The young prince bowed to his mother, then turned around to accompany Jiang Wanyin.

I don’t know what the eldest princess did, anyway, the prince consort didn’t mention the matter of taking a concubine later.

At the 100-day banquet for Jiang Wanyin’s youngest daughter, the young prince was named a prince, and Jiang Wanyin became a princess, and the two daughters became little princesses personally named by Feng Chenjiu.

At a young age, they already have their own money.

With this, the prince consort didn’t dare to look down on his two little granddaughters.

In fact, he didn’t dare to show his face to Jiang Wanyin usually, after all, he was the queen’s sister, and His Majesty’s love for the queen was obvious to all.

Although he was His Majesty’s uncle, he was still scared when facing His Majesty.

When Xiaochen was three years old, Wan Ge still had only him as a child, so there were some voices in the court, thinking that the royal family’s offspring was withering, and asked His Majesty to take more concubines.

Feng Chenjiu didn't listen to what they were saying at all. He just thought about whether he should try harder when he thought about what they said about having only one child.

But a few days ago, the queen was angry with him, saying that he was partying every night and she couldn't stand it.

How about discussing it with her?

After thinking it over, Feng Chenjiu went directly to where Wan Ge was after leaving the court. In fact, he was looking for her every time he left the court.

Before he went forward, he heard the conversation between the palace maid and the queen.

"My queen, the cakes you researched are popular with the public, and the silver shop business is booming now."

Wan Ge nodded: "Have you sent the new cakes to the Xiangfu and Jinwangfu?"

Jinwang is Jiang Wanyin's husband, the former little prince, and the only son of the eldest princess.

"I have sent someone to deliver it. In addition, I have brought another copy back to the palace. Please deliver it to His Majesty."

Wan Ge nodded: "Then deliver it to His Majesty."

"What do you want to send to me? Why am I the last one?" If the maid didn't tell me, did she not think of me?

"Father!" The little prince in Wan Ge's arms was very happy when he saw Feng Chenjiu appear. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted his father to hold him.

Feng Chenjiu took the little prince directly and handed him to the person next to him. He stood in front of Wan Ge and whispered: "Ge'er, didn't you think of me?"

Wan Ge looked at the other person's aggrieved expression and knew that the person in front of him was unhappy again. He sighed helplessly: "How could it be?"

Wan Ge took the brocade box handed to her by the maid, and after opening it, there was a very delicate pastry: "It's just that I asked someone to make some ordinary pastries. I don't know if Your Majesty likes it."

Feng Chenjiu still didn't respond. Wan Ge picked up a piece and handed it to his mouth.

At this time, Feng Chenjiu opened his mouth and bit it.

She waved her hand to signal the maid to leave, and the eunuch also left with the little prince in his arms.

When there were only two of them left, Feng Chenjiu said softly: "The ministers said that we only have one child, which is too few, so they asked me to select a concubine."

Feng Chenjiu originally wanted her to understand what he meant, and wanted her to say that they would have another child, but Wan Ge just paused for a moment, and then said: "Then I will ask someone to arrange it?"

"Arrange what?" Feng Chenjiu seemed to understand what she meant at once.

Wan Ge didn't think much about it, and answered directly: "Arrange the selection matters?"

To be honest, it must be uncomfortable, but he knew too well that there were not many people in this era who were together for life, although he heard that the young prince refused to take a concubine.

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