But it’s only limited to Hong Kong Island.

If you want to go global, you still need to spend a lot of effort and a certain amount of time.

As for the last condition, it is the most difficult.

Become the uncrowned king of a region and have absolute say.

The scope of this area needs to be at least one thousand square kilometers.

Chu Feng now only has the absolute right to speak in Hongxing. If Chu Feng now ignores his reputation and is in danger of being chased by his fellow Jianghu colleagues and turns against Jiang Tiansheng, Chu Feng is sure that he will be killed within three days. Hold the entire Hongxing in your hands.

But then again.

Even if Chu Feng eats the entire Hongxing, the absolute right to speak will only be with Hongxing.

Do you have absolute say in an area of ​​[-] square kilometers?

Not to mention a mere Hongxing leader, even Hong Kong's No. [-] club and Lian Sheng are not sure.

I am afraid that in the entire Hong Kong Island, there is only one Governor who has this ability.

"These three conditions are very difficult to fulfill..."..."

"That's all, what should be unlocked will eventually be unlocked. Let's find a way to complete the first and second conditions first."

Chu Feng decided in his heart to complete the first and second conditions first.

As for the third condition, there may not be a solution after Chu Feng's strength grows to a certain level.

at this time.

Chu Feng's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Akun, what's the matter?" The call was from Liangkun. Chu Feng picked up the phone and asked.

"Brother Feng, where are you now? Young Master Bin is back." Liangkun said.

"Han Bin is back?" Chu Feng looked happy.

Han Bin's restaurant in Hung Hing Club is just a restaurant in Kwai Tsing District. It usually doesn't look impressive.

But Han Bin can be said to be the most visionary person in the entire Hongxing Society.

His focus was not on Hongxing, but on international business.

Chu Feng now just needs to find a way to gain a certain reputation internationally, so he can ask Han Bin how to do it.


The Dark Gate killer hired by Jiang Tiansheng is also a problem.

Although these killers will all be eliminated by Ah Jin, they are not afraid of thieves but they are worried about them. With the persistence of the Dark Gate, even if Ah Jin takes down a wave of killers, they will send new killers.

The only solution is to destroy the Dark Gate or contact the top management of the Dark Gate.

The headquarters of Dark Gate is not on Hong Kong Island.

Han Bin has a lot of information in the world, and Chu Feng feels that he should be able to find out some information about the Dark Gate from Han Bin.

"Akun, take Mr. Bin and come to Tang's Restaurant as quickly as possible."

".'I ordered morning tea, and I happen to need to consult Mr. Bin on some matters. After breakfast, we will go to the Fanling Club together."

After saying that, Chu Feng hung up the phone directly.

"Axiu, let's go to Tang's Restaurant."

"Inform the manager over there and get me a sumptuous morning tea."

Chu Feng walked out of the door while talking to Ah Xiu.

after an hour.

Chu Feng came to Tang's Restaurant in Wan Chai.

Han Bin and Liang Kun were already waiting in the lobby of Tang's Restaurant.

"Akun, Master Bin."

Chu Feng stepped forward with a smile, greeted his two allies, and gave each of them a cigar. "You can just go to the box. What are you doing in the lobby?"

Liangkun took the cigar, then gave Han Bin a smile and said, "Young Master Bin said that I haven't seen you for a few days since I went to Haojiang. I miss you very much. I am waiting in the hall to see you as soon as possible."

After Chu Feng heard this, he immediately laughed.

In fact, Liangkun is a very good person, especially he is filial to his mother.

Usually, because he is the one who makes the most money in Hong Xingtang's mouth, he seems a little arrogant. (Wang De Zhao)

As for being mean to Big Brother B and Chen Haonan, it is entirely because Big Brother B cut off Liangkun's financial path first, and the two sides already had conflicts.

If you are really familiar with it, you can still be very relaxed.

"Stop making trouble, Kun." Han Bin said, somewhat dumbfounded.


Han Bin glanced at Chu Feng with some complaints, "Don't call me if there is such a good thing in Hong Kong Island. If I had known about it, I would not have gone to Haojiang and stayed in Hong Kong Island for two days."

