"Isn't this a bit bad? How can you work on weekends?" Others have weekends off, but he works on weekends.

"I just come here to adapt to the environment. We have always been looking for talented people. In addition to your department, there are still students. It's like coming here to work part-time on weekends." But Wan Ge didn't say that the other party was exposed to less core technology.

Even if the other party is a top student, he is not a formal employee after all, and who among the formal employees is not a top student? Who is not a top talent?

But Ye Nianzhou is special.

"Okay." Ye Nianzhou replied softly.

After Ye Nianzhou confessed, the two were officially together. Wan Ge directly issued an official announcement and received many blessings at the same time.

When someone was curious about Ye Nianzhou's identity and wanted to investigate, they found that they could not find anything. Because Wan Ge deliberately concealed his information, just to prevent others from meddling in the investigation.

When the two were in a good relationship, Ye Nianzhou suddenly proposed the idea of ​​changing his name.

Wan Ge was very supportive of him doing this. Although he was a junior and would graduate in a year or two, changing his name now would have some impact on his information and some troubles, but he was not afraid of these troubles.

When he saw his new name, Wan Ge was a little confused: "Why is it Ye Wang?"

Ye Nian Zhou Oh no, now it's Ye Wang, he smiled and said: "Because you said I can do whatever I want now."

Before it was wishful thinking, now it's reckless. Ye is not Ye's father's Ye, but Ye Wan Ge's Ye, she gave him a new life.

"Yes, you can do whatever you want with me here."

Ye Wang nodded.

He is also doing well in the company now. Although some people doubted his ability and were a little dissatisfied with him at the beginning, he completely convinced them with his strong skills. Even though they are obviously his predecessors, they will still ask him for advice on some questions.

Some people don't work on weekends, but they are a little curious that he sometimes stays to work overtime.

Others say that the CEO's boyfriend, Dui Wan Ge, has become the person in power not long ago, and was promoted from vice president to CEO.

It is said that the CEO's boyfriend is also very powerful, and the CEO and her boyfriend are a strong combination.

"Grandpa, I'm here again." Ye Wang would accompany Wan Ge home to see Grandpa every Sunday. From the initial restraint to the current naturalness, it took several weeks.

Grandpa smiled when he saw him: "Come on, I'm waiting for you! Come and play a game with Grandpa, Grandpa doesn't believe you can't win."

Ye Wang had never played chess before, but because Grandpa liked to ask him to play chess with him, he gradually learned it, and because he had a flexible brain and strong logic, he won Grandpa in a short time.

Occasionally, he would pretend to lose to Grandpa, and Grandpa could see through his tricks and let him play well, so gradually Ye Wang also played against Grandpa seriously.

But Grandpa has played chess for so many years after all, and he doesn't lose every game. He occasionally wins, and he will be very happy when he wins.

Wan Ge still cooks occasionally, but every time Ye Wang will help him or be the chef himself.

Everyone thinks that Ye Wang is the future son-in-law of the Ye family. In fact, Wan Ge also plans to get married after Ye Wang graduates. Everything seems to be going smoothly.

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