Wan Ge was still thinking about how she should approach the other party. After thinking for a long time, she still had no result, and her face was full of worry.

She knew very well that the little villain had experienced so many blows and suffered so much harm, and now he must be particularly wary of people.

How should she approach him so that he would not feel uncomfortable and accept herself at the same time?

Wan Ge had been sitting for a long time without realizing it. When she finally came up with a solution in her mind, a hand holding a balloon appeared in front of her.

Wan Ge looked up and found that it was Ye Nianzhou standing in front of her. At this moment, the people in the park seemed to have dispersed, and there was no one present.

Ye Nianzhou also took off the heavy doll head cover, revealing a very handsome face. It's just that there are injuries on his face, and the skin condition is also very different from the previous world.

The difference in skin condition may be related to unhealthy diet, or it may be related to poor mental state, or it may be that he is too busy with work to take care of it.

As for the injuries on his face... Wan Ge probably already knew how they came about. Presumably, his father had just beaten him the day before he came to work part-time.

Wan Ge took the balloon from the other party and said, "Is this for me?"

The boy nodded. His beautiful eyes looked clear and bright, but there was calmness and despair in his eyes.

Wan Ge felt his heart twitch for some reason. This pain seemed to say that he was really pitiful.

Wan Ge said thank you. Her surprise and shyness showed that she really didn't expect it. But when the other party was about to leave, Wan Ge grabbed his hand again: "Little brother, you are so handsome. Can you add WeChat?"

Under normal circumstances, Ye Nian Zhou would definitely not give out his news, but looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Nian Zhou hesitated and took out his mobile phone.

After Wan Ge added him, she quickly exchanged some medicines from the system. She took out medicines from her bag: "Thank you for your balloon, brother. This is for you. It is very useful for injuries."

Ye Nianzhou glanced at the medicine in her hand: "It's just a balloon. You don't have to be so polite."

"You don't understand how much this balloon means to me. Anyway, thank you very much. You must take it."

Ye Nianzhou looked at her again and said in confusion: "I see that you are dressed well, and you don't look like someone who carries medicine for injuries with you, so why are you Why would you carry medicine with you?"

Wange continued to explain: "Actually, it's my grandfather. He's old and not so mobile. He occasionally falls down, so I prepared these medicines."

Ye Nianzhou didn't continue to struggle. After accepting her gift, he said, "Thank you anyway."

"Thank you too. It's getting late and I should go back. Brother, let's chat on the phone..."

Ye Nianzhou didn't know what he remembered. He coughed lightly, but still answered OK.

Ruanruan was very happy to see such a scene, and said: "My Lord, you are really great. You have come into contact with the villain so quickly."

Wan Ge sighed: "It's just contact. He actually resists me. To be more precise, he resists everyone getting close to him."

Ruanruan's eyes were a little worried, and she said again: "If that's the case, what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, I have my own ideas."

"Yeah, come on, my Lord."

Wan Ge just returned home and met a young man. The other party was dressed very neatly, but the ear holes on his ears could still be seen when he walked past him. At this moment, Zuo Yitang didn't look like he was drinking and fighting.

But according to the plot, he should still be drinking and fighting at this time. There must be a reason why he dressed like a human.

The woman next to Zuo Yitang smiled as soon as she saw her: "Is this Wan Ge? I haven't seen you since then. The last time I saw you was when you were six years old. I didn't expect you to grow up so big and beautiful.

Aunt heard that you are very good abroad and have won many awards and achieved many achievements."

"Hello, Aunt Tang." Wan Ge knew that the other party was Zuo Yitang's aunt.

When Mr. Zuo was not free, he would invite Ms. Tang to his home to take care of his son when she was free. He thought that after all, she was Zuo Yitang's aunt, his mother's only sister, and she would definitely not treat him harshly.

Mr. Zuo was right. This aunt would not treat Zuo Yitang badly, but she spoiled him too much. It was too much pampering that allowed him to do whatever he wanted, which became one of the reasons why he formed this character now."Okay, okay."

"Aunt Tang, are you going to go back? Don't you plan to stay for a while?"

Ms. Tang shook her head: "No, no, it's getting late now. Let's have tea together some other day when we are free."

"Okay, I will definitely have tea with Auntie some other day." Wan Ge waved and said goodbye to them. Zuo Yitong just glanced at Wan Ge lightly, with a few touches of surprise in his eyes, but soon returned to his cynical look.