What he said was, of course, swallowing up loyalty and righteousness.

Chu Feng laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Mr. Bin, your share will always be kept for you."

"Since we all have chosen to stand on the same boat, how could I, Chu Feng, forget my good brother?"

Having said this, Chu Feng stepped forward and put his arms around the shoulders of Liangkun and Han Bin. "Let's go up and have morning tea. I just reserved a table."

Liangkun and Han Bin also laughed after hearing this.

The three of them walked side by side towards the elevator.


264 Young Master Bin returns and attends the Hongxing celebration banquet!

The three of them took the elevator side by side and went to the top floor.

The box on the top floor is a private treasure box, usually only open to Chu Feng.

In addition to Chu Feng's box, there was another box belonging to Tang Liyu.

After Lian Haolong's death, Chu Feng kept his promise and sent Tang Liyu back home, and the two parties formally reached a cooperation. Chu Feng was also prepared to support Tang Liyu and use him as his gun.

And Tang Liyu was also loyal enough. He not only changed all the largest shares of his company to Chu Feng, but also followed Chu Feng's instructions to secretly and frantically acquire Hanmei's stocks. I believe that it won't be long before Chu Feng's stocks will reach An astonishing number.

Tang Liyu behaved like this, so naturally Chu Feng would not feel cold to him.

I come out to fish for the odd ones, not much else, but the most cash.

In addition to leaving 1000 million for emergencies and preparing for lottery draws at any time, Chu Feng gave all the remaining money to Tang Liyu and asked him to buy stocks with all his strength.

In this regard, Tang Liyu himself is an expert.

Chu Feng was naturally happy to be the shopkeeper.

Now Tang Liyu should be busy buying stocks and not in the restaurant, so Tang Liyu's box was naturally empty.

Chu Feng took Han Bin and Liangkun to his box.

The morning tea that was ordered before has been all prepared. They are all in exquisite little steamers, and the snacks inside are steaming.


617 Chu Feng asked the two of them to sit down, "Young Master Bin came back from Haojiang. Are you hungry? Eat something quickly."

Han Bin was not polite. After sitting down, he ate two chicken feet and a cage of barbecued pork buns before stopping with his chopsticks.

"Axiu, bring the map." Chu Feng said to Asiu beside him.

Ash nodded and left. After a while, he brought back a map of Hong Kong Island.

This map of Hong Kong Island is different from the ones on the market.

The areas occupied by the major societies are clearly marked on it.

Judging from the map, Chu Feng's territory has been completely connected. In the area on the right, it can even directly border Kwai Tsing.

"Before, I asked Pretty Mom and the others to come out in force and seize a lot of territory."

"Young Master Bin, you are working in Haojiang again, so I will go out on your behalf."

"These lands are all yours."

Chu Feng took the pen from the chest of the female manager next to him and drew a line on the map.

"Wow? So many!?" Liangkun next to him said in surprise.

Chu Feng shook his head with a smile, "It's not like you don't know Mr. Bin's strength. If he had been there that night, he would have won more."

Hearing this, Liangkun nodded with deep approval (babh).

He also heard that although Han Bin did not have many brothers, they had a lot of money because they were engaged in international business.

As long as you throw money at it, you can increase the number of people under your command in an instant.

Although these people are not very strong, they are naturally able to deal with Zhongxinyi who is in chaos.

"A Feng, you are joking, Xiao... said 8.,.0917!!876::'1',"Transit"",;Jun Yang, even if I were to take action, I would only be able to capture this much territory at most. "Han Bin glanced at the place drawn by Chu Feng on the map and said sincerely.

at the same time.

Han Bin was also very surprised.

The power in his hands is more than what others know.

In addition to having a lot of money, Han Bin also has many bodyguards recruited from around the world. These bodyguards used to be foreign mercenaries or retired soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is much better than ordinary bad guys.

But even if you add these people.

According to Han Bin's estimation, at best, they can only win so much territory.

It seems that Chu Feng has figured out everything.

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