Chu Feng turned around and said, "Rotten Eyes Ke."

The words fall.

Behind Chu Feng, Ke, with empty eyes, walked over with the pathfinding stick in his hand.

Jiang Tiansheng, who was still a little nervous at first, suddenly smiled when he saw the empty eyes and the rotten eyes that could not see anything.

"A Feng, is this your rider?" Jiang Tiansheng's eyes were full of surprise, and there was an unconcealable sneer in his voice.

"That's right." Chu Feng nodded slowly, "I told you that my brothers are all knowledgeable and talented, but they are just horse racing. He is enough."

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Tiansheng's face suddenly burst into laughter, "This is really the best!"

at the same time.

The man dressed as a groom behind Jiang Tiansheng also had a sneer on his face.

Riding a horse with a blind man?

If he couldn't win, he might as well just find a piece of frozen tofu and kill him.


Jiang Tiansheng glanced behind him at the groom who lowered his head and said nothing.

Although the groom didn't speak.

But there was a flash of contempt in the corner of his eyes.

"Okay, one hundred million, just one hundred million!"

"Since you, Ah Feng, have made this handicap, then as the leader, I can't let the situation slip."

Driven by absolute self-confidence, Jiang Tiansheng agreed directly.

This time, Chu Feng must be allowed to bleed properly.

At that time, the remuneration paid to the Dark Gate will be deducted from the money won from Chu Feng.

What is this behavior?

Kill yourself?

Jiang Tiansheng was about to feel happy.

However, Jiang Tiansheng didn't know it at this time.

Chu Feng had the same idea in his heart.

"Jiang Tiansheng, you really deserve to be the leader of the club, you can send a message from thousands of miles away!"

Chu Feng thought happily.

Now Chu Feng can be said to be very short of money and urgently needs money.

After all, all the money he got from Zhong Xinyi was invested in Tang Liyu to collect the stocks of Hanmei Group. Now Chu Feng only had 1000 million to spare for the lottery.

Just when I was thinking about where to start a wave, I didn't expect Jiang Tiansheng to come directly to his door.


At this time, Liangkun and others were all anxious.

Did Chu Feng make a mistake and let a blind man (babh) be a rider?

Letting them go is better than letting a blind man go!

A blind man can't even see the road. Let alone win the race, it will be a blessing if he doesn't run off the track.

In an instant.

Liangkun and others all looked at Chu Feng anxiously.


Chu Feng, however, remained unmoved by everyone's gazes.

"When will it start?" Chu Feng asked, fearing that something might change later.

Jiang Tiansheng thought for a moment and said, "There are seven more horse races today, one every half an hour on average. We will start after these horse races are over."

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded, and then glanced back and forth at Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng was looked at by Chu Feng unnaturally, "Why, Ah Feng, if you don't want to bet, we don't have to bet."

"Don't gamble? How is that possible? He comes out to fool around, spitting foam and nails."

Chu Feng said leisurely, then suddenly changed the subject, "But... Jiang Sheng, I want to ask, do you have that much money?"

Jiang Tiansheng looked a little embarrassed, but then he forced a smile and said, "As the leader of Hongxing Society, if I can't even come up with this little money, won't I be ridiculed by my colleagues in the world?"

"I think it's better to keep things official." Chu Feng shook his head, "The person in charge of the legal properties behind you is also Jiang Tiansheng. If you don't have cash, just use these legal properties as collateral."

Jiang Tiansheng's expression changed slightly, "This is the society's property, not mine, Jiang Tiansheng's."

"No, I'm not talking about the club, I'm talking about your own small stove." Chu Feng said bluntly.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng's expression completely changed.

As Chu Feng said, Jiang Tiansheng was indeed using the benefits brought by the association to line his own pockets and opened many companies in his personal name.

It's not like Jiang Tiansheng has never thought about clearing his name. For him, these companies are a backup route. If he wants to clear his name in the future, he can also directly use these companies to clear his name.

Not many people knew about this matter.

But now, Chu Feng said it in front of everyone?

"A Feng, how can I have any private property..." Jiang Tiansheng shook his head with a half-smile, "It's you, if you lose, what will you use as collateral?"

Chu Feng chuckled, "Right now, I have at least 2000 million worth of Hanmei Group's stocks, plus Tang's Restaurant, and You Guangdao. These are all my private properties, and the total is enough for [-] million."


The two haggled over the price.

In the end, Chu Feng was afraid that Jiang Tiansheng would default on his debt, so he even directly went to a lawyer and had it notarized.

After completing these processes, the Marseilles have almost been held.

"Everything that needs to be done has been done."

"Now, shall we begin?"

Jiang Tiansheng frowned, looked at Chu Feng and asked.

"OK, alright!"

Chu Feng glanced at Jiang Tiansheng and nodded.

270 Harvest!Jiang Tiansheng’s [-] million!

The lawyer arrived and notarized it.

Chu Feng smiled when he saw the lawyer take out the notarial certificate and ask himself and Jiang Tiansheng to sign their names.

From the moment the notarial deed is signed, the bet between the two parties officially comes into effect.

Even if Jiang Tiansheng wanted to regret it, it would be absolutely impossible.

not to mention.

There are so many restaurants in Hongxing - watching.

If Jiang Tiansheng really dared to go back on his word, not to mention Chu Feng, even the prince and others would look down on Jiang Tiansheng.

at the same time.

Chu Feng glanced at Asiu.

At this time, Ah Xiu was hiding outside Hongxing Restaurant, holding a small DV player in his hand.

The camera of the DV machine was facing Jiang Tiansheng, as well as the notarized certificate.

As long as Jiang Tiansheng dares to regret it afterwards.

Chu Feng will distribute this video and ruin Jiang Tiansheng’s reputation throughout Hong Kong!

After a moment.

Under Ash's secret recording, Jiang Tiansheng signed his name.

"Chu Feng, is there no problem this time?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

"Of course, no problem." Chu Feng smiled, "When will our Marseille start?"

"There are still two games and it's over. After it's over, let's start." Jiang Tiansheng said.

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded.

Then, he snapped his fingers.

The waiter in the VIP auditorium came over immediately.

"Contact your person in charge, we are going to add a game." Chu Feng said to the waiter.


The Marseille between the two will be held after the last official Marseille.

Everyone has placed a bet of [-] million.

Including the money of other guests, each party is 2000 million!

And these [-] million were all put on two horses.

The lawyer did not leave after the notarization, but chose to stay.

Marseille has seen a lot.

But this was his first time seeing Marseille, which had such a big handicap, so he simply stayed to take a look.

As for Chu Feng, he returned to Liangkun and others.

At this moment, Liangkun and the others were all staring at Chu Feng without blinking, their eyes complicated, and they hesitated to speak.

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