beats you will get the title."

"I promise that all the territory you conquered by Chu Feng will be managed by you."

Jiang Tiansheng agreed to Chu Feng's request.

"Okay, that's all right."

Chu Feng clapped his hands and stood up, "Now that the matter has been finalized, I will go back and prepare to code people."

Seeing this, Jiang Tiansheng could only nod.

Liangkun and others who were close to Chu Feng looked at each other and then stood up and followed Chu Feng.

This time it was not only Chu Feng who fought against Zhongxinyi, but also those who had no losses. Naturally, they had to discuss countermeasures with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng led everyone to the door, then thought of something and turned to look at Luo Dingfa.

"That's right, Mr. Jiang."

"Luo Dingfa has told him everything he knows. I still want him to be of use, so I took him away."

Without waiting for Jiang Tiansheng's response.

The yellow scarf warrior directly lifted Luo Dingfa up and followed Chu Feng away.

After leaving Jiang Mansion.

Chu Feng and his party got into the car directly and headed towards Wan Chai.

Tang's Restaurant in Wan Chai was originally opened by Tang Liyu. Now that Chu Feng and Tang Liyu have cooperated, Tang's Restaurant has been completely owned by Chu Feng and has become Chu Feng's base in Wan Chai.

After arriving at Tang's Restaurant.

Chu Feng's car door was opened, and Luo Dingfa was thrown into the street like a flour bag.

"Are you really willing to let me go?" Luo Dingfa glanced at Chu Feng in surprise.

"You are no longer valuable. Killing a worthless person is a waste of energy." Chu Feng shook his head, "Go back and find your sister Su Su."

Upon hearing this, Luo Dingfa took a deep look at Chu Feng, then quickly stood up and disappeared into the alley.


at the same time.

Jiang Fu.

Before Chu Feng left, he directly took Luo Dingfa away, which made Jiang Tiansheng feel unhappy for a while.

But now,

Chu Feng had already left with his people, and Jiang Tiansheng found another reason to send away the fat guy Li and Brother Ji.

"Ayao, go check Hongxing's accounts and resolve the settlement issue as soon as possible." Jiang Tiansheng said to Chen Yao behind him seemingly casually.

Chen Yao was stunned when he heard this, and then took a deep look at Jiang Tiansheng.

Look at the accounts?

It's nothing more than sending away Chen Yao like Brother Ji and Fatty Li.

Chen Yao has slowly fallen towards Chu Feng, how could Jiang Tiansheng not see it?

But in the end, Chen Yao didn't say anything and left pretending to be casual.

Currently, only Jiang Tiansheng's cronies are still sitting in the villa.

Wait for Jiang Tiansheng to leave.

"Prince, why is Lian Haolong looking for trouble with you like he's crazy?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

He had a vague feeling that Lian Haolong was not a fool. How could the incident in Tsim Sha Tsui become such a big deal?

There is definitely a reason why Lian Haolong went crazy.

And what is the reason? Since Jiang Tiansheng was released from prison, he has been working hard to deal with various things. He has not asked this yet.

"I don't know what Lian Haolong is up to..." The prince shook his head blankly, "But when I was drying the horses in Tsim Sha Tsui, I heard the loyal and righteous boys shouting that they wanted to avenge 'Brother Yu' Kind of slogan.”

"Brother Yu? Tang Liyu?" Jiang Tiansheng frowned, "Have you had any contact with Tang Liyu recently?"

Now it seems that things are a little clearer.

Although Tang Liyu and Lian Haolong are not real brothers, they are better than real brothers.

Only when something happened to Tang Liyu could Lian Haolong lose his mind.


When the prince heard this, he shook his head like a rattle, "Where am I going to contact Tang Liyu? I don't even recognize him. The last time we met was when Lian Haolong's cub was over the full moon."

"This is strange..." Jiang Tiansheng shook his head, "Why would Tang Liyu find trouble with you? It seems there is some misunderstanding."

"What should we do, Mr. Jiang?" the prince asked.

Jiang Tiansheng thought for a moment.

"I think there are some things that still need to be explained clearly."

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