However, although he was intimidated by the old man's momentum, Lian Haolong's competitive spirit was still aroused.

It's cold at high places, and after being hailed as the best player in Hong Kong Island, Lian Haolong only feels lonely.

Nowadays, it is not easy to find a good hand.

Even if the opponent's momentum was countless times stronger than his own, and even if he might die under the opponent's sword, Lian Haolong still became excited.

"Senior, what's your surname?" Lian Haolong clasped his fists and made a special martial arts salute. It was incompatible with the aura of the big brother in the club, but it was enough to show his respect.

"Li Rongfeng."

Li Rongfeng lowered his sword and spoke slowly.


The fighting around them has nothing to do with them.

In their eyes, the world has become quiet, and the surrounding background has become blurred.

In his eyes, he only has his own opponent.


248 A big win!Loyalty and righteousness were completely defeated!


The sweat on Lian Haolong's forehead condensed, and the sweat rolled down to the tip of his nose and dripped on the ground.

When masters compete with each other, they usually don't act rashly.

But Li Rongfeng's momentum is too strong!

Every second, even Haolong felt as if he was being pressed down by a huge mountain, with a strong sense of suffocation.


"If this continues, I'm afraid we'll be defeated before the fight even starts!"

Lian Haolong gritted his teeth, clenched the machete in his hand, and rushed towards Li Rongfeng.


Li Rongfeng raised his broadsword, and the blade drew a spark on the ground.

Seeing Lian Haolong's attack, Li Rongfeng advanced instead of retreating and fought with Lian Haolong.


Pick up!

Put down the knife!

Each move seemed simple, but it forced Lian Haolong into a panic.

Simplify the complex and reach the peak!

Although Lian Haolong is the number one expert on Hong Kong Island, he is still far behind Li Rongfeng who fought on the battlefield and chopped off countless brats and smashed their heads.

The Eight Breaking Blades are simple yet very useful.

Every move is a killing technique.

His sword skills are solid, his blade is a sword, and his powerful aura has already made Lian Haolong breathless.

Lian Haolong hurriedly parried, but in just a few dozen breaths, he had already licked dozens of wounds on his body.

Fortunately, Lian Haolong has a strong foundation. If it were an ordinary practitioner, each of these wounds would be enough to kill him!

"Young man, you are too rigid."

"The number one master in Hong Kong Island? Today's young people's martial arts attainments are not as good as before..."

Li Rongfeng looked at Lian Haolong who was hastily parrying, with a sneer on his face.

Lian Haolong had already taken several steps back, his stamina had been lost, and he was obviously at the end of his strength.

Li Rongfeng was not polite, he took a step forward and jumped up high.

Holding the rusty black iron broadsword in both hands, he slashed Huashan with all his strength, and struck Lian Haolong's forehead from top to bottom.

Lian Haolong raised his knife to block.


Jin Ming sounded.

The loyal and righteous men who were fighting fiercely around them all felt a harsh golden ringing in their ears and a roaring sound in their minds.

A moment later, there was severe pain in both ears, and he screamed and fell down while covering his ears.

Blood was already flowing out from between their fingers.

The power of a sword, even here!

Even Haolong himself was torn apart by this powerful and heavy sword.

Even the machete made of fine steel in his hand was directly split into two pieces!

Before he could react.

Li Rongfeng sneered and made another horizontal slash.

Lian Haolong was unable to hide from this horizontal slash.

The number one expert on Hong Kong Island?

At this moment, Lian Haolong understood that this was just a wasted reputation.

People like Li Rongfeng are the real top masters!

Real masters are indifferent to fame and fortune, and Lian Haolong himself is just a clown trying to please others.

Thinking of this, Lian Haolong smiled bitterly.

An indescribable feeling of frustration came over him, and with the continuous blows, Lian Haolong lost his fighting spirit and simply closed his eyes and waited for death.


Just at this time.

"Brother Long, be careful. "!"

A loyal boy suddenly stood in front of Lian Haolong. While helping Lian Haolong block the knife, he also pushed him away.

Li Rongfeng's blade swept across.

This little brother was cut into two pieces with a knife!

Even Lian Haolong, who was pushed away, couldn't dodge in time, and the sword slashed across his belly, leaving an inch-long wound.

"Brother Long!"

Seeing this scene, the loyal and loyal brothers around them panicked and rushed over to rescue Lian Haolong.

Li Rongfeng originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and take Lian Haolong's life.

But the loyal and loyal brothers near Lian Haolong were all the elites trained by Lian Haolong. After seeing the blood spurting from Lian Haolong's stomach, they all seemed to be desperate for their lives, even if they tried their best to be killed by Li Rongfeng. Risks also used their lives to block Li Rongfeng's attack.

As for the younger brothers at the back, they all scrambled to carry the injured Lian Haolong away.

Although Lian Haolong's life was saved, the gossip gradually spread, and soon spread throughout the loyalty camp.

"Brother Long is injured, retreat quickly!"

"What? Brother Long is seriously injured?"

"Impossible! How could Brother Long be dying!?"

"Ah!? Brother Long was beheaded to death by the leader from the opposite side?"

The news is getting more and more outrageous.

Originally, Lian Haolong was only stabbed in the stomach, which was not fatal, but when the news reached the ears of other boys, it turned out that Lian Haolong was already dead.

The younger brothers were originally very powerful under the leadership of Longtou.

But after hearing the news, I was instantly frightened.

You know, Lian Haolong is the number one master in Hong Kong Island!

He was beheaded to death before the fight even started?

So how fierce is the leader on the other side?

Many of them joined Zhongxinyi because they admired Lian Haolong's reputation as the best player in the world.

Now, after hearing the news of Lian Haolong's death, the originally high morale suddenly fell to the bottom!

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Some timid Zhongxinyi members quickly looked for opportunities to apply oil on their soles.

Either flee directly backward, or get into the alley next to it, thinking of escaping.

Defeat like a mountain!

As soon as these cowards withdrew, they directly dispersed Zhongxinyi's formation. Those Zhongxinyi bad guys who originally still had fighting spirit were thrown into confusion by them and soon joined the fleeing army.

".'Brothers, the other side can't hold it anymore!"

"Put on more effort!"

The leader of the Yellow Turban Warriors, Ali Zhenzhi, shouted and chopped off the head of the loyal and righteous dog who was running around him with a knife.

The yellow scarf warriors, who were originally within Chu Feng's growth range, saw all the loyal and righteous people fleeing like crazy, and they became even more powerful, chasing and slashing all the way.

Even the other loyal and loyal elites led by Dao Zaihong, who still have fighting power, are already fearful at this moment.

in front of them.


Ah Xiu's soles covered with fine steel reflected hard on Dao Zaihong's chest.

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