Chu Feng has arrived on the street.

Behind Chu Feng, the yellow scarf warriors, ghost mastiffs, and special gears were all in place.


Wan Chai, great show!

One battle will determine the pattern of the entire Southern Peninsula! .

247 Li Rongfeng VS Lian Haolong!

Gloucester Road, the busiest street in Wan Chai.

It is also the main location of this battle.

The shops on both sides are all under renovation and closed for business.

Because Wan Chai has been renovated for nearly half a month, this place has gradually become less visited from the beginning.

At night, only dim street lights illuminate the lonely streets.

The originally wide street was deserted and looked a little lonely under the dim street lights.


Just at this time.

From the east and west directions, two groups of dark crowds appeared, converging towards the center of Gloucester Road.


When the two parties were ten meters away, they slowly stopped.

After quarreling at each other and greeting each other's ancestors for eighteen generations, the troops on both sides couldn't bear it any longer and drew their swords to fight.

in an instant,

The sound of clanging metal clashed one after another.

There are two parties, one is naturally Chu Feng's men, and the other is the loyal elite led by Lian Haolong.

"Young handsome man, come out and die!"

"Today I'm going to chop you into pieces and sacrifice you to my fourth uncle!"

In the crowd, Lian Haolong was holding a machete and killing everyone.

Those yellow scarf warriors, although each one is worth ten.

But 10th Lian Haolong, after all, is nicknamed the number one master in Hong Kong Island.

He quickly found out the weaknesses of these yellow scarf warriors. Although the yellow scarf warriors were extremely powerful, they were slightly inferior in flexibility.

Although Lian Haolong has a strong body, he can be regarded as the best master in Hong Kong Island. Needless to say, his body agility can easily avoid the powerful and heavy swords of the Yellow Turban warriors, and he can also quickly counterattack.

However, the Yellow Turban warriors were all rough-skinned and fleshy, and even Haolong's counterattack was extremely hasty. He only painted the skin of the Yellow Turban warriors and did not suffer any fatal injuries.

But even so.

Lian Haolong was getting more and more frightened.

These yellow scarf warriors are all crazy and life-threatening, and every strike is powerful and heavy.

Even Haolong gritted his teeth and took a few knives, but his mouth was numb from the shock.

"Where did Chu Feng find these monsters?"

"Anyone of these people must be at least the Red Stick level."

"With such a fierce man, no wonder Chu Feng has risen so quickly."

Lian Haolong was secretly surprised and anxious.

right now,

The loyal and righteous people can barely block the attack of these yellow scarf warriors.

It is not because those who are loyal and righteous can all fight well.

It's all because of relying on a momentum to hold on.

After all, this time, Longtou personally led the team, which greatly increased the morale of the loyal and loyal dwarf mules.

Once time passes and this momentum leaks out, I am afraid that I will be at the mercy of the other party.

"No, I must find Chu Feng!"

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Only by killing Chu Feng as quickly as possible can we have a chance to win this battle."

Lian Haolong became increasingly anxious, looking for Chu Feng while swimming around.

"Chu Feng!"

"He's a man, come and challenge me!"

"How can you be a big brother by letting your men die?"

Lian Haolong held his sword and flower and forced the two yellow scarf warriors back, shouting loudly.

The sound was rolling and spread throughout the battlefield.


No matter how much he shouted, Chu Feng could not be seen.

At this time, Lian Haolong still didn’t know.

Chu Feng was on the roof of Tang's Restaurant, admiring Lian Haolong's performance with a telescope.

Lian Haolong is indeed the number one master in Hong Kong Island. He is so powerful that even Chu Feng can clearly hear his roar.

"What a crazy person, what age are you still fighting in a one-on-one match?"

"Those who come out to hang out these days are brain eaters."

Chu Feng sneered, "Let Lao Li go meet Lian Haolong."

on the street.

Lian Haolong is still looking for Chu Feng.


Just when he slashed two yellow scarf warriors again, a thin old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lian Haolong froze when he saw this frail old man.

Although, the old man looks skinny.

But after seeing the old man's shining eyes, Lian Haolong was shocked.


"With this temperament, he is definitely a master!"

Lian Haolong didn't dare to be careless and quickly became extremely vigilant.

Although it hasn't started yet.

But the aura emanating from the old man made Lian Haolong breathless.

Lian Haolong even felt that what was in front of him was not an old man, but an insurmountable mountain!

Lian Haolong was surprised.

There are just those strong men who can't be seen at a glance, but now there is such a master.

What method did Chu Feng use to not only have all his subordinates be extremely brave, but also to invite masters of this level to take charge?

Lian Haolong considers himself an invincible player in Hong Kong and has met some international masters over the years.

The only person who could give him this feeling was the Taiquan Saint Apil.

Now it seems that there is one more person.

This old man is naturally the head coach of the Yellow Turban Rishi Sword Team, Li Rongfeng.

The only elite template figure under Chu Feng.

The eight sharp swords in one hand have become so perfect that they can hurt people and even cut some indescribable things with the force of the sword alone.


Now, there is nothing indescribable for Li Rongfeng to kill.

"If you want to find Brother Feng, you have to go through me first." Li Rongfeng remained motionless and looked at Lian Haolong quietly.

The momentum around him was released invisibly.

The steel knife in his hand, which had chopped off the heads of countless brats and smashed dogs, trembled slightly and made a golden sound.

It seemed like there were countless lonely ghosts roaring.


Lian Haolong's eyes looked horrified and he took a few steps back in horror.

just now. 617

After the old man finished speaking, Lian Haolong suddenly felt that the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

as if,

He had already arrived in the battlefield of blood and fire from Wan Chai. The fighting and roaring of thousands of troops made Lian Haolong's head buzz.

"What a great momentum!"

"This terrifying momentum is even stronger than that of Taiguo Boxing Saint Yapil!"

"Where is he holy?"

"It's not unfair for Ah Hong to be defeated in the hands of such a master!"

Lian Haolong thought to himself.

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