".'Prince, come with me. Let's go find Lian Haolong."

Jiang Tiansheng decided to go meet Lian Haolong for a while and ask what was going on.

He always felt that none of these coincidences seemed to be coincidences.

It's as if someone is controlling it secretly.

But this is just a feeling. The most urgent task is for Lian Haolong to figure it out.

The prince was startled.

"Going to find Lian Haolong? We are still at war with them! If Lian Haolong takes the opportunity to attack..." The prince shook his head repeatedly, "My life doesn't matter, but Jiang Sheng, nothing will happen to you."

"Don't worry, Lian Haolong shouldn't be such an irrational person!" Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand fiercely.

Seeing that the prince was still hesitant to speak, Jiang Tiansheng laughed, "Don't worry, this fight is still going to happen, but we have to let Lian Haolong figure out who he is fighting. Chu Feng is Chu Feng and I am me. I hope Lian Haolong, please be more careful and don't confuse things."


after an hour.

Lian Haolong's loan company.

"What did Susu do? Don't you care about the company's loan?"

Lian Haolong looked at the busy employee (Wang Dezhao) and asked with a frown.

Now that Hongxing has no money, why not be loyal and trustworthy?

The goods were swept away and Tang Liyu was tied up. It can be said that Zhongxinyi's finances are now in deficit.

The only thing you can count on now is the loan company.

However, after the incident in Tsim Sha Tsui ended, Lian Haolong took out all the turnover of the loan company, and even the principal, to silence those John Ghost officials.

Nearly [-] million in cash only bought peace once. If there were another time, even those John ghosts would not be able to maintain their loyalty.

The company's financial power is once again under Su Su's control.

Now that Su Su is away, Lian Haolong is really worried about dealing with it.

"Su Su is not here, and Ah Fa has gone to nowhere. Hurry up and find them for me!" Lian Haolong said to Dao Zaihong beside him.

Dao Zaihong heard this, nodded and left.

Just when he opened the door, Lian Haodong trotted in, "Brother, Jiang Tiansheng and the prince said they want to see you!".

244 Prince Spotting the Difference, video details!

"Brother, Jiang Tiansheng brought the prince and said he would come to see you!" Lian Haodong came to Lian Haolong dressed in rough clothes.

"Jiang Tiansheng? And the prince!?"

"What are they going to do?"

Speaking of the prince, Lian Haolong broke his tooth crown.

The video of Tang Liyu's execution in that DV machine is still vivid in my mind.

This cruel scene still remains unforgettable to Lian Haolong, and his heart aches every time he thinks of it.

Now Zhongxinyi is at war with Hongxing.

Hongxing Longtou actually came with the culprit who killed Tang Liyu?

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in!"

"Jiang Tiansheng, I want to see what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd!"

Lian Haolong snorted coldly, and then said to Dao Zaihong, "Ah Hong, don't go looking for Susu and the others yet. You are leading an ambush in the dark room outside. As long as I give my order, I will kill Gan Zitai and Jiang Tiansheng." Become an eighth-dan, respect brother!"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Dao Zaihong nodded, and then led Zhongxinyi's most elite force to ambush in the darkroom outside.

After doing all this.

"Let them come." Lian Haolong said to his younger brother Lian Haodong, and then sat on the chair, waiting for the arrival of the prince and Jiang Tiansheng.

It will take a while.

There was a knock on the door at 617, and Lian Haodong walked in with Jiang Tiansheng and the prince.

After seeing the prince.


Lian Haolong snorted coldly and turned his head to the side.

Although there was no movement, judging from Lian Haolong's slightly trembling hands, he wanted to kill the prince now and avenge Tang Liyu.

The reason why he hasn't taken action yet is simply because Lian Haolong wants to hear what Jiang Tiansheng has to say.

"Aaron, long time no see." When Jiang Tiansheng saw Lian Haolong, he smiled and extended his hand.

Lian Haolong glanced at Jiang Tiansheng's outstretched hand and snorted coldly,

"haven't seen you for a long time?"

"No matter how long we are apart, we still have a chance to meet."

"Brother Keyu... I'll never see you again in this life."


