10 minute later.

A large number of police officers drove in the direction of Chaguoling.


258 The end of loyalty!

Tea greens.

Lian Haolong, Lian Haodong, and several younger brothers chased him all the way.

Susu took several cars and fled together.

On the way to escape, someone leaned out of the car to shoot, and the bullets jingled against the body of the car.


A gunshot rang out and the driver driving Susu was shot in the head.

The vehicle lost control and hit a pillar in a nearby warehouse.

Seeing this, Susu's younger brother quickly stopped the car and started to fight back.

The two sides started a gun battle again, but Lian Haolong's side only had Dao Zaihong and a few people, plus the people on Su Su's side had pillars as bunkers.

After a round of fighting, Dao Zaihong and others were suppressed and could not lift their heads.

Without saying a word, Lian Haolong went to the trunk, took out his old bolt-action rifle, and set it up silently.




Every time a gunshot rang out, someone on Susu's side fell to the ground wailing.

It will take a while.

All those horse boys were killed by Lian Haolong, leaving Su Su alone hiding behind the stone pillar, with a face full of panic and trembling.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Lian Haolong took Dao Zaihong to the stone pillar where Su Su was hiding.

He handed the bolt-action rifle to his subordinates, picked up a pistol, and put it on Su Su's forehead.

"Why do it?"


Lian Haolong looked pained as he looked at the woman who had been with him for so many years.

to date.

He couldn't believe that it was Susu who betrayed him.

Seeing Susu didn't speak.

Lian Haolong asked again,

"Did you have an affair with Ah Fa again?"

"Is it right!?"

Hearing this, Su Su took off her sunglasses with a smile, and looked at Lian Haolong with a wry smile, with disappointment in her eyes.

"Lian Haolong...who do you think I am?"

"If you cooperate with Ah Fa, do you have to sleep with him?"

"Can't it be for money?"

Susu asked with a wry smile.

"Money? Isn't what I gave you enough?" Lian Haolong asked.

"Give? Why do I need you to give it?"? Susu directly pushed Lian Haolong's pistol aside, "Whenever your brother Long is in a good mood, will you give me some money?"

Speaking of it.

Susu pointed at Lian Haolong's chest, "Ask yourself, how much of Zhongxinyi's money was earned by yourself? Ah!?"

"I earned it all!"

Lian Haolong took a step forward and said, "You can't win by trying to win against others, but you can scare people with your head? No one is afraid of you if you try to trick people, so just eat shit!"

Paused for a moment.

"Those who are out to sell are those who are out to sell. They only want money!" Lian Haolong snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Su Su looked pained.

The whole person froze in place.

Obviously, what Lian Haolong said just now hurt her heart.

"I know……"

"I know you've never forgotten what I did before."

"But you already knew it when you met me."

"I never lied to you."

"I have had three abortions, can I still have children? Then why do you want to marry me? Why do you still give me such high hope?"

The more Su Su talked, the more excited she became, and her expression gradually became hysterical.

When Lian Haolong heard this, his eyes became complicated and he fell silent.

Susu continued to speak,

"Okay, you can find a woman outside to help you give birth to the baby, it's okay!"

"But have you ever thought about me?"

"Do you know how I feel?"

At this point, Su Su pointed to her chest, "I feel so heartbroken and so shameless! I know that this man no longer belongs to me. Should I make good plans for myself?"

"you are silly!"

Lian Haolong was about to say Susu, "Over the years, how could I not regard you as my wife? Who dares not to call you sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, you are such a fart, sister-in-law! That's just to give you face!"

Su Su slammed her sunglasses onto the ground and smashed them into pieces.

"Brother Long, I followed you when I was 16 and have been with you for 30 years."

"In order to be able to help you, I went to learn English and accounting."

"I just graduated from elementary school..."

"I have been alone in this life, with no relatives, and I naively thought that if I loved a man with all my heart, you would be good to me."

"The result is still the same, for all men!"

After saying this, Susu lay down on the stone pillar and cried.

"I know... what you are most afraid of is that people will say that your wife is a prostitute. I am even afraid... but this is a fact, and there is nothing I can do to change it!"

The voice fell.

Susu turned around and looked at Lian Haolong,

"But don't forget, when I met you, you were just a spectator. I never looked down on you!"

"You were a bad gambler at that time and you lost all our money."

"We have one lunch box for two people."

"We went to drink tap water together, don't you remember?"

"I didn't blame you...Have I ever blamed you!?"

"It's you who taught me, you said...people who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth!"

"I have nothing to eat and I am the only one who is hungry."

After saying that, Su Su took a deep breath and said, "... If you want to hate me, just kill me."

"I never thought you would think so." Lian Haolong's tone became gentler and he looked at Su Su with complicated eyes.

Su Su slowly raised her hand and gently touched Lian Haolong's cheek.

A rapid siren sounded.

Lian Haolong sighed slowly and walked towards the garage with Dao Zaihong and others.

"Along!" Susu shouted loudly.

However, Lian Haolong never responded.

The sound of sirens was getting closer and closer, and dozens of police cars and explosion-proof vehicles directly surrounded the warehouse.

The policeman, armed with live ammunition, got out of the car, his face full of vigilance.

"Hold your head with your hands!"

Two policemen handcuffed Susu.

"People inside, listen, we are the police, you have been heavily surrounded!"

"Don't resist fearlessly, hold your hands high, step out and surrender!"

Liao Zhizhong stared at the warehouse, "Gao Dawei."

"Here, Sir Liao."

"Tell them to interfere with the radio waves around here and prevent people inside from communicating with people outside."

(Wang Dezhao) "It's sir!"

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