Chen Yao was a little worried, "Do you want to make some preparations?"

"Preparations? What preparations need to be made? The Fanling Club has shares in the Hong Kong Governor. Even Jiang Tiansheng would not dare to mess around."

"It's enough for me to let Ash and the others follow."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone.

Chu Feng directly opened the lottery page.

The seven-day cooling-off period has passed, and a new round of draws has been refreshed again.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a Yellow Turban Summoning Card. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a Yellow Turban Summoning Card. 】

"Open the door with two Yellow Turban Lux cards? Not bad, not bad!"

Chu Feng was satisfied.

In the primary lottery, there is nothing good to draw. The Yellow Turban Lux Card is always much better than those ordinary guns and ammunition.

After two consecutive draws.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing 30 low-level draws. Special items will be produced in the next draw. 】

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

Last time, the ghost mastiff summoning card was drawn after 20 consecutive low-level draws.

This time, I don’t know what good things I can get.

"Continue to draw!"

Chu Feng thought to himself.

The big turntable started spinning again.

After spinning for a long time, the pointer slowly stopped and pointed at a gift bag-shaped icon.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the world gift pack (martial arts)! 】

The system beep sounds.

"World Gift Pack? What is this? I haven't seen it before."

Chu Feng immediately became curious and checked the information about the world gift package.


Props: World Gift Pack (Martial Arts).

Details: After opening, you can get items from a certain martial arts world, including but not limited to template fragments, props, skill books, etc. You must get a template adhesive.


"What a good thing!" Chu Feng was delighted.

The special draws in the previous low-level draws had very good prizes, and this time the special draws also satisfied Chu Feng very much.

"Open the world gift bag."

Chu Feng thought, and the gift bag was opened.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a template adhesive. The current number of uses is 0/3. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the martial arts (condor shooting) world and Han Baoju template fragment (equestrian). 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill book "Quan Zhen Nei Kung Mental Technique". 】

Three consecutive beeps sounded, and Chu Feng's eyes immediately lit up.

Chu Feng was already very satisfied with being able to draw out so many things in a low-level lottery.

"There are four more chances, let's continue the lottery."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting M4A1 (grenade launcher) version 617, one. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a Pre-Qin chariot summoning card. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting 20 pieces of body armor. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting 7.62 rounds of 100mm bullets. 】

Seven draws, all drawn.

Chu Feng was naturally extremely satisfied with this lottery draw.

After using the Yellow Turban Warrior Summoning Card and the Pre-Qin Chariot Summoning Card, Chu Feng began to think.

Now, there are two template fragments.

One is a fragment of Fujitora's Haki from One Piece, and the other is a fragment of Han Baoju's equestrian skills from Condor Force.

In addition, there is also a skill book on Quanzhen's internal skills and mental skills.

Two template fragments and a skill book, who should they use?

"Fujitora's Haki Fragments of Insight and Information are the most suitable for use by Rotten Eyes."

"Once Lan Yanke learns to see and hear the domineering power, he can actively feel his surroundings without having to consider visual problems."

"The shortcomings of being unable to see will also be made up for."

"As for Han Baoju's template fragments, there is also the Quanzhen Heart Technique..."

"Is it appropriate to give it to Ah Xiu, or is it appropriate to give it all to Lan Yanke?"

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little entangled in his heart.

But after a moment, Chu Feng still made a decision.

"The Ke Zhen'e template that they merged with Lan Yanke is from the same world. Let Lan Yanke use it first."

"When there are new things in the future, they will be used by Ashi and the others."


263 Ultimate Lottery, Conditions Unlocked!

10 minute later.

Lan Yanke has been called to the office by Chu Feng, and he has combined the template and skill book.

The Lanyanke that has been integrated with the template looks unchanged, but its combat effectiveness and various numerical values ​​have been greatly improved.

Especially knowledgeable and domineering.

It was enough for him to perceive everything around him when he was still blind, and he could even see the surrounding situation more clearly than a person with good vision.

The key is.

Lanyanke's two empty eye sockets can definitely confuse his opponents.


Chu Feng also gave Lan Yanke the use of the Quanzhen Religion's internal skills.

It's just that mental skills are not something that can be achieved quickly. They require Lan Yanke to study for a long time.

After doing all this.

The notification sounded again in Chu Feng's mind.

【Ding!The host has been detected and now has a certain reputation, and the ultimate lottery conditions are unlocked. 】

[The host please check it in time. 】

The sound of the system echoed in my mind again.

Chu Feng's eyes immediately lit up.

There are four levels in the system lottery, namely beginner, intermediate, advanced and ultimate.

Advanced draws need to be unlocked.

Chu Feng had already completed the unlocking before.

But the ultimate lottery can only be unlocked by completing certain special conditions.

Chu Feng never knew what the so-called special conditions were.

Now that the unlocking conditions for the ultimate lottery have been issued, Chu Feng immediately recalled the information in his mind.

[The conditions for unlocking the ultimate lottery are as follows:]

[1. Complete ten advanced draws, current number: 1/10]

【2. Complete the achievement "Famous" and gain a certain reputation in the world. 】

[3. Complete the achievement "Uncrowned King" and have absolute influence in an area of ​​at least one thousand square kilometers. 】

Seeing these three unlocked achievements, Chu Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"These three unlocking conditions are still quite difficult now." Chu Feng secretly sighed in his heart.

First of all, those ten advanced draws are difficult.

Each lottery requires 1000 million, and ten high-level draws require a full [-] million.

The most important thing is that money is still a small issue. After all, Chu Feng can still get [-] million in cash if he wants to.

The character template quota is a very big flaw.

You must know that character template quotas need to be unlocked by completing achievements.

In other words.

If Chu Feng wants to complete ten advanced draws, he must unlock ten achievements in advance.

As for the second and third conditions, there is no need to mention them.

Although Chu Feng is now within the confines of Hong Kong Island, it can be said that his reputation has become great and he is famous all over the world.

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