During the winter vacation, Ye Wang stayed in the company. As for the residence, of course, he lived with Wan Ge, which was relatively close to the company.

Ye Wang did not go home during the New Year. That place was not his home for him. His real home was given to him by the woman in front of him.

Wan Ge also supported him not to go back. Anyway, going back was not necessarily a good thing.

Although his father might not do anything to him again, who can say it well?

Actually, when Wan Ge said that sentence, he didn't know how long the power of that sentence could last. So during that time, Ruan Ruan helped to do some things and let Ye's mother enter his dream. But it was not a beautiful dream, but every time Ye's mother entered the dream, she would cry and ask him why he treated their children like this?

It lasted for about half a month. Ruan Ruan told Ye's mother that it was the last time she entered her dream, and let Ye's mother say whatever she wanted to say.

The last words Ye's mother said were to let her take good care of the children and herself, and hoped that he could forget her and live a good life.

Ruanruan asked him again if he was willing to reincarnate, but Ye's mother was still worried and wanted to see her child and husband again.

Although Wan Ge did those things to her husband, Ye's mother did not hate Wan Ge, because she knew that it was indeed her husband who did something wrong, and she also hoped that her husband could change his ways and treat the child well.

Ye Wang received a red envelope and a Happy New Year from his father on New Year's Day. But he did not accept it, as if he had never seen it before.

He didn't know what Wan Ge had done, and why his father didn't look for him and wouldn't send those insulting words to him. But he felt good.

Although he knew that all his father's resentment towards him was because his mother left, and his mother left because of him, so he had been enduring what his father did to him.

But he was also very sad, very painful, and very wronged in his heart.

He often wondered if he hadn't come to this world, then everything would not be like this, he wouldn't be in pain, and his father wouldn't be in pain either.

To be honest, before meeting Wan Ge, Ye Wang didn't know what kept him alive. Maybe it was just the simple human desire to survive, or maybe it was his father's words: "Why do you have to die? You haven't paid off your sins, how can you die?"

They returned to the old house to celebrate the New Year with their grandfather. During the New Year, many people came to pay New Year's greetings. In fact, there were several banquets invited, but Wan Ge didn't go.

On the first day of the New Year, Xu San Shao came to pay New Year's greetings, and at this time he brought a girl with him.

When Wan Ge saw Qu Yueqing, his mind went blank for a moment: "Who is this?"

No way! No way!

Xu San Shao hugged the girl: "This is my girlfriend Qingqing."

Then he turned to Qu Yueqing and introduced Wan Ge: "This is sister Wan Ge, who has protected me since I was a child."

It is also the credit of the person in front of him that he can now stabilize his position as the president of Xu Corporation.

As for his second brother, he sent people abroad to manage foreign work.

Xu Er Shao did not refuse. He knew very well that once he lost power, it would be a good ending now.

Wan Ge invited them into the house, and then pulled Xu San Shao aside: "I asked you to cause trouble for others, why did you steal his girlfriend?"

Xu San Shao was immediately unhappy: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, his girlfriend is obviously my girlfriend."

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