Lian Haolong glanced at the prince, with no concealment of the murderous intent in his eyes.

"I didn't kill Tang Liyu, when will you believe me!?" The prince was not a jobber. He was slapped with such a big hat for no reason, so his tone was naturally not so polite.

When Lian Haolong heard this, he stood up immediately.

"Hey, hey, Aaron, please don't be angry first." Jiang Tiansheng stepped forward quickly and kindly, and slowly pushed Lian Haolong back to his seat, "I just came out of (babh), and there are some things I just learned about , I also asked the prince, but he didn’t know anything about Tang Liyu.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Lian Haolong slammed the table.

"Ignorance!?" Lian Haolong suddenly frowned, "What do you mean by ignorance? I saw the video with my own eyes, why are you Jiang Tiansheng pretending to be so stupid?"

"Video?" Jiang Tiansheng frowned when he heard this.

He was sent to the detention center before because of Chu Feng's out-of-context video, but now he is very sensitive to videos.

Hearing Lian Haolong say this, Jiang Tiansheng had a vague premonition in his heart.

Isn’t this video also taken out of context?

Thinking of this, Jiang Tiansheng spoke eagerly,

"Along, I, Jiang Tiansheng, Hongxing, and my personal reputation guarantee that the prince has never done anything to Brother Yu, not to mention that he doesn't even know Brother Yu."

"Well, show me the video. Maybe there is something wrong with the video."

Lian Haolong sneered and glanced at Lian Haodong.

Lian Haodong quickly opened the locked cabinet next to him, took out a DV player that had been crushed, and placed it on the table.

Lian Haolong pointed to the DV player on the table, "It's broken. I can't even look at it."

Jiang Tiansheng frowned when he saw the broken DV player.

This DV player, both in terms of brand and appearance, is exactly the same as the DV player Chu Feng used when he threatened him before!

In an instant.

Jiang Tiansheng seemed to think of something, and his eyes widened.

"Aaron, frankly speaking, I was framed by someone using a DV machine to go to jail this time."

"We have been leaders for so many years. Don't you think that this conflict seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it is more like someone is behind it?"

Jiang Tiansheng said urgently.

Even Haolong frowned when he heard this.

He had felt this way before, but after seeing the scene of Tang Liyu's execution, he lost his mind.

Now that Jiang Tiansheng mentioned it again, even Haolong felt something was wrong.

"According to you, someone is causing trouble secretly?" Lian Haolong frowned, "But there is a video. I saw with my own eyes that Brother Yu was beheaded by the Prince's men in Tsim Sha Tsui..."

Before Lian Haolong finished speaking, the prince interrupted directly, "What happened to Tang Liyu was really not my fault!"

As the prince spoke, he walked to the DV machine.

"You said there is a video, I have to see it myself!" The prince looked at the DV player, "This DV player has a memory card inside. If the memory card is not broken, it can be used by inserting it into another DV player."

The prince couldn't help but fiddle with the DV player.

Although he doesn't know how to make movies, boxing matches are often held in the Prince Boxing Gym, and he himself also watches videos of famous matches, and he still has a certain understanding of DV machines.

After a while, the prince removed the memory card from the DV player and said, "Fortunately, the memory card inside is not broken. Can you get a new DV player?"

The prince looked at Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong and asked for help.

However, the two brothers remained unmoved.

When the prince saw this, he immediately became anxious, "You all know my prince's reputation in the Tao. If you do it, you have done it, and if you have not done it, you have not done it. You don't even dare to show me the video. Is it because a thief calls for catching a thief, and a thief has a guilty conscience?"

"That's enough!" Lian Haolong said coldly, "Ah Dong, go find a DV player."

Lian Haodong hurried out the door, and after a while, he walked in with a new DV player.

The prince connected the memory card to the DV player.

Jiang Tiansheng also came over and checked the video with the prince.

Lian Haolong looked away in disbelief.

However, the video just opened.

"There's a problem!" The prince pointed directly at the screen.

After hearing this, Lian Haolong looked away and immediately returned to the DV player.

The prince quickly explained,

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