He originally thought that Chu Feng would refuse a few more times before agreeing.

But I didn’t expect that Chu Feng would agree so quickly?

But after a while.

There was still a smile on Jiang Tiansheng's face, "Since the brothers' handicap is 2000 million, then just 3000 million for the two of us."

"Okay." Chu Feng smiled and nodded, "3000 million per person?"

"Yes, 3000 million per person." Jiang Tiansheng nodded.

When Chu Feng heard this, he felt happy.

It seems that Jiang Tiansheng has been completely fooled.

"Okay, everyone in Hongxing is here today."

"Since Mr. Jiang is so interested, I will play with you."

"3000 million per person!"

Chu Feng said with a smile.

Jiang Tiansheng felt inexplicably flustered when he saw the faint smile on Chu Feng's face.

The reason why he was panicking.

It's because Chu Feng's attitude has changed so much!

"Is this guy Chu Feng pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?" Jiang Tiansheng thought to himself.


He shook his head.

"There's no reason! From the looks of it, he really doesn't know how to play Marseille."

"How can a short mule know how to look at a horse? I always have expert guidance..."

Jiang Tiansheng thought in his mind and glanced at the hat-wearing groom behind him without leaving any trace.

The groom saw this and nodded without leaving any trace.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw this, he was completely relieved.

"Okay, since you are so cheerful, Feng, let's use 3000 million to win a good fortune." Jiang Tiansheng said to Chu Feng with a smile.


Just when Jiang Tiansheng thought that Chu Feng would agree.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I think this is a bit inappropriate." Chu Feng suddenly smiled and said.

Jiang Tiansheng was stunned at first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

In his opinion.

Chu Feng was deceiving himself by agreeing before!

Now that he has suddenly changed his tune, it is obvious that he has a guilty conscience.

".'Chu Feng, what we are talking about when we come out to fool around is spitting foam and nailing nails."

"You are like this..."

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chu Feng and spoke teasingly.


He wasn't finished yet.

Chu Feng slowly stretched out a finger.

"One hundred million!"

Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

Jiang Tiansheng's expression changed slightly, "What do you mean?"

"If you want to bet, bet bigger..." Chu Feng spread his hands, "How about we do something interesting."

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't know what kind of medicine Chu Feng was selling in the gourd.

But now that Chu Feng said this, he could only wait quietly for the next step.

Paused for a moment.

Chu Feng's voice sounded again.

"We each send one person to choose his own horse."

"With that man as the jockey, there are only two horses in the race."

"And the bet is this [-] million."

Chu Feng looked at Jiang Tiansheng, still with a faint smile on his face.

at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng immediately changed his expression.

One billion?

 (Wang Dezhao) He doesn't have that much money now.

Hongxing already has a fiscal deficit. Even if Jiang Tiansheng's entire property is included, the amount is less than 9000 million.

He really can't afford a bet of [-] million!

And now, Jiang Tiansheng's heart, which had been put down, was raised again.

Why did Chu Feng suddenly become so confident?

What on earth made him so confident?

Could it be...that he was deceiving himself again?

However, just when Jiang Tiansheng was feeling uncertain.

"What's the matter, Jiang Shengshi?"

"Just now you told me to bet. If I don't bet, I will be ridiculed by my colleagues in the world."

"And my identity is just a seat in the restaurant, and what about you? The leader of Hongxing."

"At this time, the leader is actually scared?"

"I'm afraid those comrades in Hong Kong Island will laugh their heads off if they find out."

Chu Feng's joking voice sounded.

Just as Jiang Tiansheng provoked him, he would provoke Jiang Tiansheng now! .

269 ​​Beware of villains but not gentlemen, lawyer notarization!

The more Chu Feng said this, the more unsure Jiang Tiansheng felt.

He found.

The aura that he was already proud of was no longer effective at this time.

A dignified leader was suppressed by Chu Feng.

But at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng was still thinking in his heart.

Is Chu Feng so confident because of his strength or because he insists on competing with him because of his face?

Jiang Tiansheng did not immediately agree to Chu Feng's bet, but instead his eyes began to roll around.

There was a long pause.

Jiang Tiansheng slowly raised his head and looked at Chu Feng, "The method you mentioned is very interesting, but I don't know who you will choose to compete. Do you know a suitable rider?"

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "How can I, Mr. Jiang, who is so well-informed, know any riders?"

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he immediately looked deeply into Chu Feng's eyes.

He could tell that Chu Feng didn't seem to be lying.

But because of this, Jiang Tiansheng was even more puzzled, why was Chu Feng so confident?

Paused for a moment.

Jiang Tiansheng still had a smile on his face, "Then who among you will you send to compete?"


Jiang Tiansheng's eyes swept over Liangkun, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, Liangma and others.

The agreement between the two was to choose the person present to be the starter.

Apart from the group of cripples behind Chu Feng, there were only a few people present.

As for fat guys Li and Ji Ge 617, they were directly ignored by him.

The two of them were too fat to be riders.

When Chu Feng heard Jiang Tiansheng's words, he smiled and said, "My brothers are full of talents, and I can win if I send just one of them."

"Really?" Jiang Tiansheng was a little suspicious.

His trump card is the person behind him dressed as a groom.

This man is very good at looking at horses and riding horses. Although he has retired, he was once one of the best riders in Hong Kong Island.

Chu Feng is actually talking nonsense here, can he win by sending just one person?

This simply made Jiang Tiansheng laugh out loud.

"If that's the case, then I'm even more curious, Ah Feng, who will you send?" Jiang Tiansheng said with a faint smile.

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