Lu Xingchuan replied: "I don't have much to do at home. After finishing work, I will flip through books. Or I will flip through my phone and see it by chance."

When I see it, I will feel that I have already read it, so why not finish it? He just finished it, but he can't say that he likes it, let alone look for it on purpose.

But he never thought that there would be a day when he and his lover would become like in the storybook, the strategist and the conquered.

But he didn't need to be conquered by her in any way. He just stood by the lake and picked up the violin and played a simple song, and he took the initiative to go forward.

Wan Ge smiled and asked back: "What if I say that I will leave you after the task is completed?"

At this time, Wan Ge had controlled her heart and didn't think about it, so Lu Xingchuan couldn't read her heart.

Hearing her say this, the whole person was wronged, looking at her pitifully and asked: "Can you not leave?"

How could she leave? How could she disturb his heart and turn around and leave?

But if she insisted on leaving, how could he keep her? He also had something called a system, and it sounded like this system could take her away. As long as she completed the task, he would not be able to force her to stay.

So in the end, after thousands of words, he only left one sentence: "Can you please not leave?"

Lu Xingchuan didn't know what the future would be like, nor did he know what the path he chose at this moment would be like. It's just that he didn't want to be separated from the other party, not even for a day.

"Of course!" Wan Ge said to the people around him with a serious face: "I won't leave, at least I won't leave here, and I won't leave your side until you and I are old."

Human life is only a hundred years. In the world of ordinary humans, they usually live to be old, and Wan Ge will leave him when their bodies can no longer support it.

He watched her leave for many lives, but there were also many lives where Wan Ge watched him leave.

But in the end, no one wanted to live alone because of the departure of their partner, but chose to leave with their partner.


Wan Ge raised his hand and swore, "Really."

Seeing that he really thought so, Lu Xingchuan was relieved again.

After that day, they never saw Zhou Li again. But Wan Ge picked up the violin again and continued to practice.

It's just that she practiced more diligently than before. Not long after, Wan Ge received an invitation to the stage she had been thinking about.

It was also there that they saw Zhou Li again

Wan Ge really didn't expect Zhou Li to appear here, but after thinking about it seriously, it seemed that it was not impossible. The relationship between their two families was very good, but now he was the only one left. What should they do?

"You didn't come with the orchestra," Wan Ge continued to ask, and Zhou Li nodded.

He took out the ticket in his hand again: "Actually, I just came here to take a look today. I didn't expect to see you. I really underestimated you. With your ability, you really don't need a band."

It was just like what Lu Xingchuan said, but he was still very sad. He actually knew that his real intention was not to drink. It was a pity that he was not fulfilled and didn't even get a little bit of love.

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