
inside the warehouse.

Lian Haolong sat on the chair and looked at the few men around him.

"I can't let them catch me."

"You guys go out and surrender."

Hearing this, Dao Zaihong nodded, put down the short knife in his hand and opened the door.

After all the other horses walked out one after another.

Dao Zaihong slowly closed the door again and looked at Lian Haolong.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" Lian Haolong asked.

Dao Zaihong blew the blue hair on his forehead,

"We have no chance against that mysterious old man."

"Actually... I still don't believe that you are number one in the world."


In the warehouse, there was a sound of fighting.

After half an hour.

Lian Haolong stabbed Dao Zaihong directly in the throat with the iron rod in his hand.

Daozaihong, offline!

Lian Haolong watched Dao Zaihong's eyes gradually lose their luster, picked up two assault rifles, and walked toward the door.


259 Celebration Banquet!The movie is edited and ready to be released at any time!

Lian Haolong is dead.

After leaving the warehouse, under the gaze of all the policemen, Lian Haolong held two assault rifles in both hands and fired into the sky.

The police officers were all tense.

After hearing the gunfire, someone immediately fired back, which directly caused a chain reaction.

Less than a few seconds passed.

There were dozens of bullet holes in Lian Haolong's body, and he was directly thrown into the sieve and fell to the ground.

while dying.

In Lian Haolong's mind, time quickly went back, as if he had returned to his childhood.

The pale and skinny mother is chasing the dragon.

Lian Haolong, on the other hand, was holding the rancid steamed buns and eating them with Lian Haodong.

But despite being poor, they still had steamed buns to eat, and the two brothers still had happy smiles on their faces.

Since then,

Lian Haolong, a fierce man of a generation, has become a passer-by in the world of Hong Kong Island.

After killing Lian Haolong, the police department also listed Lian Haodong as the most wanted criminal.

After Lian Haodong sent away Lian Haolong's mistress and wife, he was preparing to run away.


In the dark night, a pistol as black as ink was pointed at his forehead.


Accompanied by a gunshot.

The loyalty of the first-class society has completely become history.

Lian Haolong's death is undoubtedly a major earthquake for the entire world of Hong Kong Island.

Everyone was shocked and turned their attention to Zhongxinyi's territory.

It's a pity that if they realize it later, how fast can they move?

Long before the internal strife between Lian Haolong and Su Su, 617 Chu Feng had already informed Liangkun, Thirteenth Sister and others.

After Lian Haolong's death, Liangkun and others were already ready to take over most of Zhongxinyi's territory.

In this battle, Chu Feng can be said to have become famous in one battle!

In particular, the few strange people under Chu Feng have become the idols of the gangsters in Hong Kong and have become a hotly discussed topic.


What makes the Hong Kong community even more uneasy is that.

This time, even the people from Kowloon Walled City were dispatched!

After Lian Haolong's death, Kowloon Walled City unexpectedly changed its previous style. Thousands of gangsters rushed directly out of Kowloon Walled City and seized Lian Haolong's territory around Kowloon.

As for the loyal and trustworthy elite, many of them had already died in the internal fighting. After hearing the news of Lian Haolong's death, the morale of the remaining people was even lowered to the lowest point.

Faced with the attacks of countless gangs, many loyal and loyal gangsters did not even resist.

Either surrender directly, or donate money and run away as quickly as possible.

Some forces that had an old grudge against Zhongxin Yi took the opportunity to retaliate harshly.

Ah Heng and Su Su, who were still serving their sentences in prison, were also killed.

Just one night's work.

Zhongxinyi's original territory was divided up by all parties.

As Chu Feng expected.

This time, the Hongxing lineage headed by Chu Feng and the bad guys from Kowloon City directly swallowed up 80.00% of Zhongxinyi's territory, and all of it was oil and water.

As for other territories, they are either out of reach or useless.

Rather than keeping it, it would be better to let other societies reap some benefits and shut their mouths.

Late at night, Tang’s Restaurant in Wan Chai.


Chu Feng and a group of Hong Xing talkers raised their glasses happily.

Today is undoubtedly a bumper harvest for them.

Even Han Bin, who was far away in Haojiang, heard the news and called him, somewhat complaining about why Chu Feng didn't call him back to have a good time.

Chu Feng naturally had Chu Feng's purpose in asking Han Bin to go to Haojiang.

After hearing Han Bin's resentful voice, Chu Feng could only comfort him with laughter and tears, saying that Haojiang's affairs were far more important than Lian Haolong.

Wait until the celebration party is halfway through.

"Boom bang bang-"

There was a quick knock on the door.

"Who?" Liangkun was a little dissatisfied and frowned.

"I don't know, maybe it's Master Jiu's." Chu Feng was also a little confused, and then gave Asiu a wink.

Ash came to the door and looked through the peephole, "Brother Feng, it's McDonald's Bear."

"McDang Bear? Isn't he editing a film? What are you doing here?"

Chu Feng was a little confused, but finally asked Asiu to open the door and let McDonald Bear in.

"Brother Feng, Brother Kun!"

McDonald's Bear came in and greeted the two of them.

Then he gave up his position.

Hua Zai, Lu Liangwei, Qiu Shuzhen, and You Caini also entered the box one after another from outside the door.

"Why are you all here?" Chu Feng asked in surprise.

"Hehe -" Qiu Shuzhen looked excited, "Brother Feng, I have a surprise for you!"

"What surprise (babh)?" Chu Feng asked.

"The movie has been completely edited and can be released at any time as long as you give the order!" Qiu Shuzhen said happily.

This is her debut novel, so she should take it to heart.

"Really? This is really a surprise." Chu Feng smiled and scratched Qiu Shuzhen's nose.

Doing the math, Qiu Shuzhen is still half a month away from reaching adulthood.

After the movie is released, Qiu Shuzhen can completely enter the entertainment industry.

Qiu Shuzhen had also taken the initiative to find Chu Feng before, saying that she wanted to sign a contract with Chu Feng's film and television company.

Chu Feng naturally agreed with this point.

Chu Feng is naturally confident about Qiu Shuzhen's acting skills and appearance.

"Brother Feng, you promised me before that as long as I act well, you will give me a coming-of-age ceremony."

"Do you remember?"

Qiu Shuzhen asked, blinking her big eyes.

Without waiting for Chu Feng to speak.

You Caini smiled and pulled Qiu Shuzhen aside, "Zhen, please stop making trouble. Ah Feng still has a lot to do."

When Qiu Shuzhen heard this, her mouth suddenly pouted.

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