"My signboard is not like this! Although it has the words Taizi Boxing Gym on it, there is also my CALL machine and phone number in the lower left corner. However, the bottom of the signboard in the video is blank!"

Afterwards, the prince watched it carefully several times.

When he used to watch boxing matches, he often had to watch the details over and over again, so he could easily check the details.

After a while, the prince pointed out a few more details.

There was no reflection from the glass outside the window. Tang Liyu's eyelids were still trembling after his head was cut off for a long time.

There was no commotion outside the window.

Many unreasonable details were pointed out by the prince.

Lian Haolong was puzzled after hearing the prince's argument.

Could it be...that someone really provoked this matter on purpose? .

245 This battle must be fought!

The prince saw Lian Haolong hesitated and explained,

"We, Hongxing, originally had no grudges against Zhongxinyi."

"Today we will explain this matter clearly, [-]."

"It was Dao Zaihong who led the policemen to mess up my scene first, and then I led people to clean up Zhongxinyi's scene."

"After sweeping the field, I realized that Dao Zaihong went to my place by mistake. It was a misunderstanding."

"But later, Dao Zaihong took people to my boxing gym and killed all our new generation elites in Hongxing. Our Hongxing lawyer Wude also died in the hands of Luo Dingfa."

"Wude is our cousin's unscrupulous brother and Ma Wangjian's brother-in-law. Naturally, we, the three major ministers, have to ask for an explanation."

"In the end, it was you, Lian Haolong, who brought people to Tsim Sha Tsui to show off their horses."

"Now I have listed all the things I have done one by one. I admit that it was my prince who did it, but you absolutely cannot~unjustly accuse me."

The prince said with some excitement.

at this time.

Dao Zaihong's eyes lit up at the prince's reminder, "I understand! When I escaped from the police station that day, I encountered two interceptions. Only the direction leading to Connaught Road was empty. It was obvious that the other party You deliberately lured me there.-"

When Lian Haolong heard this, he completely stopped talking.

Judging from the expressions of the prince and Jiang Tiansheng just now, he had already made a vague guess.

Now, I listened to the prince’s analysis.

Lian Haolong already knew the answer in his heart.

What happened to Tang Liyu may not have been done by the prince!

And according to Jiang Tiansheng, if someone is really pushing for these seemingly coincidental things, then who is the person behind the scenes?

Just using a little trick, two first-class clubs in Hong Kong are fighting each other. What a terrifying method!

"Then who did this?" Lian Haolong asked with a frown while smoking a cigar.

"I don't know." Jiang Tiansheng shook his head, "But we can speculate backwards. In this conflict between us, whoever benefits the most will have the greatest possibility."

After hearing this, Lian Haolong smoked a cigar and thought carefully.

After a full 5 minutes.

Lian Haolong's eyes suddenly lit up, and a look of deep surprise appeared in his eyes.

"You mean...Chu Feng?" Lian Haolong suddenly turned back and looked at Jiang Tiansheng.

In this big fight, Chu Feng took the opportunity to swallow up a lot of territory belonging to other Hongxing houses and Zhongxinyi, so he naturally heard about it.

Just because his main hatred was towards the prince, he didn't care about Chu Feng.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that Chu Feng is the biggest beneficiary of this matter!

"It's very possible." Jiang Tiansheng also nodded.

He doesn't want to directly say yes now, because he doesn't have sufficient evidence in his hand, and if he directly says it is Chu Feng, it will arouse Lian Haolong's suspicion.

Lian Haolong smoked a cigar and said nothing.

The cigar that originally took half an hour to smoke was finished in less than 15 minutes by Lian Haolong.

"Now it seems that it is probably him!"

"One thing is another, I will lead people to step on Chu Feng's field, it is none of the prince's business!"

Lian Haolong put out the cigar in his hand, "What should we do now? Let's make a truce?"

Jiang Tiansheng smiled bitterly, "The fight has already become a pot of porridge. How can there be such an easy truce? I can't even explain to my brothers."

"What should we do?" Lian Haolong asked.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled slightly, "Over at Hongxing, Chu Feng has expressed his intention to start a war with you. Since we are going to fight anyway, we might as well ask clearly while fighting."

Lian Haolong thought for a moment and finally gritted his teeth and stamped his feet.

"it is good!"

"I'm going to order some troops now. There aren't many people in Wan Chai anyway, so those ghost guys shouldn't be alerted."

"When the time comes, we'll fight and ask questions!"


At the same time, Tang’s Restaurant in Wan Chai.

"A Feng, are you really sure?"

"I think we should bring people over to support."

"Yes, although we know that all of your people can fight, Zhongxinyi is a first-rate club after all."

"Although their vitality has been damaged, they are still strong. If Lian Haolong fights back desperately, we will win even if we win!"

Liangkun, Liangma, and Thirteenth Sister all tried to persuade her.

Even Han Bin, who was far away in Haojiang, called to hold a meeting.

"Your people, stay still."

Chu Feng looked at his fingers, "They have other uses. If they all come to Wan Chai, they will waste a lot of time on the way back to their original territory."

"Then what should we do?" Liangkun was a little anxious, "I feel that Jiang Tiansheng set a trap for you, and now he has completely jumped in."

Pretty Mom also sighed softly, "How about we defend and convince Lian Haolong to call a truce?"

"Truce? What kind of truce?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

This time, he had no intention of calling a truce.

If you should fight, you still have to fight!

But just fighting the first wave is not a desperate effort.

Now that Jiang Tiansheng has deliberately let the news out, the entire Hong Kong community is paying attention to Zhong Xinyi and Chu Feng.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Whether it's defeat or giving in.

Everything Chu Feng had worked so hard to do before would be destroyed in one day.

"This time we not only have to fight, but we also have to fight with dignity!"

"My men, you do not want to join the war."

“If we don’t fight a tough battle, who will be able to look down on us in the future?”

Chu Feng asked back.

"But..." Pretty Mom was a little worried, "If we really fight, our vitality will be severely damaged, and we might be swallowed by Jiang Tiansheng."


Chu Feng glanced out the window.

All the places on the streets of Wan Chai are closed for renovation.

All the ghost mastiffs have been pulled out by the yellow scarf warriors.

In addition to the yellow scarf warriors with the ghost mastiffs, there are hundreds of yellow scarf warriors carrying swords.

These yellow scarf warriors with swords have been divided into two waves.


Yibo, as the backbone of the land force, all the captains of the Broadsword Team also got involved.

The most eye-catching thing is an old man wearing a beige uniform.

The old man was in the front row of these yellow scarf warriors, and his height could only reach between the chest and abdomen of the yellow scarf warriors.

Even the big sword in his hand is one size smaller than those of the yellow scarf warriors.

But even so.

The eyes of those yellow scarf warriors looking at the old man were still full of respect.

They are all the first batch of students of Chu Feng Broadsword Academy.

Naturally, I respect my mentor Li Rongfeng from the bottom of my heart.

The other small wave carried machetes and got on the motorcycles of the motorcycle gang as a mobile unit.

And all the motorcycles of these speedsters have been modified.

The front fenders have all been replaced with fine steel, and a lot of seven-inch-long coffin nails were smashed on them.

The tips of the nails were facing outwards, flashing with a cold light.

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