Because Auntie was around, he didn't dare to show it too obviously, but the disdain revealed in his eyes could still be seen through at a glance.

Wan Ge didn't like such people, so he turned around and walked into the house.

When he returned home, he saw his grandfather's face full of smiles, and then his grandfather mentioned it casually during the chat: "Wan Ge! You should have met your Aunt Tang and your brother Zuo when you just came back, right?"

"Yeah." Wan Ge responded lightly.

The old man continued to speak: "I heard that Yitang was a bad boy before, but now he is very different from when he was a child. He is so handsome."

"How does grandpa know that he is not a bad boy now?" Wan Ge said lightly again.

"You kid!" Although the grandfather's tone was full of pampering, his eyes were still full of pampering. Then he sighed again: "But you are right. I really don't know how he is now."

In the early years, the Ye family and the Tang family had some business contacts, and the two families had a good relationship because of frequent exchanges.

Grandpa Ye treated the two girls of the Tang family as goddaughters at that time and trusted them very much, but unfortunately Madam Zuo left very early.

"Alas!" The old man sighed and said again: "I am getting older and older now, and I am a little overwhelmed by many things. I wanted to find a good marriage for you, so that grandpa can leave with peace of mind.

So, have you heard from your parents recently?"

Speaking of his son and daughter-in-law, the old man was furious. I don't know what my son wants to do! He doesn't want to inherit the family business, but he wants to be an adventurer. He takes his wife out and doesn't come home for several years. Even his daughter was raised by him.

"No, maybe my parents went to some place without signal again? Don't worry, grandpa, they can take care of themselves."

In fact, neither the old man nor the original owner knew what Mr. and Mrs. Ye did, but Wan Ge, who got the plot, knew.

Mr. and Mrs. Ye are actually scientific researchers. The work they do needs to be kept secret, and they can't even tell their families.

Mr. Ye had to hide it from his father, and lied to his father that he wanted to become an explorer and go out for adventures, and this exploration would take several years.

After finally returning home, he couldn't stay for long, and soon he had to continue to invest in research projects.

The original owner really thought that his parents didn't even want their daughter for adventure, and he never forgave his parents.

"As for my marriage, Grandpa, don't worry. I already have someone I like. I'll take you to meet him later. Although his family background is not very good, he is a very good person."

"It's okay as long as he is a good person. Poor family conditions are not a problem. It's just... Xiaoge, you have to make sure that his character is really good."

"Don't worry, Grandpa." Wan Ge patted his shoulder gently again.

The old man instantly thought of Wan Ge's state just now. It was also... he shouldn't worry about it. His granddaughter, who was raised by him, was not a silly and innocent girl.

Thinking of this, the old man wanted to sigh again. If his parents were around, his little granddaughter might be spoiled like a little princess. Although she can stand on her own now, but... maybe there are regrets.

After hearing what Grandpa said, Wan Ge's plan in his mind became clearer and clearer, and he felt that it was time to implement it.

So two days later, Ye Nianzhou received a message on his mobile phone. It was the little sister who added him when he was working part-time in the park a few days ago.

The young lady first sent him a crying emoji, and then sent him another message: [Little brother, I have a favor to ask you to help me with. Are you free this weekend? ]

Ye Nianzhou thought for a while and replied: [Sorry, I have a part-time job on weekends. ]

Wan Ge quickly sent him another message: [Can you take a leave first? I can also pay you for helping me. ]

After Wan Ge finished speaking, he directly transferred 5,000 to him.

Ye Nianzhou looked at the transfer amount and was silent for a moment: [What do you want me to do? I won’t do anything illegal. ]

Ruan Ruan covered her mouth at this moment. At this time, the little villain was still a good citizen who abided by the law, so how did he become a perverted murderer??

Wange immediately replied to him: [Pretend to be my boyfriend and act out a scene with me to meet my parents. My grandfather wanted me to marry someone I didn’t like, but I didn’t want to, so I told him I had a boyfriend. He didn’t believe it unless I brought someone to meet him. ]

Soon, Wane received another reply: [Why did you find me? ]

There were only 5,000 left after the first move, so you could just find a supporting actor, and it would be more professional.

Wange replied again: [Because you are the best-looking person I know, if you just find someone else, your grandfather would definitely not believe it. ]

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