Dao Zaihong originally held up the broken sword to block, but this powerful and heavy kick directly deformed the broken sword.

The flying kick continued unabated and directly kicked Daozaihong several meters away.


(Wang Dezhao) Before he landed, Dao Zaihong spurted out a line of blood.

The younger brothers who were following Dao Zaihong were even more frightened when they saw this scene.

It would be fine if Lian Haolong was beheaded to death.

Now, even Dao Zaihong has been defeated?

The only two remaining masters are gone, and Lian Haodong is a playboy, so what else is going on?


The leader, Lian Haolong, and the king of heaven, Dao Zaihong, lost their fighting power one after another. Zhongxinyi's escape soon turned into a complete rout!

"Boom boom boom——time"

The motorcycles roaring under the motorcycles of those speedsters rushed into the ranks of Zhongxinyi and ran rampant.

The fronts of these locomotives had already been equipped with anti-collision steel plates, which were also filled with six-inch coffin nails. One by one, loyal members were knocked down and died under the wheels.

Some of the loyal and righteous men who were lucky enough to escape through the gap had not yet rejoiced when they saw the yellow scarf warrior sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle with his sword raised high. .

Every time the sword is raised, the head of a loyal and righteous villain will fall to the ground! .

249 The stupid policeman didn’t even need to wash the floor! ?

The collective charge of the motorcycle gangs wiped out the remaining morale of loyalty and righteousness in an instant.

The entire Gloucester Road was filled with loyal and righteous men running wildly.

Their hearts were already covered with fear. Under the crisis of life and death, each of them exploded at an unprecedented speed.

On the run, how could one care about formation?

Everyone squeezed forward as hard as they could. Not only did they not speed up their escape, they became a mess.

"Don't squeeze me!"

"Damn it, you stepped on my foot!"

"Quick, run, those Hong Xingzi are coming to catch up."

"Don't squeeze, I...I can't breathe."

The loyal and trustworthy gangsters huddled together shouted.

Some people were caught off guard and were pushed directly to the ground.

more than this.

When he saw that he was about to fall behind, his heart suddenly crossed and he struck his colleagues beside him with a knife.

It doesn't matter if you run slowly.

But just run faster than the people around you!

Those who were injured had their escape speed greatly reduced, and from their perspective, they could also indirectly block pursuit.


As it turns out, they were naive.

Those who were injured and left behind saw no hope of escape, so they gritted their teeth and decided to fight to the death.

But before they could resist.

The speeding motorcycle directly knocked them down and then crushed them to death!

However, for those who are loyal and righteous, the nightmare does not end there!

Just when the surviving loyal and loyal boy was about to escape to the end of the street.




On both sides, the glass of the second-floor shops suddenly burst.

Dozens of desperate gunmen stood in front of the window sill, raising their hands with cold expressions.

The dark muzzles were pointed at the Zhongxinyi members, whose expressions were becoming frightened.

"Da da da da~"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The light and heavy thermal weapons spurted out tongues of fire in an instant.

Densely packed bullets were poured directly on the loyal and righteous gangsters who were fleeing quickly.

The power of thermal weapons is naturally far beyond that of melee weapons.

In just the first round of volleys, nearly one-fifth of those loyal and righteous men who were running wildly fell down.

This is because Chu Feng was worried that stray bullets would hurt his own people, so he ordered these online gunmen to look down and shoot from a high position.


This round of volley can take away at least [-]% of the loyal and righteous bad guys!

Lian Haolong, who was being carried away by his younger brothers, turned even red after seeing the gunman on the second floor.

Under the intense fire, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

"Lan Zaifeng, you are so unethical!"

Lian Haolong cursed loudly at the sky.

He discovered that those hot weapons, including many heavy firearms, were the M16 and HK14 that Chu Feng borrowed from him.


He planned to lend Chu Feng weapons and support the war between Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng to gain benefits.

But never expected.

The clown turned out to be himself!

The weapon Chu Feng borrowed from him hit his younger brother with a bullet.

Lian Haolong was so angry that he was shaking all over. His blood was pumping under the fire, and the wounds on his abdomen were bleeding like crazy.

But fortunately.

After withstanding another round of volleys of fire, these loyal bad guys finally escaped to the car.

After getting in the car, he didn't have time to care about his stragglers. He stepped on the accelerator and quickly fled the Wan Chai area.

Wait until the loyal and righteous people leave.

Wan Chai Restaurant, top floor.

"pat, pat-"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Ah Jin, carrying a sniper rifle, returned to Chu Feng from the top of the building.

"Brother Feng, why don't you let me kill Lian Haolong?" Ah Jin asked.

Needless to say, his marksmanship can be described as flawless.

Now, both sides are fighting to the death.

Ah Jin could have just shot Lian Haolong in the head before he even got out of the car.


Before taking action, Chu Feng had already told him and the desperate gunmen that Lian Haolong would be given a way out.

Chu Feng saw Ah Jin's confused expression and smiled, "A Jin, do you think Zhongxinyi's territory is big?"

"It's very big." Ah Jin didn't understand why Chu Feng suddenly asked this, but he still nodded and said.

"If I kill Lian Haolong now, other societies will definitely try their best to swallow up Zhongxinyi's territory. How many of them will fall into our hands?" Chu Feng smiled and shook his head, "When doing big things, don't count them as small. Account."

"But if Lian Haolong is let go, it will be difficult for us to eat Zhongxinyi in the future." Ah Jin (babh) said with some worry.

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Lian Haolong won't survive tomorrow night. He will be killed before tomorrow night. Then it will be a good opportunity for us to annex Zhongxinyi."

"Will he be killed by someone? By whom?" Li Shan asked at the side.

"You will know when the time comes." Chu Feng shook his head with a smile, "The most important thing now is washing the floor. If nothing else happens, people from the police station should be here soon."

Hearing this, Li Shan quickly turned on the intercom.

Under Li Shan's instructions.

The yellow scarf warriors cheering in the streets quickly cleaned up the battlefield.

After Li Shan hung up the phone.

"By the way, Li Shan, you go to Kowloon Walled City and pick up Brother Yu. Whether Lian Haolong can die tomorrow depends on him."


At the same time, the police station.

"Sir Liao, some citizens responded, there was fierce gunfire in Wan Chai."

"It seems they are really risking their lives."

"If we don't dispatch the police, stray bullets may really injure innocent citizens."

Niu Xiong ran to Liao Zhizhong to report.

"Huh? Did you use a gun?" Liao Zhizhong was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the hatred between the two sides has reached this level. The fight didn't last long before they started using hot weapons.

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