"Zhou Li." Wan Ge glanced at the person behind him, and then said, "If you really want to like someone, then like them well. The past is not important, and the future is what you can look forward to. It is not a man's responsibility to be unable to pick up and put down."

From the beginning, Wan Ge had no interest in his so-called white moonlight.

Zhou Li is not a hateful person, but she can't like her either.

The heroine is a good girl, and I hope she will not be let down.

"I'm not..." Zhou Li wanted to explain anxiously, but in the end he looked at Lu Xingchuan again and still didn't explain anything.

"By the way, how to treat mind reading? Does the system have medicine to treat mind reading?" Generally, such cheating things have to be bought from the system space at a high price. Now what is lacking is medicine that can eliminate mind reading.

Lu Xingchuan suddenly said: "Actually, there is no need. As long as Wan Ge is by my side, nothing will happen."


Wan Ge asked back uncertainly.

Lu Xingchuan nodded seriously.

Wan Ge sighed and reached out to touch his head: "Are you sure you can't cure it?"

Lu Xingchuan nodded again.

He didn't want treatment. What if he got better and Wan Ge ran away? Although she said it wouldn't happen, what if? Lu Xingchuan still didn't dare to gamble, so if he didn't treat his mission, he couldn't complete it, so it was okay.

Lu Xingchuan didn't know that her mission had been completed long ago.

"Okay then." Wan Ge had no choice. Since he said so, Wan Ge could only agree.

At this time, Lu Xingchuan pressed down on him again.

Wan Ge looked at the person in front of him in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"I have a question I have always wanted to ask you."

"Ask it." And just ask what's the matter with frozen hands and feet? Seeing his serious face, those who don't know would think he was going to ask something serious.

"Do you like me in this world? If you didn't know me before, would you like me?"

"Yes." Wan Ge didn't hesitate. Didn't he like him in the first world? So if he didn't know him before, he would still like him. It has nothing to do with his physical appearance or identity. He just likes this soul.

"So do you... like me more in the past or me now?" Lu Xingchuan asked unwillingly.

Wan Ge cleared his throat and asked back: "Do you have an answer you want to hear?"

"Tell me quickly."

Wan Ge pretended to think seriously: "This is a very serious question. I will think about it carefully first."

But his heart had already answered him: I like you more now.

Why? Because I love you more every day than the day before.

Because you are behind me, so the one I love most now is you in front of me.

Lu Xingchuan understood his inner thoughts and said with an unhappy face: "You mean, you will love me more in the future."

"Don't you want me to love you more?"

It's not knowing.

Wan Ge touched his head helplessly: "Who would be jealous of their next life?"

"I just... I'm a little jealous."

"But that's you, you will eventually recover all your memories, won't you feel stupid when the time comes? Huh?"

"I don't understand." Lu Xingchuan didn't quite understand what she meant by recovering all memories.

Wan Ge sighed: "It's okay."

"There's no need to be jealous of yourself, dear. Instead of thinking about how to be jealous of yourself, think about whether you will be jealous of your son in the future."

"What? Um..." Lu Xingchuan was kissed directly and was pushed down with a light push.

"I say let's have a baby."



Before Wan Ge showed her pregnancy, she held a wedding with Lu Xingchuan.

The wedding was very grand and there were many guests. Of course, Wan Ge's former band friends all received invitations.

In fact, many people in the same band knew Wan Ge's identity, but some people still didn't know. They only knew that she was a child from a rich family, but they didn't think she was that rich.

When they saw the CEO of a company they knew showed up, they couldn't help but get excited. Oh my god, what conditions did Wan Ge have to invite so many big shots.

When Zhou Li appeared in front of Wan Ge, he brought a girl with him. He looked at Wan Ge with a calmer expression.

After not seeing each other for a few months, he has developed feelings with the heroine? I didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Congratulations." Zhou Li's calm voice did not contain a trace of dissatisfaction, as if it was just a very ordinary blessing.

"Thank you." Wan Ge replied softly.

At this time, Zhou Li introduced the girl next to him to Wan Ge: "ThisShe is my fiancée. "

"Hello." Wan Ge took the initiative to extend her hand. The heroine looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and was stunned for a moment before she reacted and shook her hand back.

"Hello, Mr. Ruan, I have heard the music you played, you are really great."

Wan Ge replied again: "I heard that you became the first concertmaster of the orchestra at a young age. Congratulations, hard work will not be in vain."

"Thank you." The heroine was still immersed in the joy of the handshake between the two, and nodded to what she said.

Wan Ge actually talked about her career on the one hand and her life on the other. Hard work will not be in vain.

In addition to Zhou Li, there is another friend of Wan Ge in the orchestra who has a good relationship with her, the violinist who is always by her side.

She also stood in front of Wan Ge and said congratulations.

"Thank you. I heard that you are also about to get married?" When she said that, she looked at the man she was holding her arm with.

The violinist coughed lightly: "Keep it secret for the time being. "

At this moment, the man behind him became a little stiff: "Am I so inconspicuous? Don't you want to tell him what our relationship is?"

"Of course you are my favorite fiancé." The violinist held the other's cheek and began to coax him.

Wan Ge said that she didn't want to eat their dog food, so she drove the man in and continued to welcome new guests.

At this time, Lu Xingchuan found a chair for her: "You must be tired after standing for so long, so do it for a while and take a rest."

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

"But I feel bad. "Lu Xingchuan's eyes seemed to contain stars in the sky, and Wan Ge finally agreed.

Seven months after marriage, they gave birth to a lovely child.

Lu Xingchuan did not tell Wan Ge that his mind-reading ability seemed to be lost after she became pregnant. He did not know whether it was inherited by the child. Anyway, he could not hear other people's voices after Wan Ge became pregnant.

It was not until later that Wan Ge realized that Xiao Chen seemed to have the ability to read minds, and then she asked Lu Xingchuan what was going on: "Is the mind-reading ability in your family inherited? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

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