"Master, come on!"

Wan Ge stood not far away, looking at the man in puppet costume handing out flyers, and said uncertainly: "Are you sure that's my little villain? Will he really become a perverted murderer in the future?"

Ruan Ruan nodded seriously: "Yes, but not yet. Now he is just a little disappointed with life, but he still has expectations. If you don't approach him and help him, he will become a real perverted murderer in the future."

The first half of the villain's life was very bitter. He finally had some light in his life, but it would go out every time for various reasons.

Maybe the hemp rope breaks at the thinnest part, or maybe it was his fate as a villain. In short, when all the light went out, he went from being afraid of the darkness, to adapting to the darkness, to being obsessed with the darkness.

His heart began to twist, and he began to walk towards his life as a real villain.

The heroine is still a gentle and kind-hearted little white flower, but the hero...

Wan Ge took a look at the hero's personality: "He is a street thug, bullies classmates, fights, and almost gets addicted to drugs. Is such a person worthy of being the hero?"

Ruan Ruan said again: "The plot says that the hero lost his mother when he was young, and his father didn't spend much time with him, so he grew up crooked for a while, but he was not a bad person. It is said that he became normal later, but I don't like this hero very much."

Wan Ge snorted, saying that he was a person who bullied classmates at school and was not a bad person.

They both lost their mothers at a young age, one was abused by his father, and his broken shoes were patched up until they could no longer be worn. Although the other father was not often around, his living expenses were better than those of ordinary people. Once his father returned home, he would give him all his love, because he was afraid that he would be abused by his stepmother, and he did not remarry even though he was born in a wealthy family.

In the end, one became a perverted murderer, and his tragic fate ended when his life was just beginning.

A man who becomes the male protagonist of the world can easily wash his name clean, enjoy a life of cheating, and live a life that everyone envies.

Of course, Wan Ge sympathizes with the villain's past, but! What the villain did later, Wan Ge disagrees with and even hates, and must condemn it.

Although it is said that you should not advise others to be good without experiencing their suffering, but! No matter what, Wan Ge feels that you should not hurt others just because you have been hurt. This is wrong.

Even if the villain has a reason to be psychologically twisted, this is not a reason for him to hurt innocent people.

Think about it from another angle. If you are the family of an innocent victim, facing the death of your loved ones, how can you calmly say: He is also suffering too much.

From the day he killed innocent people, it was destined that there would be no good results.

In fact, Wan Ge has no objection to the villain's later results. He did such a thing, and there would be such a result.

However, the villain has not grown crooked yet, at least he can still be straightened, at least he can obviously have a very bright future.

If the villain is not allowed to go down the old path, the villain will not have such a result, and innocent people will not be harmed again.

As for the relationship between the hero and heroine, if it is consensual, then Wan Ge will still maintain the attitude of the audience, neither supporting nor opposing.

Of course, if the heroine is unwilling to be with the hero, Wan Ge is also happy to help the heroine out of the sea of ​​suffering.

To be honest, Wan Ge still does not think that people who bully others in school and only know how to drink and fight can really change completely.

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